within the Group of Parishes in Bournemouth comprising

St Alban's (Charminster), St John's (Moordown) and St Luke's (Winton)

St Alban's Weekly Bulletin

A very warm welcome to you

Please take this leaflet home with you

Week beginning Sunday 15 January 2012

What's happening this week?

Mon / 16 / 9:15 / am / Parents & Toddlers / Lounge
Mon / 16 / 12:00 / pm / Garden Club – Christmas Party / Bates
Mon / 16 / 7:30 / pm / Education & Outreach Committee / Lounge
Tue / 17 / 2:15 / pm / Fellowship – New Year's Party / Lounge
Wed / 18 / 10:30 / am / Communion (1662 English) Fr Robin / Church
Followed by coffee in the Lounge
Thu / 19 / 7:30 / pm / Education & Outreach Committee / Lounge
Sat / 21 / 11:15 / am / Pastoral Committee St John’s Parish room

Looking ahead – dates for your diary

Sun / 22 / 6:30 / pm / Ecumenical Service: Victoria Park Methodist Church
Mon / 23 / 7:30 / pm / Group Council (at St Alban's) / Lounge
Wed / 25 / 12:30 / pm / Gareth Davies: A Religious voice in Politics / University
Wed / 25 / 7:30 / pm / Bible Group / Lounge
Sat / 28 / 2:00 / pm / Sunday Fun party / Hall
Sun / 29 / Please note there is no Evening Service at St John’s
Mon / 30 / 7:30 / pm / Social & Events Committee / Lounge
Sat / 4 / 10:30 / am / Coffee Morning / Mystery Gift Sale / Lounge
Sun / 5 / 10:00 / am / Christingle Service / St Alban's
Tue / 7 / 2:15 / pm / Fellowship / Lounge
Wed / 8 / 7:30 / pm / Bible Group / Lounge


If you are visiting St Alban's, a very warm welcome to you. If you have time, please join us for coffee after the 10am Sunday and 10.30am Wednesday services.

An invite from Bill Merrington

Canon Dr Bill Merrington is part of the multi-faith chaplaincy at Bournemouth University. He has extended an open invitation to the first in a series of talks taking place in the Student Hall, Talbot House on the Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow. BH12 5BB. These start with a free lunch at 12.30pm followed by the talk and discussion at 1pm, which will finish by 2pm. On Wednesday January 25th Gareth Davies from CARE will be talking on "A Religious Voice in Politics".

Wanted – your Leprosy Mission collection boxes

Would those of you who have Leprosy Mission collection boxes at home, please hand them to Mary Tiller, or Martin for their annual refreshment please.

Father Roy

Many of you will already have heard that Fr Roy fell after Christmas and broke his hip. He was released from Poole Hospital on 30December and is now back home. However, he is on crutches and cannot put any weight on his right leg for six weeks. It will be another six weeks before he can fully use this leg. In the meantime, the Diocesan Registry is finding priests to cover services that Fr Roy would have been doing. Fr Roy wishes to thank all for their prayers and many cards wishing him a speedy recovery.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

This year the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will start on Wednesday 18 January during which there will be a joint evening service (which replaces Evensong at St Alban's) on Sunday 22 January at Victoria Park Methodist Church at 6.30pm.

Prayer after Communion

Grant, O Lord, that none may love thee less today because of me;

that never word or act of mine may turn one soul from thee;

and, ever daring, yet one other grace I would implore,

that many souls this day, because of me, may love thee more.

PCC meeting Wednesday 4th January

The first PCC meeting of the year included, amongst many other items, a discussion on Evensong and an update on RPDP.

After listening to the views of members of the congregation, the PCC decided that it was regrettable, but inevitable, that from the beginning of February, Evensong will be only on the first Sunday of each month plus Easter Day, Pentecost, Patronal Festival and Harvest Festival.

Following the recent RPDP meetings a report has been produced by the team which will be distributed to all three PCCs. Recommendations include forming an RPDP working group to begin to develop the ideas generated from the workshops, setting up a whole-day workshop with all three parishes in May and preparing a final development report and strategic action plan after this workshop. Changes will not happen overnight! It will be a long, carefully planned process, but the final conclusion of the report is that the group “has a great deal of potential and an exciting opportunity to be a growing and leading part of a dynamic and changing community.”

Wednesday morning Communion Service

After consultation with those who attend on Wednesdays, St Alban's PCC and St John's PCC have both now agreed to change the time of their Wednesday morning Communion so that one priest can cover both Services when necessary.

As from Wednesday 1st February, the time of the 10.30 Communion Services at both St Alban's Church and Moordown St John's will change. At St Alban's the Wednesday Communion will be at 10 o'clock, and at St John's it will be at 11 o'clock.

The Children’s Society

On Sunday 5th February there will be a Christingle Service here at St Alban’s to raise funds for The Children’s Society. The children will enjoy putting together their own Christingles during Sunday Fun, which they will then bring into church for them to be lit at the end of the Service. Candle shaped donation boxes for the children and envelopes for the adults will be available from Sunday 22nd January. These can be brought to any of the Services on the 5th February.

If you have a Children’s Society collecting box at home it is now time to have it emptied. Please give it to Sheila Berry or Martin by the end of January. Thank you.

Information for services on Sunday 15 January 2012

Second Sunday of Epiphany

8.00am Communion

Officiant: / Fr Robin
Epistle and Gospel / Readings as at the 10am Eucharist

10.00am Sung Eucharist

Officiant & Preacher / Fr John Staples
Organist: / Chris Greenwood
Sunday Fun: / Activities for young people this week
Coffee: / Served in the Hall after this morning's service
Hymns: / Introit / NEH / 52


/ NEH / 27
Offertory / NEH / 475
Communion / NHWS / 210
Post-Communion / NHWS / 43
Readings: / 1 Samuel / 3. / v / 1 / - / 10 / [P.323]
Revelation / 5. / v / 1 / - / 10 / [P.325]
John / 1. / v / 43 / - / 51 / [P.326]

Please leave your hymn books in the chair back in front of you and return

the service book and lectionary to the sidespeople.

6.30pm Evensong

Officiant: / Fr Stuart
Organist: / Bob Wetton
Hymns: / NEH / 343
NEH / 296
NEH / 433 / (Omit vv. 4 & 5)
Psalm: / 96 / [p.469]
Readings: / Isaiah / 60. / v / 9 / - / 22
Hebrews / 6. / v / 17 / - / 7. / 10

Please leave your hymn book in the chair back in front of you and return

the service book to the sidesperson.

This week please pray for:

Joyce, John Kent, Fr Roy Matthews, David Atkinson.

The children and young people of our Church and the schools and colleges they attend.