Parish Clerk and RFO (Acting): Louise Stevens

The Red House, 1 Holt Road, Letheringsett, NR25 7AR

Tel: 01263 713857 email


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Cley Parish Council on Tuesday 1st

December 2015 in The Club Room, Cley at 7.30pm.

Attending: Chairman Richard Allen, Vice-Chairman Mark Randell, Cllr. High,

Cllr. Tim Baker and Cllr. Simon Read, Cllr. John Pryor, Mrs Louise Stevens RFO and 11 members of the public. County Councillor Mr. M. Baker.

1. Welcome, apologies and reasons for absence

TheChairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. There were apologies from Cllr. Judith

Holman and District Councillor David Young.

2. Declarations of interest and requests for Dispensations :

There were none.

3. Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 3rd. November 2015 :

On a PROPOSAL by Cllr. Mark Randellthe minutes were APPROVED, Seconded by Cllr. Tim Baker and signed by The Chairman as a true record.

4. Matters arising from the Minutes for information only :

Cllr. Simon Read informed the members that in his report on his meeting with the owner of a possible site for an exception development , the location was incorrect and in

future, the two sites would be referred to as the North and the South sites in Church Lane.

5. Receive Reports :


5.1 Election :

An Election which had been called by more than ten electors, was due to be held on 17th

December 2015. However, no new candidates had come forward, therefore John Pryor

who had previously applied for Co-Option, was duly elected as our new Parish Councillor.

The Chairman welcomed John Pryor to the Parish Council.

5.2. Police :

There was no Police Report this month.

5.3. Victory Housing and social housing :

Simon Read reported that there had been another meeting with the owner of the Field

site on Church Lane. This included Representatives from Blakeney Neighbourhood

Housing Society and Holt Housing Society. The owner of the site is still keen to generously

donate the land and so negotiations are under way to find a suitable housing provider.

The Chairman thanked Simon Read for this report.

There has been no report from Victory this month.

The Clerk had received an email from Mrs. Elaine Ferguson, Housing Officer at North

Norfolk District Council. Mrs. Ferguson expressed her concerns that the search for an

alternative site to the Victory Holt Road site was still ongoing. Members discussed this

situation and agreed that negotiations of this importance , do take some while, and even then, an Open Public meeting will be organised to speak to residents about their thoughts and comments on these proposed plans for an exception site in the village, so a decision will not be available by the end of the year.

Cllr. Read will reply to Mrs. Ferguson on behalf of the Parish Council.

At this stage in the meeting the Chairman invited Mr.Ian Leatherbarrow from the Norfolk

Wildlife Trust to speak. Also present was Nick Morritt, head of the Visitors Centre.

Mr. Leatherbarrow explained that the forthcoming Alcohol License for the Visitors Centre,

is to enable the NWT to be able to provide drinks with food and meals during their events.

The license will be for 24 / 7, although alcohol will available during their normal opening hours of 10 to 4 / 5pm weekdays and 6.30 / 7.00pm until 9.00 / 9.30pm, with the average

of one event per month.

This was queried by members and the public, especially as the village hall successfully

organises many events, and this could be competition for them.

The owner of The George Hotel specifically mentioned the fact that the NWT were a

Charity, and with comes many advantages over normal businesses.

The Chairman thanked the NWT for their report and they left the meeting.

5.4. District Councillors report :

District Councillor David Young sent his report :


Cabinet in November agreed to offer a three-year contract for the provision of advice and

information services to Mid-Norfolk CAB. They in turn will have a partnership agreement

with Norfolk CAB. The contract will cover the whole area of North Norfolk. The new

arrangements will commence in January and will provide more contact points, including

some food-banks and Sure-Start centres.

NNDC has agreed to join with Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Suffolk Coastal DC

and Waveney DC to form the Norfolk and Suffolk Coastal Management Team.

This will provide greater access to existing expertise by seconding staff to other areas and

make it easier to recruit personnel with suitable qualifications and experience in managing

our coastline.

The sharing of GYBC and NNDC's Chief Executive and Head of Finance went ahead as

from the second week in November but the promised plan of how NNDC will manage the

loss of their time was not available when the Full Council met, nor since. The

arrangements clearly benefit Great Yarmouth , who had vacant posts , but it is of concern

that the costs to NNDC have not been considered in advance of the arrangements, details

of which are still not clear.

As part of its statutory requirements, Full Council agreed to the formation of an

Independent Renumeration Panel to undertake the regular review of member's

allowances. Increases recommended by recent panels have not been implemented

in the current economic circumstances.

Community Action Norfolk ( formerly Norfolk Rural Community Council ) have set up a bulk

buying scheme to achieve cheaper priced heating oil.

I have been chasing the Environment Agency as to the repairs to the Glaven Outfall bank

and its interface with higher ground west of Marsh Lane. I understand that there were

delays in assessing the magnitude of the project and the scope has increased

considerably. Works are now due to take place between December and March. This

will involve reinstating the bank to a suitable height, both the Glaven Outfall bank and

the Cley Closure bank. At the same time they will install a new lining to the culvert running

beneath the Outfall bank. The need to import material is expected to require about 100

vehicle deliveries, but fortunately these will be arriving via Blakeney and will not go through


Stop Press :

Following the withdrawal of the Mast application at Blakeney, this was included in the Chancellors Autumn Statement :

" The government's key investment priority mobile phone signal will be the long-planned

roll-out of a national 4G network for the emergency services. This will be based on

expanding infrastructure for just one of the big four existing network operators, to be

decided after a competitive process. This means there is a chance that our area will be getting 4G from one of the four operators during the course of the Parliament ( although

no date has been set for completing the network ).

Norman Lamb is currently trying to arrange for Marie Strong and I to meet with the minister

in the near future to discuss the urgent need for improved signal in this area, and we will

be pushing to make sure that we are a high priority for this new project."


County Councillor Mike Baker gave his report to the meeting :

The Coast Hopper bus service is operating on its Winter Service with no extra cost to

Norfolk County Council.

The Northern Distribution Road's cost have been revised to £132m. £50m has been set aside to provide 20,000 new homes north of Norwich.

Planning Permission has been granted to build the new Fire Training Service Station in


Budget savings are expected of £150m , this could mean that the accounts for the

financial year will balance, although the there is a shortfall in Children and Adult Services.

Currently there are 105 children in care in Norfolk. This is a major expense for the County


The Chairman thanked County Councillor Baker for his report.

Concerns were raised from members and the public about the proposed building of 20,000 new homes north of Norwich, this could mean, with an estimated minimum of two people per household, 40,000 extra people in this area.

This means that 40,000 extra people will possibly need to access treatment at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. This is a serious concern, especially how it will affect traffic and services at the hospital, which are already overstretched.

5.5. Allotments :

The Clerk reported £895.27 had been collected so far in Allotment rents.

After several requests Anglian Water have still not attended to read the meter at the site.

The hedge between the Village Hall and the Allotments is too high for NORSE to cut.

Cllr. Tim Baker informed members that David Ford has arranged for this hedge to be cut,

and it was agreed for the Parish Council to contribute to this cost.

5.6. Christmas Carols on the Quay :

Arrangements are being finalised for Monday 21st. December, 6.00 for 6.30pm.

There will be a meeting with The Mill , who will be helping with some of the refreshments,

sometime next week. Raffle tickets will be on sale from 2nd. December. Cllr. Richard

High will be installing the tree, which will be kindly donated by Mr. Roger Combe, of

Bayfield Hall.

5.7. Village Hall and Play Area :

Cllr. Tim Baker gave his report :

The new dishwasher has arrived and should be installed by the end of the week.


In contact with Eastern Angles whose production " Somewhere in England ", could be coming to the Village Hall in April next year.

Charles Chambers Concert was extremely successful and has raised a substantial amount

for funds. The total amount has not yet been confirmed.

Next event is the Christmas Fayre and Pop-Up Cafe on Saturday 5th December.

New fire doors should be fitted by the end of the week. The new First Aid kits have now arrived.

The cost of hedge trimming of the the car park, playing field and children's play area is

estimated as £250-300.

It has been decided to postpone the building project, to join the two halls together, for a year, to decide whether it is really necessary and concentrate instead on refurbishing the main hall. Replacing chairs and redecoration a priority.

Finally, Kaye and Simon Read have kindly donated a piano to the Club Room.

6. Planning :

6.1. Decision Notices :

Planning Application Number. PF / 15 / 1208

Installation of 30m high shared communications Mast at Friary Farm Caravan Park,

Cley Road,Blakeney.

This application has been withdrawn.

Planning Application Number. LA / 15 / 1613

Conversion of outbuilding to ancillary habitable room at Green Farm, Holt Road, Cley.

This application has been withdrawn.

Planning Application Number. PF / 15 / 1467

Erection of single-storey extension to dwelling and conversion of outbuilding to ancillary

Room at Green Farm, Holt Road, Cley.

This application has been withdrawn.

Planning Application Number NMA 1 / 15 / 0920

To change the siting of the swimming pool at Green Farm House, Holt Road, Cley



Planning Application Number. PF / 15 / 1416

Erection of side extension to studio / book store at Lockwood Studio, Holt Road, Cley

for Ms. Lockwood. PERMIT

Planning Application Number. PF / 15 / 1303

Erection of detached car port with store to first floor and insertion of roof lights at

2 Rectory Hill Barns, Holt Road, Cley for Mr. Stephen Lacoste. PERMIT.

Councillor Tim Baker asked members whether an planning application had been

received for the alterations that are taking place in the Church at the moment.

These alterations include a new kitchen and toilet facilities.

The clerk stated that no planning application had been received and would enquire

with NNDC planning services.

7. Old Harbour Project :

Cllr. Read reports that discussions are still ongoing with all the various organisations

involved with this project, with quotes being considered.

The intention is to arrange the works for next spring.

Generous pledges continue to be offered and hopefully the Christmas Carol evening will

help with fundraising.

8. To discuss correspondence received ( attached ) :


The Clerk has received the contract papers from Norse for the next three years.

It was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting, when all the details can be checked


9. Financial Matters :

9.1. Monthly Statement.

The clerk presented each member of the Council with a monthly statement for November

( see attached ).

This showed a balance of £7,306.55 carried forward to 1st November.

After payments totalling £598.09 and receipts of £471.00, the balance as at 1st December

is £7,355.51.

Balance held in the Barclays Bank Deposit Account is £13,087.39.

Cheques to be drawn at tonight's meeting total £79.20.

An estimated balance at 31st December 2015 is £7 276.31

All members agreed these figures and the Chairman signed the statement.

Payments to agree :

Toilets Ltd. £79.20

Cllr.Tim Baker proposed these payments and Cllr.High seconded them. Cheques were drawn and signed by Cllr. Randell.

Barclays Bank will need to be contacted for a new mandate.


Many residents from Church Lane were present, and raised their concerns about the

proposed development at the top of Church Lane. It was discussed at length.

Construction traffic and subsequent extra normal day to day traffic in this narrow lane are the main concerns. The lowering of the speed limit to 20mph was discussed at an earlier meeting, and has been requested at Highways.

The clerk stated that she has reported the two large pot holes on Coast Road, near the sluice gates.

Cllr. Richard High informed the council that the dead tree at Kimberely, has been cut down,

by David Gillett. The clerk thanked him for his help with this matter.

10. Items for the next agenda :

NORSE contract.

Path down to Coast Road near to Beach Road.

Letter to Norman Lamb.

11. To note the date of the next meeting :

Next Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 5th January 2016.

The meeting ended at 9.10pm.

Chairman...... Date......