


Parish Churches

Summer 2016

Dear Friends,

How I have appreciated your call to be minister. Having met a good number of you already, I should love to meet as many more of you as possible at Communion. Please note that if those who are house-bound ask their Elder then I would be happy to organise a home Communion for you.

As this letter is in the writing, I am hoping that you are enjoying the spring weather. I’m finding the parishes of Carnwath and Carstairs very lovely. You sure have the spring scenery to admire here – the lambs in the fields, and the calves and the foals are all special but so undoubtedly are the people of the parishes. How my sister (Lorna) and I have appreciated your warmth and kindness and welcome and your giving of us time to settle in. It is good to have met a number of you in your homes and I hope to meet more before long. Contact has been made with the three schools in the parishes, meeting head teachers, other staff members and some of the pupils too; these are such modern buildings, with fine facilities.

Quite a lot has been happening since my arrival, on a number of fronts. For the moment I am taking stock of a number of good happenings in the congregations and of all who are helping to encourage these. Within the Sunday Club, Girls’ Brigade and the Net (Youth Group) I have noted the wonderful young folk and their enthusiasm along with the first class leadership that is so essential for continuing success. In the new session I look forward to meeting the Boys’ Brigade members and officers too. Messy Church is going a treat at the Junction and I’ve seen some of the lovely crafts made by the boys and girls there.

Of course there is always scope for some new ventures too and it would be good to hear from those of any age who would like to be involved in any way at all. I’m sure many people have interests and skills and talents in our present congregational communities and in the parishes. The more involved the merrier!

Having met a range of young people, perhaps there may be those who would be interested in a 20s and 30s group or an18 yrs to 30 yrs group? There’s scope amongst a group of this age for some very exciting activities and initiatives. It has been great, too, to meet our students when at home and to learn that when they graduate they are not all leaving the area. Such a wealth of talent exists among you all – a number of instrumentalists, including flautists, guitar players, pipers, drummers, great singers, those talented in areas of drama, dancing and no doubt other forms of creative expression. There is no end to the talent we can put to use in the Church and share to the benefit of church and community!!!! Here’s to the best of traditional and modern, and both the tried and successful and the totally new!!! No doubt we have quite a publicity machine working in our communities but it would be good also to hear from those who enjoy making up posters, leaflets, those who are artistic along with people who are knowledgeable about art or local history.

What a joy to look forward to three baptisms coming up soon! Excellent! It won’t be long, I would imagine, until we’ll require aunties and uncles for the crèche but having your PVG certificate is a must. How lovely it would be to see the crèche growing and to have many requests for baptism! Indeed, if you are not already involved and would like to be involved in helping at any young people’s group or adult’s group and you are not checked by safeguarding to work with vulnerable children and adults, now would be the time to fill in a form. Note the details of our Safe guarding co-ordinators and of our Youth Convener in the magazine.

There may be some who are considering exploring issues of faith further through the Enquirers or New Communicants’ Class - please let me know if this is something that may be of interest.

Now, among my various experiences to date has been the great night of fellowship enjoyed at the Guild’ daffodil tea at Carnwath followed by a splendid talk on railway travels through India; also the Jigsaw Bible study group in Carstairs. As ever, the Congregational Board and the two Kirk Sessions are kept busy too.

Sadly, some of our friends in the Congregations and parishes have lost loved ones and I’m sure all our sympathies are extended to them. Our prayers are assured for friends in hospital and those about to be admitted. Please ensure we hear of anyone in hospital who would value a visit. I am also getting round residential homes and congregational districts. Now, a wee request to those living in Ravenstruther, Cleghorn and district, Newbigging, Kamend and Kames, in addition to Carnwath and Carstairs, please spread the word that we serve all these areas and the Church is very much alive and welcoming! I hope that at the beginning of the new session, after the summer holidays, that we manage a great big leaflet drop to all these areas. That would be super!

There are many special times coming up. Read the reports in the Gazette and don’t miss out. Also, the Manse has an open door and a phone with answering machine, so don’t hesitate to contact me if I can be of help in any way or if you have an idea you would like to share. If you phone and I’m not in, please leave a message and always leave your phone number if you’d like me to get back to you.

May I take this opportunity of wishing you all a happy and relaxing summer season and a splendid time of refreshment prior to the new session’s commencement.

With Love and Blessing,


Church Register

Please remember in your prayers the families and friends of:

Thomas Todd, Carstairs

Margaret Smith, Carstairs Junction

Sheila Cottam, Carstairs

Margaret Birrell, Carnwath

Elma Haynes, Ravenstruther

Brian MacDonald, Carstairs Junction

Jessie Somerville (Neta Purdie), Carstairs

Georgina Allan, Carstairs

Isobel Girvan, Carstairs Junction

Jessie Burrell, Carstairs Junction

Walter Henderson, Carnwath


Joint Summer Services

Carstairs Parish Church - 17th, 24th, 31st July

Carnwath Town Hall - 7th, 14th, 21st August

Time for all services: 10.30am

Ministries and Mission contribution for Carnwath linked with Carstairs Parish Church

The following information was received from Archie McDowall, Deputy Treasurer to explain how congregation's Ministries and Mission Contribution will be used to enable the work of the Church in 2016.

From 28thAugust 2016 the Sunday Morning Services will be held at:

10.00am - Carstairs Parish Church

11.30am - Carnwath Town Hall

Christian Aid Week 15th – 21stMay 2016


The focus this year was on supporting the flood victims in Bangladesh, in particular Morsheda and her young family who live in fear of the river where they live. The plan is to raise homes 6-8ft above the water level to safety.

In Carstairs, Christian Aid week was launched on Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost is the festival when Christians celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. The church was decorated with balloons, banners, party poppers and we celebrated with a birthday cake and sang “Happy Birthday to the Church”.

To kick-start Christian Aid giving the congregation were shown a video showing Morsheda’s horrific living conditions. A fundraising Soup & Sweet Lunch followed at the Community Centrewith the fabulous sum of £290 being raised. A door-to-door collection also took place by volunteers in the Village and Junction and the amount raised will be announced in due course. Christine, (Christian Aid Co-ordinator) would like to thank all the volunteers involved and to everyone who supported Christian Aid in any way.

In Carnwath, Pentecost was celebrated with a Cafe Church styleservice. This was a new style of worship for the congregation and very much enjoyed.

On Trinity Sunday (the first Sunday after Pentecost and celebrates the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, the three Persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) the congregation supported Christian Aid by holding a fundraising Fellowship Corner.

Thank you to everyone for their generous donations in aid of Christian Aid and to those who supplied the delicious cakes, tray-bakes and cupcakes!

Our thanks again....

During our time of vacancy we had the pleasure of Mr Richard Beattie taking the pulpit each Sunday and Mr Alan Grant who did pastoral care in the community, hospitals and Primary Schools.Our congregations would like to thank these two very special people again for their commitment to us.



Carnwath Guild

Carnwath Guild meetings have now finished for the 2015/16 session.We are looking forward to the Guild trip to Callendar House and the Kelpies with High tea, then the Summer Rally at Douglas St Bride's on 3rd June. Then it’s a summer break for us; until we meet up again raring to go on Sunday, 1st October 2016 at our Dedication Service.

Happy holidays,

Rtia Sleight, Guild President

On turning 80....

Well, hard to believe that I have reached the grand old age of 80. Welcome another decade, but where have all the years gone!

My grandsons, Daniel and Christopher said that we must celebrate with a party!! An evening of celebration was arranged for 19 the September (prior to my forthcoming visit to Australia) when family, friends and colleagues from over the past years celebrated in the Robertson Arms in Carnwath. A thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by all.

A hectic three weeks followed in preparation for my forthcoming visit to Australia to visit family and friends. Following my flight to Sydney via Dubai, I was met at the airport by my sister-in-law Pat and further celebrations followed (my poor waistline).

We visited many tourist sites, including Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge with a further visit made to the Blue Mountains.

Whilst visiting my other sister-in-law Edna, I had an encounter with a poisonous black and red bellied snake which appeared in the garden having recently come out of hibernation in the nearby bush land of the outback. The snake an endangered species was captured by a snake catcher and returned to the outback.

I arrived home after a wonderful but hectic holiday ready for the next Guild meeting.

I was inducted as a Church Elder 12 years ago and enjoy an active role in church life. At present I am the Carnwath Guild Convenor, regular tea/coffee lady at the Fellowship Corner (as can be seen in the picture, Rita is often to be found with a tea pot in her hand!)after Sunday Worship, have enjoyed working with children over the years at Carnwath Kidz Club, Sunday school and have nursed many children whilst being a paediatric nurse and have many happy and sad memories.

My Grandma reached the grand old age of 101 years, so hopefully I have many more years to continue servicing my Lord and Master, as an active Christian.

Rita Sleight

Carnwath Flower Calendar

Flower Convenor Agnes Hamilton and assistant Elizabeth Moffat would like to extendtheir appreciation for the donations of flowers for Sunday Worship. They are always much appreciated by those who receive them. There are one or two vacancies (nearer the end of the year) on the flower calendar.If you would like to donate flowers speak with Agnes or Elizabeth who will be able to help.




Led by members of Lanark

Presbytery’s Safeguarding Training Team

Tuesday 21 June, 2016

6.30pm – 9.30pm

Carstairs Community Centre

The Church of Scotland is working towards a ‘Safe Church for All’ and one of its key actions towards achieving this position is to provide training for Volunteers, Kirk Sessions and Ministers.

To this end a training event has been arranged at Carstairs. This event is open to all (16+) who work in any voluntary capacity with children, young people and vulnerable adults within the Church. Elders are also warmly welcome. Training is free and a Certificate of Attendance is issued to all participants. If you are able to attend this training event please speak to Trevor Mee/Kate Langton who arethe Safeguarding Co-ordinator’s for Carstairschurch. Numbers are limited and attendance can only be accommodated by prior enrolment. Early application is advised. Upon successful completion of training your name will be placed on the congregational register of trained volunteers.


Carstairs Parish Church - Life and Work magazine

Our Life and Work magazine co-ordinator is Janet Tervit (870509). If you wish a subscription (annual cost £26.40) to the magazine please contact Janet.

Jim’s WoodTurnz’

I had the rare opportunity to acquire the Oak Communion table from Carstairs Junction Church. (Picture on right shows Jim in his workshop)

Unfortunately half of it was affected with woodworm. From the remainder however I was able to make a variety of small items (some examples were pens, key rings, inspirational plaques, bowls)for local people to purchase with all proceeds going towards church funds.

The cross on the front of the table was unaffected so once removed I mounted it on a plinth as a keepsake for the Church.The cross plinth is inscribed with “Made in Oak from the Communion Table in Carstairs Junction Church”.

Jim Davidson

(Jim can be contacted )


Charity Clothes Collection

There may still be timefor you to donate unwanted clothes. We need ‘good quality’ clothes, hats, scarves, gloves, paired shoes, soft toys, bags & belts. All bags to be delivered to Ian Brown, Undertaker by Thursday 9th June.

To continue this as a fundraiser, throughout the year,please contact Elizabeth Brown (870787) if you have any clothes donations or bedding, towels or curtains for uplift.

Retiring Offerings for Carstairs Church

June Communion S/Club

September CommunionThe Net

October Harvest Gifts Loaves & Fishes

October Retiring Offering New Beginnings

November RemembranceErskine Hospital

December CommunionGirls Brigade

SoSing and Drama Group

Our SoSing and Drama Group are keen to attract new members from both congregations and communities to allow the groups to continue. If you would like more information or just want to chat about the work of these groups please call Nanette Melvin (870988) for SoSing and Roberta Finlayson (870817) for the Drama Group.


O God, make the door of this churchwide enough to receive

all who need human love and fellowship;

yet narrow enough to shut out envy, pride and strife.

Make its threshold smooth enoughto be no stumbling block to children,

or barrier to the elderly or disabled.

Let its door be open and inviting to all who enter here

and may the walls resound

with the praise and worship of your people



Carstairs Guild Report

The Guild AGM was held on 16th March with Mr Alan Grant as the speaker.We also had a visit from Dorothy Wiseman, Convenor of Lanark PresbyterialGuild Council. The meeting closed with a lovely Afternoon Tea.On 20th April we met at New Lanark Hotel for lunch with our Guild Link Ladies from Largs, St John’s.Our Guild trip on 21st May, along with Carnwath Guild, was a visit to The Kelpies and Callendar House with High Tea at Grange Manor Hotel.

The session finishes with The Summer Rally at Douglas on 3rd June 2016.

Everyone is welcome to come along to our meetings either as a member or visitor. Details of the new session will be intimated in the Sunday Order of Service and Gazette. We look forward to welcoming you.

Community of Faith Conference

On the 12th March five of us (Ruth, Liz, Joan, Heather, Linda) set off bright and early to attend the Community of Faith Conference(How Will Our Children Have Faith) in Dumfries. Lots of chat and laughter meant the journey passed quickly but too much meant we missed the church itself! However once parked and signed in we were treated to a lovely and very welcome breakfast before heading into the sanctuary for worship. A talk by Suzi Farant (Young People’s Development Worker at 121) set the tone for the day and the workshops which followed. Between us we attended: Exploring The Bible (Not just Noah’s Ark), Prayer Spaces in Schools, Building a Community of Faith with Young People and Spiritual Styles.

Everyone who attended was uplifted, enthused and energised by the whole day (not just the lunch which was just as good as the breakfast!).Here are some of the thoughts and feelings expressed by those who attended.


The first thing that struck me on the day away was the confidence of those who led both the worship and the workshops. Each person was quite young but their enthusiasm inspired me and made me think about how much we need young people, not only to sit in Church but to become involved in the building up of Church. Enthusiasm is one of those things which is contagious and uplifting, I'm sure we all felt the visit to Dumfries very worthwhile.

I enjoyed the worshipwhich opened and closed the conference. Being part of a very familiar routine surrounded by strangers all worshipping the Lord is both uplifting and powerful.

Main Speaker

After opening worship the day opened with a talk from Suzi Farant whose enthusiasm for sharing her faith is almost tangible. Suzi got us thinking about ‘what is church?’, ‘who are the people?’, ‘what is the purpose of church?’ and ‘how does faith form?’ She spoke of the different ways children learn in other areas of their lives and the importance of relationships, inclusion and example. She led us to think about ‘how we worship together and how we all experience God’. One quote she used which struck a chord was ‘Nurturing faith in young people means investing in the faith of their parents and our congregations’.