Chairman : Mr. Richard Allen.
Parish Clerk and RFO : Louise Stevens
The Red House, 1 Holt Road, Letheringsett, Holt, NR25 7AR
Tel : 01263 713857. email :
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting of Cley Parish Council held on Tuesday 6th
June 2017 in The Club Room, Cley at 7.30pm.
Attending : Chairman Cllr. Richard Allen, Vice-Chairman Cllr. Mark Randell, Cllr. Judith
Holman, Cllr. Richard High, Cllr. Tim Baker, Cllr. Simon Read and Cllr. JohnPryor.
There were 9 Parishioners present.
Also present were County Councillor Sarah Butikofer and Louise Stevens, Parish Clerk and RFO and PC Jason Pegden.
- Welcome and Apologies and reasons for absences :
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
There were apologies from District Councillor David Young, who was ill.
The Chairman, Richard Allen made a short speech, explaining that he is resigning and stepping down as Chairman. He especially thanked Louise for all her work during his term as Chairman.
Vice-Chairman Mark Randell took up the position as acting Chairman for the meeting.
There will be an Election for a new Chairman at the next meeting.
2. Declarations of Interest and requests for Dispensations :
Cllr. Judith Holman declared her interest over the proposed social/housing site on Church Lane, Cley.
3. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 2nd May 2017 :
Mr. James Knapp made an objection to the minutes.
The Clerk informed the meeting that the email, which District Councillor David Young had received from Sarah Butikofer, and had only read out part of , had been attached to the previous minutes, in Matters Arising, and that would be sufficient, should anyone wish to read the minutes.
A discussion was held about the possibility of draft minutes becoming public before they are approved by the Parish Council. The clerk will enquire whether is regulation.
However, the minutes are circulated to all Councillors , the week before the next meeting,
and it is hoped that should there be a query, it could be sorted before the meeting.
When the minutes are in the meeting, to be approved that cannot be changed, and any queries, will be dealt with in Matters Arising from the minutes , the next item on the agenda.
Richard Allen proposed the minutes, and Tim Baker seconded them.
Vice-Chairman Mark Randell duly signed them.
After the minutes are approved they are placed on the website.
4. Matters Arising from the minutes for information only :
The concerns about the minutes had been discussed previously.
No date was set to start record meetings.
5. To receive reports :
5.1. Police :
PC Jason Pegden gave his report to the meeting :
There had been 6 calls to the police in the last month.
There has been lead theft from church roofs in neighbouring parishes , so parishioners were asked to be vigilant, especially if any suspicious
vehicles are seen near churches.
Parking Warning Notices had been placed on cars causing obstructions, and unauthorised parking. These have been successful in Wells, and if the Parish Council agrees, they can used in Cley. The Parish Council agreed that this could help with the traffic problems. Jason will forward a copy to Louise for approval.
Vice-Chairman Mark Randell thanked PC Pegden for his report.
5.2. Chairmans Report :
Richard Allen gave his report to the meeting , starting with the Housing Consultation held
in the church in October, which was very well attended, and it was obvious from the responses, that the majority of parishioners are in favour of the proposed four social/affordable houses on the allotments.
During his time as Chairman, Richard encouraged parishioners and visitors to use the free car park at the Village Hall, to help with traffic congestion in the village.
Finally, Richard expressed that in his opinion, the with the renovations at Sunbeams/Fishmongers and The Manor House had been carried out very well.
District Councillor David Young sent his report to the clerk by email and a copy of this will be attached to the minutes.
County Councillor Sarah Butikofer gave her report to the meeting :
Sarah stated that County Council business will resume after the General Election this week.
Sarah is a member of of the Police and Crime Panel, and has discussed the problems of excess speeding in the 20mph speed limit on Coast Road, with Steve White, Highways Manage, and he had suggested attending a meeting here in the village, including the Parish Council, when Mr. Knapp's results are available.
Sarah has not received a reply from Theresa Futter, the Police Inspector.
Richard Allen mentioned that he also had discussed this matter with Steve White and the possible options. White gates placed at the entrances to the village, from all directions, the same as Edgefield have installed, are acceptable to Highways, but are very expensive.
Sarah mentioned that the mobile flashing signs, are also expensive.
Richard Allen also mentioned he had enquired about the possible reduction of the national speed limit on Old Woman's Lane, to 30mph, but this has been rejected by Highways, as this road is a very rural road, with very little buildings along the route.
Vice-Chairman Mark Randell thanked Sarah for her report.
5.4. Affordable housing / Victory Housing :
There has been no correspondence this month from Victory Housing.
Louise mentioned that she has been informed from Karen Ward, District Councillor for Wiveton and Letheringsett with Glandford Parish , that Victory housing are obliged to offer their ex-rental properties for sale on the open market at reasonable prices for twelve months, and only then, if they do not receive offers on these properties, can they put them on the market at the full market price.
There has been several Victory ex-rental properties sold off by Victory in the last few years for open market prices, without being offered at reasonable prices first, and this has been commented on by the Parish Council, at many meetings in the past.
Victory has been challenged on this matter by the Parish Council, and their response to this has been that they have to achieve the highest price possible for these properties, as they are members of the Charities Commission, which is not entirely correct.
Simon Read has drafted a letter to Victory, challenging them again and he will add these points to this letter.
5.5. Village Hall and Play Area :
Tim Baker gave his report to the meeting :
It's goodbye and thank you to David Ford and Mandy Allen. Christine Williamson and Fiona Bull are now joint Chairmen. Roy Williamson and David Bull, their husbands have joined them on the committee.
The financial situation continues to be solid, although the donations have tailed off a little.
Edward Cox and the CADS have been very generous.
There are many regular users of the village hall, NADFAS, NWT, CADS and North Norfolk
The Pop-Up Cafe is still very popular. The three recent Bank Holidays raised in the order of £2160.00 gross. It will reappear during August Weekends.
Sophie G and the Good Times was slightly disappointing in ticket sales at £373.00, but the bar made £598.00 gross.
The race night is on 17th June, £3 entry and £1 bet, with the bar open.
Katriona Taylor is appearing on 1st July, £8 entry and the bar will be open.
Forthcoming events are : From Here to absurdity, a revenue, on 27th October and the Hog Roast is planned for November 11th, with the Christmas Fair booked for December 2nd.
There will be an additional raffle to support the Sunday Night Social on 9th July, the usual £1 in the kitty, for which you will be given a raffle ticket. The winner takes half of whatever's in the kitty. This raffle will take place on the second Sunday of every month,
so 9th July, 13th August and 10th September etc.
The wall at the front has now been repaired, this just leaves the driveway, is it a matter for the Parish Council?
Mark thanked Tim for his report.
It was agreed to send a letter to David Ford and Mandy Allen to thank them for all their hard work at the Village Hall.
Mark suggested that the driveway at the village hall could be discussed at a later meeting,with Richard High commenting that some type 1 gravel could be the answer.
5.6. Allotments :
Louise mentioned that she had rented out two new plots since the last meeting.
There had been reports of bonfires on the site, and it is known who is having these fires and will be sent a letter, if they persist.
6. Planning :
6.1. Planning Decisions :
Planning Application Number PF / 15 / 1026
Erection of replacement dwelling at Ashley, Coast Road, Cley, NR25 7SA for
Ms. Reynolds. PERMIT.
Planning Application Number PF / 17 / 0398
Erection of single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory, and extension to front porch at Curates House, The Fairstead, Cley , NR25 7RJ for
Mr. and Mrs. Haverty. PERMIT.
Planning Application Number LA / 17 / 0416
Replacement windows and insertion of double glazing at Well Cottage, Newgate Green, Cley, NR25 7TT for Mrs. Joanna Crane. CONSENT.
Planning Application Number. LA / 16 / 1071
Variation of condition 2 of listed building consent 15/1824 to allow for retention of under pinning under west facing wing, formation of brick plinth in front of, and partial reconstruction of west facing gable, reforming of parapets , insertion of door to North gable, insertion of roof lights to east and south elevation roof slopes, insertion of glazed screen to west elevation, reconstruction of Flint panel, alterations to roof structure, insertion of internal block walls, cladding to extension and reordering of approved room layout at Green Farm Barn, Cley, NR25 7UD for Mr and Mrs. Armstrong. CONSENT.
Planning Application Number PF / 16 / 1070
The same details as LA / 16 / 1071 see above , at Green Farm Barn, Cley, NR25 7UD
For Mr. And Mrs. Armstrong PERMIT.
6.2. Planning Applications :
PF / 17 / 0683 To form annexe for residential accommodation for permanent career at
Old Rectory Farm, Holt Road, Cley, for Mr. Blount. NO OBJECTIONS, NO COMMENTS.
PF / 17 / 0784. Removal of first floor rear window with installation of French doors and glass balcony over existing flat roof at The George and Dragon Hotel, Cley, NR25 7RN
LA / 17/ 0769. Replacement windows to the front elevation at 1 Long House Yard,
PF / 17 / 0737. Erection of single storey dwelling to provide accommodation for holiday Lettings at Loke House, Taylor's Loke, Cley, NR25 7 RQ. OBJECTION.
This application is considered as over development by the Parish Council, who a also have concerns about the access problems.
Louise told the members that she had contacted the planning officer, Mr. Colin Ruebens,
at North Norfolk District Council, about the demolition of Vareness. He has since replied , with the reference 17/0087, the alleged contravention of planning permission
PF/ 16 / 0272, and has suggested that the applicants will possibly be requested to submit a new planning application to support this.
The current practice of online planning applications, is not ideal for Cley Parish Council, who would still prefer to see paper plans, Louise will make enquiries with NNDC, to see whether this could still be available to us.
7. Old Harbour Project :
Simon told the members that he and John Pryor had opened a bank account with Barclays Bank with the intention of separating funds for the Old Harbour project from the Parish Council's account. This had only been discussed, but was not formally agreed at any meeting. There was another signatory on the account, Mr Gerald Peploe, who is not a Parish Councillor. Louise asked if she and the Parish Council were included on this
account, as this is necessary for the Parish Council, but she was informed that the account has not been set up to include the Parish Council. This will be discussed with Simon and John in the near future.
14 cockle boats made a visit last month, and coffee and bacon rolls were served and made £200.00 profit. A return visit is planned for next year.
At the last working party, about 12 volunteers helped put in and fix 16 riding posts and 6 further mooring posts at Beau Rivage.
At the next working party, it is intended to finish the quay heading and join to the concrete wall, and to clear the undergrowth to smaller quay area behind the sea defence.
8. Correspondence :
Louise said that she had received several emails from Mr. Knapp and he wanted them to be read out, but Mr. Knapp said that his concerns had been discussed earlier in the meeting.
Carol Verlander had contacted the Council, by email, and suggested that a Village Map could be installed in the village hall. This will be discussed at another meeting.
A letter had been received from Open Spaces, and Louise read it out for the Council. It was detailing its concerns over Footpath numbers 4 and 12, and the lack of access to these paths.
It was agreed to reply to Open Spaces, and Mark suggested that these areas were walked and checked and put on the agenda for the next meeting.
Simon Read suggested finger post to make walkers aware of these footpaths.
Judith Holman also raised her concerns that signs have appeared actually attached to the sea wall, and questions the permission for this.
9. Financial matters :
9.1. Monthly statement :
Louise circulated copies of the monthly financial statement for May to all members, and presented the original bank statements from Barclays Community and Deposit Accounts.
All members AGREED these figures.
9.2. Payments to be made from 3rd May - 6th June 2017 :
There were four payments to approve this evening :
Josh biz. 375.00
NALC. 123.41
Toilets. 105.60
NORSE. 1924.14
Total due. £2,528.15
Members AGREED these payments, cheques were drawn and duly signed.
Louise presented the members with the annual accounts and the Audit return, to be approved and signed for the internal audit later this month.
These were inspected and duly signed by Vice-Chairman Mark Randell.
Roger Brownsword mentioned that the slope on the Coast Road, by the bus stop had been widened by a parishioner , for pushchair access. Mark said that sorting this slope is now top priority and hopefully will have it resurfaced before the next meeting. Roger also mentioned that the bins for residents along the track outside his property had not been emptied regularly by the dustmen , as parked cars were obstructing the path of the bin lorries. He suggested a letter drop along the road expressing concerns.
Mr. Knapp explained that he now had a speed camera installed outside his property on the Coast Road, and that it was pointing in the Blakeney direction. Some data has been collected and speeds in excess of 30mph have been recorded. Mr. Knapp will report the results fully next month.
Mrs. Read confirmed that the speed of the traffic through the village is a problem, with some cars racing each other.
Mark said that the speed survey data will help.
A collection box for ideas about the parking and traffic problems in the village was suggested, and John Pryor agreed to a box being placed in PicNic Fayre to collect comment slips.
Louise mentioned that the Norfolk Coast Partnership are funding the burying of the overhead cables in the Glaven Valley, and she has made enquiries about the overheads along the Beach Road , and she will keep the Parish Council up to date with progress.
10. Items for the next agenda :
Election of Officers :
Footpath Access :
11. Date of the next meeting :
Tuesday 4th July 2017 at 7.30pm.
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 9.40pm.
Chairman. Date.