Name: ______

Evolution Computer Assignment

Find each article on the internet, read the article then answer the questions. Each article can be found using the url OR by typing in the title and author into Google.

The Evolution of Behaviour

Male Monkey Cares for Dying Partner – Matt Walker

What type of monkey is featured in this article?

What stressful situation did the monkey find himself in?

How long had the pair been together?

What types of behaviour was the male engaging in when around his dying female?

From an evolutionary perspective, why do you think the male monkey was behaving the way he was?

Female Humpback Whales Swim to the Shallows to Avoid Sexual Harassment – BBC Nature

Where do female humpback whales bring their calves to raise them?

What are some hypotheses of why female humpback whales bring their calves to shallow waters (2 hypotheses)?

Why is it evolutionary advantageous for a female whale with calf to avoid male whales?

Why is it evolutionary advantageous for male whales not to pursue female whales in shallow waters?

Human Evolution

Natural Selection has Altered the Appearance of Europeans for the past 5 000 years – Science Daily

What pigments were preferred by natural selection up until 5 000 years ago?

Why has natural selection favoured lighter pigments in Europeans over the past 5 000 years?

How has sexual selection affected the evolution of pigment in humans?

If a trait is sexually selected does that mean that natural selection would also favour it? Explain.

Human Effects on Evolution

Humans Drive Evolution of Conch Size – Science Daily

What’s another term for human-driven natural selection?

What effect did human harvesting have on the size at maturity of conch shells?

Over how many years did this evolution happen?

What are some negative consequences for the conch due to this human induced selection?


Go to this website: to learn all about de-extinction.

What is de-extinction?

Go to the Species Extinction time-line: (can also be found in the interactive area of the de-extinction page)

Name one bird, mammal, amphibian and reptile that has gone extinct since the year 1600:

Species / Where is it from? / When did it go extinct? / Why did it go extinct?

What is your opinion on de-extinction? Do you think it is a good idea? Why?

What animal would you like to see brought back to life?

Do you think de-extinction and reintroduction of extinct animals would help or hurt ecosystems? Explain.