NUDCCW New Ulm Diocesan Council of Catholic Women
Parish Presidents: please have the following published in your local newspaper before convention.
Pre-Convention Press Release
The New Ulm Diocese Council of Catholic Women is planning its 58th Annual Convention, hosted by St. Mary’s Church in Sleepy Eye, MN on Saturday, April 29, 2017.
The convention promises to be an uplifting experience. The theme of the day is: “Proclaim the Word of God”. The keynote speaker will be Cari Donaldson. Take a two-income, quasi-New Age, newlywed couple with two Greyhounds and the resolve never to have children or to embrace any form of organized religion. Add ten years of hunger for “something more”. What do you get? A large Catholic family, of course. Through Cari’s remarkable tale of her conversion and the peace she’s found as a Catholic, you’ll be reminded of the many profound, lifelong blessings God gives you through your Faith, and, yes, even through your daily small troubles and unexpected joys. Above all, Cari tells of the awakening of her love for the Eucharist, the deepening of her love for her husband and her children, and the humility and faith these experiences have nurtured in her. Join other women for a fun, faith filled day! All women of the diocese are invited to attend.
The day will begin with registration and breakfast at 7:30 A.M., and include the keynote speaker in the morning, confessions, Holy Mass celebrated by The Most Holy Reverend Bishop John M. LeVoir, lunch, an afternoon session, a silent auction, an opportunity to pray the Rosary, various displays, vendors, religious article suppliers, and concludes with the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 2:30 P.M. Join us for a day of prayer, education and the opportunity to socialize with the women of the Diocese of New Ulm. Registration information can be found at
(If you wish to send an electronic version of this document to your local newspaper, go to and look for the Word document under 58th Annual NUDCCW Convention.)