Agendas for the Vestry Meeting and 97th Annual Parochial Church Meeting, Saturday 25 April 2016, 10.00am in the Parish Centre
Vestry Meeting
- Prayers
- Minutes of the Annual Parishioners Vestry Meeting, 2016
- Election of Church Wardens
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of the 2016 Annual Parochial Church Meeting
- Matters arising
- Parochial Church Council Report
- Financial Report, followed by appointment of the Independent Examiner
- Electoral Roll Report
- Fabric Report
- Deanery Synod Report
- Election of PCC members
- Appointment of Sidespeople
- Appointment of Deanery Synod representatives
- Reports from Committees and Organisations
- Vicar’s Report
- Questions from the floor
- Closing prayers
Minutes of the Vestry Meeting and 96th Annual Parochial Church Meeting, Saturday 16 April 2016, 10.00am in the Parish Centre
Vestry Meeting
- Prayers
- The Rev. Dr. Steve Griffiths opened the meeting with a prayer and remembered Jacky Parnell, following the death of her father.
- Minutes of the Annual Parishioners Vestry Meeting, 2015
- The minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2015 were approved unanimously.
- Election of Church Wardens
- Steve Griffiths introduced the election process and the rules usually governing elections and terms of office. Three nominations had been received for the election of churchwardens:
- Vicky Wiggins, nominated by R H Merrifield, seconded by Robert Malleson;
- Fliss Cox, nominated by Claire Reilly, seconded by Claudia De Rienzo
- Kara McCrory, nominated by Emma Oppong-Addai, seconded by Claire Whetstone
- The three nominees were elected en bloc.
- Vicky Wiggins paid tribute to the dedication Jacky Parnell had shown over her time as a warden.
- Steve Griffiths led the meeting in payer for the new wardens, remembering Jacky and Kara in their difficult personal circumstances on this day.
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
- Apologies for absence
- Apologies for absence had been received from: Beryl and David Holiday, Colin and Anne Griffiths, Robert and Kitty Malleson, David Cater, Stephanie Lane.
- Minutes of the 2015 Annual Parochial Church Meeting
- The minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2015 were approved unanimously.
- Matters arising
- There were no matters raised.
- Parochial Church Council Report
- John Tanner introduced the PCC Report. He highlighted the PPC’s work on the financial position, the Mission Action Plan and the creation of MABS.
- Financial Report
- Claire Whetstone presented the Financial Report. She noted that a small surplus had been achieved in 2015, compared to a significant deficit in the previous year. Donations and legacies had increased as well as other income from hiring of the Parish Centre. Expenditure on charitable activities had increased as a result of MABs, boiler expenditure and the completion of the organ restoration project. Savings had been achieved through the joining the cross-parish buying scheme for utilities. A shortfall on the organ fund had been covered by other income. For 2016 a surplus is forecast.
- Steve Griffiths thanked Claire Whetstone for her work as Treasurer and David Wiggins, Vicki Wiggins and David Lamberti for their work over the last year.
- Steve Griffiths noted that the budget remained tight despite the achievements of the finance team, since a number of major commitments were externally funded. There needs to a major effort to increase income over the coming year. David Wiggins noted that the accounts had been reviewed by the independent examiner Mr Richard Hill of Griffin Stone Moscrop & Co.
- Patience Wilson proposed, seconded by Mark Thebridge, the adoption of the accounts for 2015. They were adopted unanimously.
- Electoral Roll Report
- Vicky Wiggins announced that, at the date of the meeting, there were 238 persons on the electoral roll, an increase of 20 over the previous year.
- Fabric Report
- Steve Griffiths introduced the Fabric Report, reflecting on the significant work of the experienced members of the buildings advisory group over the last year. He highlighted a number of key works carried out. He noted that major commitments remained given the significant backlog of works
- In discussion the following points were raised:
- The loose plasterwork in the north aisle had been removed and sealed. This will shortly be made good in the next few weeks with work on the Rainton memorial area to follow. The proceeds of the summer fair would be dedicated to this, as would other events as they are planned, including summer concerts and any surplus organ recital receipts; and
- The water heater in the kitchen will be replaced if it cannot be repaired.
- Deanery Synod Report
- Patience Wilson presented the Deanery Synod report. There were no points raised in discussion. Steve Griffiths noted that there would be a strengthening of deanery activities as a focus for mission over the coming year.
- Election of PCC members
- The following nominations had been received for membership of the PCC, there being 3 vacancies:
- David Andrews, nominated by Claudia De Rienzo and seconded by Claire Reilly;
- Claire Reilly, nominated by Rex Bourne and seconded by Claudia De Rienzo; and
- Claire Whetstone, nominated by Vicki Wiggins and seconded by Debbie McGill.
- They were elected unanimously.
- Appointment of sidespeople
Lesley BarnesElisabeth BrookeMichael CansfieldClaire CooperAndrea Edwards
Sarah HargreavesSue HolmesDinos KousoulouBarrie LaneRobert Malleson
Debbie McGillClive ParkerCarole ShuttleGill TibbsSue Woollard
Fliss Cox
10.1.The above had indicated a willingness to serve. They were appointed unanimously.
10.2.Steve Griffiths noted that the functions currently carried out by the wardens at services might be extended to sidespeople to support the wardens. The retirement of Vincent Stokes would also mean some realignment of roles.
- Appointment of Deanery Synod representatives
- Patience Wilson and Barrie Lane continued to serve as a Deanery Synod representative until 2017
- Reports from Committees and Organisations
- In discussion the following points were raised:
- Fliss Cox introduced the Wardens’ report. She highlighted: the Quinquennial; the wardens’ meeting with the Bishop; and the discussions leading to the forthcoming appointment of a curate;
- Steve Griffiths led the meeting through the other reports tabled at the meeting. In discussion:
- it was asked how the choir saw itself developing. The challenges of funding for a Director of Music were noted. Choir members are to discuss with the school governors the possibility of establishing a junior choir. A vote of thanks was recorded to the choir;
- the work of MABS was highlighted with reference to its work in specific cases; along with the interactions being taken forward by the Dads’ Group. Thanks was recorded for the hard work and achievements of Jo Griffiths and Barry Easton;
- it was noted the school governors had discussed mindfulness, and it was also noted that the Schools Chaplain will raise meditation and prayer spaces in school with the Head teacher;
- Olive Cope expressed her thanks to all of those who had contributed to the celebration of her fifty years of ministry and her retirement.
- Appointment of Auditor
- Jeremy Taylor proposed and Sue Woollard seconded the motion that Mr Richard Hill of Griffin Stone Moscrop & Co should be appointed as independent examiner for 2016. The motion was approved unanimously.
- Vicar’s Report
- Steve Griffiths introduced his report and highlighted the main issues covered, in particular the emerging picture around attendances, where average weekly attendances had increased from around 200 to just under 400. Most of the growth was in adult attendances as a result of the increase in the number of mid-week services. The proposed introduction of a monthly messy church should encourage increases in child attendances where there has, however, been a 5% increase. A focus on festivals would encourage children’s attendances further. Setting aside the new mid-week services there had been a similar 5% year on year increase in adult attendances, with particular increases in the Sunday 8am service attendance. There are concerns about attendances at Parade Services. This is being monitored but there may be a relationship with the changes in numbers attending the 10.45am service following parade service.
- Barry Easton responded to questions about the attendance of the 4th Enfield Scout Group at Parade Services and set out what he is doing on a regular basis to build links with the uniformed groups.
- Steve Griffiths outlined the spiritual growth of the church over the last year, including the inclusive communion policy and the number of confirmations. Note was taken of the ministry work of MABs and the initiatives being considered by the Mark 3 Reference Group. Thanks were expressed for the establishment of the mid-week services.
- Over the coming year there will be a further strengthening of the Anglican identity of the church, recognising the significant progress and deepening which had been achieved over the last year. In part there needed to be a move visible demonstration of the church’s history. There would be a focus on: the establishment of messy church in the autumn; the arrival of Lizzie Baughen as curate; developing a trained and commissioned lay ministry to; and further work on the fabric of the Church and the Parish Centre.
- Steve Griffiths gave his thanks to Olive Cope, the Wardens; the Treasurer and finance team; Simone Berndes, and everyone who is actively engaged in ministry. A vote of thanks was noted to Vincent Stokes in the light of his upcoming retirement. Steve Griffith expressed his particular thanks to Jo Griffiths for her support over the last year.
- Questions from the floor
- The following points were raised:
- Permission had been given to remove the squirrels from the clock tower in the next week;
- There will not be a like for like replacement of the verger role with Vincent Stokes’ retirement. This will be considered at the next substantive PCC meeting;
- Contributions to the e-Zine should be sent to Steve Griffiths for inclusion. It was possible for copies to be printed and given to those without internet access. Steve Griffiths would be writing to those who had received the hard copy parish magazine and volunteers were willing to help arrange e-Zine subscription;
- The Mark 5 reference group is considering recycling and options for the Parish Centre.
- Closing prayers
- Steve Griffiths closed the meeting with a prayer.
Annual Report on the Proceedings of the PCC
Review of Progress and Achievements to December 2016
The PCC met six times during 2016. The minutes of the meetings are on the Parish website.
At the 2016 APCM, three new members of the PCC were elected: David Andrews, Claire Reilly and Claire Whetstone The first meeting after the APCM was for the appointment of officers and appointments to the Advisory Groups. At this meeting Claire Whetstone was appointed as Treasurer and Claire Reilly was appointed as Safeguarding officer. John Tanner was co-opted to the PCC and appointed as Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
The Rev Lizzie Baughen subsequently joined the PCC on her appointment as curate in July 2016. David Andrews resigned from the PCC in July 216 on entering the employment of the PCC as a Parish Assistant.
In line with the streamlined governance arrangements previously agreed by the PCC, and set out in last year’s report a small number of Advisory Groups were established: Finance; Buildings; MABs; and the Standing Committee.
Building on the continuing development of a Mission Shaped Church, and the need to address significant financial and other challenges, the PCC has dealt with a number of major developments in 2016.
Mission Action Plan – The PCC has monitored and considered the development of the Mission Action Plan throughout the year. The elements not covered elsewhere in this report are noted below.
Mark 1 – Telling the Gospel
- Mark 1 Reference Group set up
- New Eucharistic liturgy for the season of Ordinary Time
- New Eucharistic liturgy for the season of Lent
- New Eucharistic liturgy for the season of Easter
- New Eucharistic liturgy for the season of Advent
- New Eucharistic liturgy for the season of Christmas
- New Eucharistic liturgy for the season of Epiphany
- Review of choreography for chalice assistants and servers
- Marketing Group established to consider logo and strapline
- New BCP Booklet initiated
- CCLI License extended
- Relocation of Remembrance Sunday service to 10.30am
- New Logo and Strapline for St. Andrew’s
- Midweek Eucharist established
- Morning Prayer twice per week established
- Evening Prayer twice per week established
- Full complement of Lent, Holy Week and Easter services introduced
- Pentecost Week Prayer Stations – 2016
- Introduction of chasubles
- Relocation of font to main door
- Remembrance Week Prayer Stations – 2016
Mark 2 – Teaching and nurturing disciples
- Confirmation Service for 17 members of the congregation – February 2015
- Confirmation Service for 11 members of the congregation – February 2016
- Launch of ‘Table Talk 15’, small group for adults recently confirmed
- ‘Introduction the Bible’ course initiated and run 3 times
- ‘Who is Jesus?’ study course initiated and run once
- ’39 Articles’ study course initiated and run once
- ‘Core Values of the Christian Faith’ course initiated and run once
- Strategic links formed with our Uniformed Organisations through MABS
- Daily meditations appearing on the Facebook Group
- Prayer Stations in church for the Diocesan Week of Prayer 2016
- Commissioned Ministry training initiated in September 2016
Mark 3 – Tending to those in need
- Mark 3 Reference Group set up
- Funds raised to appoint a Youth & Community Worker
- Funds raised to appoint a Families Chaplain
- Youth & Community Worker appointed
- Families Chaplain appointed
- Purchase of new First Aid Boxes and Accident Books
- ‘Safe Use of Ladders and Step Ladders’ Guidelines introduced
- ‘Safer Recruitment’ Policy introduced
- ‘Lone Worker’ Policy introduced
- Children’s Corner established
- Strategic links formed with the Primary School and Enfield Grammar School through
- Welcome Packs introduced to church
- Parish Assistant appointed
Mark 4 – Transforming the unjust structures of society
- Mark 4 Reference Group set up
- Weekly food collections for Enfield Foodbank started
- St. Andrew’s becoming a Foodbank Voucher Distribution Point
Mark 5 – Treasuring God’s creation
- Mark 5 Reference Group set up
- Environmental Policy has been adopted
- Conversations happening with the Diocese about becoming an Eco-Church
MABS - Messy Church at St. Andrew’s was launched in October 2016 through MABS. Our first service was was attended by 37 children 40 adults. In December 2016, a weekly daytime group for single parents and their children was launched. MABS has also launched a ‘Twins and Multiple Births’ group. This meets each Wednesday morning in term-time, and both are proving very popular. The “Dad’s with Young Children” group is going from strength to strength.
MABS has been running Thursday evening sessions on Parenting. These have been well attended and very enjoyable and informative. It is the intention to repeat them in 2017 with a fresh cohort of attendees.
Discussions are underway about the possibility of MABS becoming a Diocesan Minster. The Diocese itself has been successful in Round One of their grant application to the Church Commissioners to undertake this project. Round Two will happen soon after Easter and we should have a definitive answer early in the summer as to whether this is likely to proceed. In addition, discussions are underway with the Cambridge Theological Federation to have MABS approved as a London Campus to deliver a CertHE in ‘Theology, Mission and Ministry’.
The Diocese has launched an ‘apprentice’ scheme to train youth workers over a 3-year period to BA level. The apprentice works in a parish for 30 hours per week and studies Youth Work one day per week at college for the duration of the training period. Rev Dr Steve is currently in conversation with the Diocese about MABS having an apprentice from September 2017.
The Bishop of London Mission Fund has agreed the second year of funding - £20,000 – following receipt of a first-year Report. The MABS project has been ahead of budget for the 2016 financial year. Money is stewarded very carefully indeed, because we are mindful of the shortfall that may await us in 2019 without appropriate management of resources. Rev Dr Steve is now beginning the process of exploring further avenues for funding. It is anticipated that proactive fundraising from Trusts, businesses and other Grant-making bodies will begin in 2017 when more data is available.
Parish Finances – The PCC notes that for 2016, and before items of exceptional income and expenditure are taken into account it has incurred a deficit of £4,073. When exceptional income and expenditure (including the refurbishment of the Parish Centre flat) the deficit increases to £6,703. The exceptional expenditure on the flat will be recovered through rental income. For 2016 the PCC approved a budget forecasting a very modest surplus of some £600, before any exceptional items of income and expenditure are considered.
Buildings – During the year the PCC oversaw the exceptional expenditure required to carry out repairs and redecoration in both the North Aisle and the Chancel. It also oversaw the renovation of the Parish flat, referred to above and that of the Ladies and Disabled toilets in the Parish Centre. The works on the parish centre drains and an initial phase of works to address issues with trees in the car park and blocking disabled access to the church, noted as planned in the previous report, have been carried out.
A new electronic car park barrier has been installed and is working well. This has, coupled with the installation of CCTV, increased security around the Parish Centre
The PCC has monitored progress against the recommendations of the Quinquennial Report and other necessary works, at each of its meetings. These have included: safety measures in the bell tower; various lighting repairs; repairs to the cartilage wall, funded by the Diocese, fire-safety, security of the parish centre and those using it. Ongoing issues regarding the quality of cleaning provided by contractors were addressed and