Paris Seine Excellence Initiative


Supporting scientific excellence and doctoral education

Application form


8 pages maximum, including résumé and cover page, not including annexes


Submissions open until May 24th, 2017

Scientific contact:


Proposal title / ………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Project initiator (specify the institution and, if needed, the department, laboratory, etc.) / Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Email address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Telephone number: ………………………………………………………………………………..
Institution: ………………………………………………………………………………..…………..
Laboratory or Department: ………………………………………………………………………
Project type / Doctoral contract
Complete funding Co-financing
Applications for doctoral contracts willdirectlybe dealt with by the Dean of the PhD Program, Professor Metiu
Post-doctoral contract
 Complete funding Co-financing
Foreign researcher invitation
 Complete funding Co-financing
 Recruitment of highly qualified researchers
Other (specify): ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Amount requested
Co-financing amount

Summary of the support application

(20 lines maximum)

1.Scientific project

(1page maximum)
Describe the application’s scientific project.

For the doctoral and post-doctoral contracts:

  • project or research topic
  • scientific framework (add curriculum vitae to the annex)
  • any eventual co-supervision (add curriculum vitae to the annex) and co-financing

For the invitations of foreign researchers:

  • presentation of the researcher (add curriculum vitae to the annex)
  • research project
  • length of stay

For the recruitment support:

  • presentation of the expected researcher (add curriculum vitae to the annex)
  • research topic
  • attractiveness strategy, execution and funding

NB: a detailed scientific project can be added to the annex.

2.Strategic aspects of the project

(1 page maximum)
Present the project’s overall scientific topic, showing how it is included in the scientific environment of the welcoming department or laboratory. The complementarity with any eventual ongoing projects in will particularly be underlined (LabeX projects, ANR, ERC, recent topical recruitments or redeployments…).

Present the project’s place within the institution’s scientific strategy and the project’s expected leverage effect. Emphasize, in particular, the project’s contributions, especially in terms of science and international visibility.

3.Opinion(s) of the institution manager(s) (research laboratory or department leader(s))

(½page maximum)
Include the institution manager’s electronic signature.

DeanVinzi for recruitment requests

Dean Gaspar for post-docs and visitors requests

4.Project’s impact on scientific visibility

(½page maximum –filling out optional, depending on the submitted project’s nature). You may eventually detail the quantitative objectives of the project.

5.Project’s impact in terms of valorization, socio-economic partnerships and technical benefits

(½page maximum – filling out optional, depending on the submitted project’s nature).
You may eventually detail the benefits in terms of valorization (patents, software, etc.) as well as the relationships with CATTS if need be. Supply the engagement letter of eventual co-financers or consortium agreements. For the technical benefits, specify the impact in terms of instrumentation and links to technical platforms.

6.Project’s impact in terms of training

(½ page maximum – filling out optional, depending on the submitted project’s nature).

7.Project’s impact in terms of internationalization

(½ page maximum – filling out optional, depending on the submitted project’s nature).

8.Justification of the funding requested

(½page maximum. Justify the funding requested and detail the complementary funding enlisted (internal to the institution, research contracts, external funding).