Catholic Centre
Father Michael
Father Tai
Father Albert
Sister Goretti
Sister Lyn
Benny Joseph
Therese Asplin
Alison Dawson
Andrew Donaldson
Melissa Marquis
WelcomeTherese welcomed Father Albert and Benny to the PPC Meeting
Reflection/Prayer/Faith Formation
- Led by Father Michael
Business Arising from Previous Meeting
Moved by Father Michael and seconded by Father Tai
- Digital Piano
Wheels and brakes are being put on so that it makes it easier to move
Trish Rogers is making a cover to keep the dust off
- One Voice Hymn Books
- Father Andrew’s Farewell
Father Andrew was very happy and very appreciative of the gift
Gift was two books purchased on the four Gospels - $144
- Clergy Changes
Father Albert has arrived for Cathedral and Rangeway
Father Albert has been to the Year 8 Nagle Retreats and visited St John's First Communicants
Father Albert will be travelling with Father Tai to Mt Magnet etc
- First Holy Communion
St John’s Rangeway (21/9)
SFX Eucharist/Reconciliation Retreat Day was held last Friday (5/9)
Left over food from Retreat was given to Cameliers
Therese has requested contact number for Cameliers – ph 9964 3725
- Diocesan Conference
Accreditation renewal has been applied for staff working in Catholic schools
Therese asked if there is a prayer focus being set up - Andrew believes that is the case
Andrew gave a run down of the program
Therese offered assistance setting up prayer focus if required / Father Michael
Father Michael
Father Michael
Father Michael
Father Michael
Father Michael
Correspondence In
- Nil
- Nil
Working with Children Check
- Will be an item on the PPC Meeting Agenda every month
- Andrew Donaldson- will scan and send a copy of his WWC Card to Benny
- Note to go in the Bulletin regarding the Working with Children Check
Finance Report
- Distributed by Father Michael
- Father Michael working on a budget for the coming financial year
- Specific areas to be budgeted for eg Liturgy etc
- Some categories will change - new headings to be created
- Finances in surplus
- Parishioners costs to attend the Diocesan Conference is being covered by the Parish
- New hymn books will also be covered in finances
- Some term deposits will be amalgamated
- Vehicle provision account will be looked at and reviewed
- Father Michael will not commit any of the Parish funds to the Cathedral Restoration until a concrete figure has been established
- Insurance was the biggest expense last month
- Wages have increased due to Benny's hours being increased –this assists to create a separate entity from the Diocese Office
- Therese enquired about the establishment of a shop that holds Catholic merchandise in the Parish Office - PPC was in agreement about building this up over time
- Parish playgroup has folded- Catholic Centre building is not viable OHS wise. Play equipment will be donated which will clear up some storage in the Parish Office - to happen over the next few months
Father Michael
Liturgy Report
- Simone Bailey Hough has been coming to Mass every second Sunday and play the cello
- Year 11 Nagle student, Angela has been coming along to sing at Mass
- Liturgy meeting to be held in October - looking at new members and planning for Christmas
- Three cloths/falls have been made for funerals at SFX Cathedral
Youth Report
- Youth Group Meeting held last Friday in gym - 20 people in attendance
- Students also singing in choir in Sunday Mass
- Father Tai going away with Year 11 students to East Timor
General Business
- Pastoral Report
Pastoral Accreditation is currently being sought
- Sister Goretti
Mothers’ Prayer Groups, Adoration, Divine Mercy Hour, Rosary
- Signage
Graphics shared
To be installed over the coming week
- Quiet Achiever of the Month
- Cathedral Precinct Project
- PPC Secretary
Sister Goretti
Father Michael
- Next PPC Meeting Thursday 9 October
- Meeting closed @ ?