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Hitler’s Last Card:

Did the End of the War Prevent One Last Terrifying Surprise from the Nazi War Machine?

Atlantis Rising Magazine -- May/June 2011 - #87

Late in 2010, headlines in several European newspapers (including Britain’s Mail and Telegraph) screamed that Hitler’s last attempt to win the War could have been a surprise assault on London and New York carried out with giant antigravity flying disks. An attack thwarted only by the end of WWII.

Long circulated in the UFO underground, the story received a new lease on life when German science magazine PM reported evidence for the existence of such an advanced and secret program in the German military during the last days of the War.

Now,"Iron Sky"(a new movie set for release later this year) suggests that the Nazis not only had the technology to carry out such attacks but that also before the War’s end, they successfully transferred operations to the far side of the Moon where development has continued to this day. In the film, the Nazis attack again in 2018. But this time with enormous bell-shaped flying disks.

Could there be any truth behind such fantastic allegations? Reporter C.C. von Werklaäg investigates for Atlantis Rising.


Did the Nazis produce a UFO-style craft toward the end of WWII which they called “Die Glocke” (The Bell) intended to be the war-winning ace up Hitler’s sleeve? Researchers Igor Witkowski, Joseph P. Farrell, William Lyne, and others think so.

In Twentieth Century: History of the World 1901 to 2000, J. M. Roberts quotes Winston Churchill’s speech concerning the Nazis’ insatiable conquest of Europe. If the Allied forces “fail, then the whole World ... [will] sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister ... by the lights of perverted science.”

Roberts points out that the Nazis did not act insanely as historians maintain. “The crimes of Nazism had been carried out not in a fit of barbaric intoxication with conquest but in a systematic scientific ... way about which there was little that was irrational except the appalling end that it sought and the lunatic mythologies which fed it.”

These “lunatic” ideals refer to more than the Nazis’ desire for race purity. They include their quest to prove connections to their presumed Teutonic heri­tage and their obsession with occult symbolism and the powers that it might unleash.

Scientifically, the Nazis utilized their mechanical skills to develop a sophisticated array of technology and weaponry. Many historians equate the successful invention of the V series rockets with the much-touted wunderwaffe (wonder weapon) that Hitler, in his efforts to curb catastrophic losses, was anxious to possess.

However, Witkowski argues that the V-1 and V-2 were largely ineffective, thus not the “wonder” of modern weaponry many perceive them to be (from Farrell’s The SS Brotherhood of the Bell). Witkowski’s The Truth About the Wunderwaffe (translated into English, 2003) is a detailed examinations of Die Glocke (a major inspiration for many later works on the subject).

Die Glocke was built in a facility near Breslau known as Der Riese (the Giant). It was constructed of a metallic or ceramic material approximately 9 feet in diameter and some 12-to-15 feet in height. In keeping with their penchant for occult iconography, Nazi scientists embellished Die Glocke with a band of Runic symbols near its base meant to amplify the intensity of the awesome machine.

The device was powered by massive electrical generators but could only be engaged for several minutes. It emitted high amounts of electromagnetic radiation (which in early tests, killed many slave laborers and scientists working on the project). Witkowski’s research indicates that Die Glocke was tested at a secret base in Ludwigsdorf near the Czech border. Witkowski photographed a strange amphitheater-sized construction which many researchers have dubbed “the Henge.”


Die Glocke was powered by a radioactive compound labeled Xerum 525 -- a “red mercury” which Farrell claims the Nazis might have used to create an atomic bomb (The SS Brotherhood of the Bell) and which scientists Drs. David Clarke and Steve Young associate with “vril power”. Dr. Clarke notes a connection between the inner circle of Nazi political power and the Thule Society (a group obsessed with vril) while Dr. Young points out how seriously vril was examined by Nazi scientists for its potential in the manufacture of weapons.

Die Glocke’s complex system of opposing turbines was purported to generate a field of antigravity so powerful it wreaked havoc on all life in its vicinity and may even have teleported matter over vast distances. Some speculate that Die Glocke functioned as a time machine, a theory often associated with UFO conjecture and corroborated by former U. S. Army remote viewer Joseph McMoneagle who claimed in Atlantis Rising #18 (1999) that “UFOs are real vehicles' possibly time machines.”

The deleterious effects described above sound like the pivotal weapon the Nazis were searching for except their interest in antigravity had a more logical origin. With their Luftwaffe’s runways destroyed by Allied bombing raids, the need for aircraft that could take off and land vertically (VTOL) became vitally important. The most sensible assumption indicates Die Glocke’s capabilities for propulsion rather than its use as a weapon. The Nazis’ desperation to create such technology may have prompted their scientists to sidestep conventional maths.

William Lyne’s Occult Ether Physics: Tesla’s Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It (2003) details the use of Nikola Tesla’s scaler physics in “German flying saucer[s].” Farrell agrees that the Nazis es­chewed “Jewish physics” in favor of those devised by non-Jewish scientists. This egregious anti-Semitism is corrobo­rated by biographer Walter Isaacson. He describes how German scientists received Einstein’s theories.

Arnold Sommerfield ... was among the first to suggest there was something Jewish about Einstein’s theoretical approach, “... It lacked due respect for the notion of order and absolutes ... As remarkable as Einstein’s papers are, ... it still seems to me that something almost unhealthy lies in the unconstruable [sic] and impossible to visualize dogma. An Englishman would hardly have given us this theory.... It might be [that] here too ... the abstract con­ceptual character of the Semite expresses itself.” (Einstein: His Life and Universe).

Lyne proposes that the public’s acceptance of the “relativistic bromides” described by curved space-time serve only to cover up Tesla’s “Occult Ether Physics” employed by the Nazis to power their UFOs. Max B. Miller’s article “Field Theory and Gravity Drive” (Fate Magazine, Vol. 11, No. 5, May 1958) notes Dr. Hermann Oberth’s conclusion that the “behavior of the UFO ... discounts any means of propulsion (including the reaction rocket) known to us” and that the “principle of an ‘anti-gravity device’ might be expected.” An interesting conclusion since as Farrell points out, Oberth was directly involved with Die Glocke and the creation of Nazi UFOs.

Analyzing Oberth’s pronouncement from the perspective of contemporary physics, mathematician Ward Locke combined Einstein’s gravitational theorems with a later tensor model developed by Hermann Weyl. The math revealed the potential for the generation of an antigravity field when the equation begets a negative number.

Professor Locke confides that sustaining such a system requires a continued energy input of at least 900 kiloamperes (or the transfer of 1020 electrons) per second. Without an effective heat-sink, the temperature will instantly rise to 28,000º Kelvin (nearly equivalent to the surface temperature of the Sun). Although dubious that the Nazis harnessed such a force, Professor Locke concedes that if true, this may have been the reason behind the short intervals sustained dur­ing Die Glocke’s early tests. The scientists simply couldn’t generate enough power to keep it going.

It Takes a Rocket Scientist to Understand It

Discussing the wave of UFO sightings occurring in the decade after WWII, Frank Edwards detailed another interesting connection between this phenomenon and the seemingly omnipresent Hermann Oberth.

West Germany ... the scene of so many visits by the UFOs including some reported landings, named the world-famous rocket and space-travel scientist Professor Hermann Oberth to head their probe ... The outspoken Oberth said ... in 1954: ‘There is no doubt in my mind that ... (UFOs) are interplanetary craft of some sort... It is also our conclusion that they are propelled by distorting or converting the gravitational field” (Strange World).

Was similar technology channeled into experiments conducted by the U. S. Government? Farrell notes the probability that Werner von Braun along with other German rocket scientists brought over during Project Paperclip most likely contributed to research which fueled UFO sightings from the late 1940s to now. Several failures required cover-ups like those at Roswell, NM and Kecksburg, PA.

The involvement of von Braun and Oberth with UFO phenomenon pales in comparison to the identities of those who oversaw Die Glocke. Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler (head of the SS) was obsessed with the occult. Yet his involvement with Die Glocke seems tangential until one considers his closest associate.

In 1942, Himmler chose Dr. Hans Kammler (formerly a high-level Air Ministry officer in charge of engineering) to take over the rocketry program. In his memoir Inside the Third Reich, Albert Speer claims that at first he “liked [Kammler’s] objective coolness” but later understood how Kammler’s “zeal” made him dangerous. Speer states that “SS Grupenführer Kammler, already responsible for the rocket weapons, was to be in charge of the development and production of all modern aircraft” [emphasis added] forcing him out of this position.

Speer notes the incredible number of workers (both skilled and slave labor) commandeered by Kammler for his endeavors. The creation of “all modern aircraft” would have provided Kammler free reign to pursue the elusive wunderwaffe sought by Hitler. The displacement of “half-a-million workers a year,” noted by Speer, would have provided Kammler the means to achieve this goal.

As WWII ground to a grim close for Germany, Kammler disappeared. While his driver Kurt Preuk swore in court he had witnessed Kammler’s dead body, Farrell believes Kammler made a deal with either the American or Argentine government in exchange for safe passage and sanctuary from war crimes. Kammler’s greatest bargaining chip may well have been Die Glocke.

The Kecksburg/Die Glocke Connection

During the early evening of December 9, 1965, reports of a fireball in the skies over Canada and the Midwestern United States flooded meteorological centers and police bureaus. Newspapers commented on the amazing meteor that appeared to break apart over northern Ohio before veering east as it descended into rural Pennsylvania just southeast of Pittsburgh.

What interests ufologists about the Kecksburg incident (apart from the alteration in trajec­tory) is the unusual manner in which the presumed meteor broke up. Some witnesses reported details one associates with large meteors hitting the atmosphere and splitting into pieces. Others saw what appeared to be a craft spewing a fiery rain of burning debris. Several pieces of the burning material fell into a field in Elyria, Ohio starting small fires. Firemen easily put out the blaze and yet found nothing to cause it.

The bulk of the material landed in the woods outside Kecksburg, PA. Several witnesses reported the incident to the local radio station and to police. Within the hour, people from the area, policemen, firemen, and news reporters arrived on the scene. So too did the U. S. Army. Captain Kevin D. Randle’s article “The Kecksburg UFO Crash” (UFO Universe, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1991) examines the incident from the perspective of those who presume the object an alien spacecraft tested by the military resulting in less-than-spectacular results.

Randle writes that, the radio report[ed] ... something . . . landed ... and ... the State Police ... cordoned off a section of the woods. News media ... were broadcasting from ... the site. A number of them were talking about an unidentified flying object crash in West­moreland County. None of the reporters were allowed to enter the woods.

Although no reporter made it into the ravine where the object had partially buried itself, Randle reports that “Stan Gordon of the Pennsylvania Association for the Study of the Unexplained (PASU) said that he’d interviewed a fire fighter who had gotten deep into the woods before the military sealed off the area ... According to Gordon, ... the object wasnot a meteor!”

Where the Kecksburg incident overlaps with Die Glocke is in its physical description. The man who found the Kecksburg object described it as “acorn shaped, 9-to-12 feet in diameter with a gold band around it with writing on it. The writing was described as like ‘ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.’ But then more importantly, he said that there were characters of broken and straight lines, dots, rectangles, and circles.”

A craft approximately “9-1o-12 in diameter” shaped like an “acorn” (or sometimes described as “bell-shaped”) with a band of hieroglyphs around the base? The mystery deepens into conspiracy when one includes other reports of NASA personnel working alongside Army troops to load the craft onto a flatbed truck. The item was spirited away to the nearest base (presumably Wright-Patterson in Dayton, Ohio associated with the mysterious “Hangar 18”). Several witnesses stated seeing a man who looked like von Braun at the scene. But no photographic evidence corroborates such claims.

Whether -or-not one believes in visitations by aliens, the description of the Kecksburg craft and that of Die Glocke seem too similar for coincidence. Several researchers propose that Kammler’s Die Glocke technology ended up in the hands of the American military where it was obviously tested (if unsuccessfully) generating incidents like Kecksburg in 1965 and perhaps others throughout the years.

From Antarctica to the Moon (and Back Again)

"Iron Sky" (2011), a soon-to-be-released Finnish film, presents an alternative view of History. While the Allies dug through the rubble after WWII, the Nazis built a secret facility in Antarctica where they developed UFO technology. They soon moved to a base on the dark side of the Moon and continued throughout the decades to construct an armada of flying saucers. The Nazis plan to invade the World anew in 2018.

Teasers have already scored over 4 million hits on YouTube proving that conspiracies never die. They simply inspire fresh perspectives. While not exactly a “new” idea (see Philip K. Dick’s The Man in the High Castle, 1962 and W. A. Harbinson’s Projekt Saucer series, 1991), the movie’s premise seems like much Hollywood-inspired science fic­tion. However, there is the possibility that "Iron Sky" comes close to the truth.

The German magazine Faktor-X (issue 11, 1997) reported Apollo 14 astronauts’ description of strange objects visi­ble on the surface of the Moon. Astronaut Gordon Cooper claimed to have seen UFOs and Neil Armstrong said that NASA was not the first to reach the Moon. Ham radio operators bypassing frequencies used by TV and radio during the 1969 Moon landing heard an exchange between NASA and Armstrong describing other spacecraft lining the crater rim in which the Eagle module had landed.

Those who believe in visitations by E.T. cite such encounters as evidence of alien presences. Yet what if the answer is less prosaic? What if the first man to set foot on the Moon was not Neil Armstrong but a Nazi stormtrooper?

If Die Glocke experiments produced antigravity technology, what was to stop Nazi engineers and rocket scientists from taking the next step beyond ballistic missiles and into the cold reaches of Outer Space? If the Nazis made it to the Moon, might they not lurk there still waiting for an opportunity to continue where they left off with Hitler’s master plan or start a new Reich for a new millennium?

In his controversial book The Day After Roswell, Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso (who served on President Eisenhower's National Security Council, the sensitive Coordination Board later known as the 'Special Group' or '54/12' Committee', and the U.S. Army Staff's foreign technology division) claimed to have stewarded the transfer of alien technology acquired from the craft recovered near Roswell, New Mexico in July, 1947.