Dr P A A Wood & Partners Patient Participation Group

Minutes of the meeting held on 14thOctober 2015


Present:Refer to sign-in sheet attached


No. / Detail / Who / Status
1 / Minutes of the last meeting dated [15th July 2015]
The minute are on the website.
2 / Apologies
Janet Sharp
Patricia Fairbrother
Alan Nicholls
4 / Introduction to attending Practice staff:
Geraldine Comery: Practice Manager, Chair
Sue O’Key– Patient Services Team Leader
Dr Furness
Actions from Previous Meeting:
The marketing for the patient group was sent out to the virtual patient group and is in the Practice newsletter.
The new patient comment card has been implemented. It also advertises the patient group. The advertising of the patient group is also to go out to specific groups through nurses and doctors.
Purchase of bell; it has been ordered and is coming from China to the Park Farm Surgery. There will be a trial run to see if it improves the service. / GC / Completed
5 / Agenda item: Future of the Patient Group
GC introduced TR and said that she had offered to be the chair or secretary. TR introduced herself but said that if she was to be a member then she could only make evenings once the baby arrives. Time suggested by Doctor 6.30pm. Discussed times to try and attract other members, particularly who work in the day. All agreed on 7pm, 10th February for the next meeting.
6 / Agenda item: Practice Projects
  1. Step down beds. There is currently a move to greater care of patients in the community. This area does not have good hospice provision. Nursing homes have facility for palliative care and funding has been made available for the step down beds to continue. This also helps free up hospital beds. There will be 2 beds at Abbey Court and 2 at Brookfields. The surgery also looks after many other nursing homes (8 in total) and 2 residential homes.
  1. Laptops:Laptops will go out to home visits. This comes from winter pressures funding.
  1. Text messaging: NHS text messaging is continuing and GC is investigating whether this surgery can do this. RF said there is often a problem with up to date numbers and confidentiality. Texts are sent as a reminder to someone. It wouldn’t replace the booking system but would be an additional reminder. Confidential information would not be contained in the text reminder – it would be generic.RF explained that you wouldn’t leave confidential information on a non-specific answer phone. One member asked if it was optionalto which RF replied yes. RF said it was a good means to communicate on a bulk scale. The group also discussed benefits for patients who speak little English.
  1. DocMail: Currently letters all produced in house. DocMail is an external company and is used by other practices and the NHS. One member asked about problems associated with using the postal service and there being delays. DocMailis used for non-urgent matters and uses its own couriers.This is another area the surgery is looking into.
/ GC
GC / Completed
In progress
Action(s):No actions
9 / Agenda item: Topical New
  1. RF writes an article for the newsletter. The next issue will be recruitment of GPs. To let RF know any suggestions for future topics. RF advised that it is best if it isn’t clinical issues that affects just a few. One member suggested a short piece of information on each doctor. RF said there is information on the website and it could be put on the newsletter as well. RF explained the surgery is a teaching practice and explained the use for the surgery as well as benefits to the individuals.
Patient Group Questions:
  1. One member suggest asked if the Practice could consider asking patients (who are also carers) to give a holistic view to new registrars.
  1. One member said she was concerned there was too much reliance on the telephone appointments.RF said he would always rather have someone come into the surgery.He said appropriateness is considered as some would be happy with a telephone call. One member agreed that come patients would prefer a telephone appointment so it is an additional service.
  1. One member had heard another patient say the doors were very awkward. RF said we have looked into automatic door before but it isn’t feasible as there isn’t the room for different doors. The member said that the use of the other door (side) works well for when people have the flu jabs. Part of the problem is security. One member said it was a particular problem for wheelchair and pushchairs. There is an intercom at Vernon Street so a receptionist can speak to wheelchair users and this is being looked into at Park Farm.
Any other business
  1. Fire Alarms: The tests will now happen when there are patients in the building. They will be on Friday between 1-1.30pm. They will test different points. One member said that there may be a problem if there was an actual fire at these times, people would not believe it was a real fire. GC said there is a risk assessment and it usually stops after a short time if it is a practise. For the practise test they do not evacuate. There will be an evacuation practise in the near future.
  1. Efficient use of time:The building is usually busy as this is the most efficient use of the Practice. RF explained a change to the old method of home visits at lunch time. This means that the surgery is busy at all times.
  1. Flu jabs: One member asked why there is a big gap between two sets of flu jabs.RF explained that it is probably due to storage. Eg. flu jabs should not be stored in the same fridge as milk. GC also said the surgery tries to avoid October half term as people are often away. One member said it was useful when she was offered it whilst she was at the nurse for another reason and this helped relieve the pressure on a Saturday.
  1. Guest speakers/ pharmacies: One member asked if a guest speaker was ever invited to the patient group. Continued in next point.
  1. One member said there was a problem with the stock kept in Boots. RF said if you are not happy then you can use another pharmacy and that Boots is not linked to the surgery. The member said it wouldbe difficult as Boots is the local pharmacy. One member said at Boots she had had a good service eg. given good advice. GC said she believed they were trying to rectify any problems.
RF also said pharmacists have been helpful as an extra check. He explained that a pharmacist comes to the surgery from the medicines management unit. She comes in half a day a week. It was suggested it may be a good idea to invite someone from the pharmacy to the patient group.
One member said that with the electronic system (at Boots) it means there is an increased workload and there have been teething problems.RF said that the practicality of the system isn’t working yet. GC said the surgery is not in control of the service at the pharmacy end.
One member asked if it was easy to change pharmacy. RF said you just have to request it or go to another pharmacy. He confirmed that the pharmacist who comes to surgery is not a dispensing pharmacist. / RF / Consider
Action(s): None
10 / Proposed next meeting date 10th February 2016, 7pm
Meeting closed at 2.15pm