5th Oct 2012

Parents of Beavers of the 24th,

Welcome back to another fun packed term at Beavers. Beavers will work towards the following badges this term.

1.  Global Challenge Award

2.  Air Activities

3.  Faith

4.  Swimmer stage 1

5.  Animal Friend

6.  Safety

7.  Healthy Eating

At home Beavers can also work towards badges – Hobby, Swimmer, IT etc http://www.scouts.org.uk/beavers

The detailed requirements of these badges can be found at the hyperlinks in the end reference section enclosed.

1.  I would like to Welcome Craig (Tiger) as the new Assistant Beaver Leader, who will help run the Colony. Welcome and thanks.

2.  We are always looking for parent help on a Tuesday evenings. So if you see something on the programme that you would like to be involved in, please let me know. For any outside activities we need extra adult help for the safety ratios.

3.  We are also looking for parents to be involved on our fundraising committee. – Firework Night at Butchers Coppice or any other ideas.

4.  Beavers will need at least a rucksack with waterproof and drink bottle for outside activities.

5.  Now that we are more established we wish to introduce Beaver of the week and Lodge of the ½ Term, so please make sure your Beaver is smartly turned out. Uniform standards – School shoes/trainers, school trousers/Skirt/shorts Beaver top, Necker, woggle and a BIG smile (Shoes for church Parades)

6.  There is one Church Parade per month please try to attend these. On the plan I have also added diary reminders for other related activities.

7.  We now have a working website www.stlukesscouts.org.uk please check for the latest news, if you do not want your Beavers photo on the Web please again let me know. Their names will never be used on the web.

Thank you for your continued support

Doug (Panther), Craig (Tiger), Hayley (Lynx), Nikki (Jaguar), Rosemary (Lioness)


Date / Activity / What do I need? / Where?
11th Sep 12 / Welcome back - Games Night and Hello to the new starters / Uniform: Trainers, Beaver Top & Necker / Church Hall
Additional Activity: Town Event Family Camp 14th – 16th Sep 2012 / District run Family Camp / Separate admin instruction to follow / Braggers Wood
18th Sep 12 / Air Activities / Uniform: Shoes/Trainers, Trousers/shorts, Beaver Top & Necker / Church Hall
25th Sep 12 / Outdoor Challenge Award – Beach
Safety talk and paddle/splash / Uniform: Trainers, Beaver Top & Necker Change of clothes Towel / Durley Chine Beach
Additional Activity: CHURCH PARADE Sunday 30th Sep 12 / St Luke’s CHURCH Parade –
Harvest Family Service / Uniform: Polished Shoes, Trousers, Beaver Top & Necker. Parents most welcome to attend / Church Hall New Time 10:40am
2nd Oct 12 / Global Challenge - World Scouting USA / Uniform: Shoes/Trainers, Trousers/shorts, Beaver Top & Necker / Church Hall
9th Oct 12 / Air Activities / Warm clothes Rucksack Waterproof and Drink / Church Hall
16th Oct 12 / Animal Friend – Pets at home / Uniform: Trainers, Trousers/shorts, Beaver Top & Necker / Pets at Home Christchurch Store
Additional Activity: CHURCH PARADE Sunday 21st Oct 12 / St Luke’s CHURCH Parade – / Uniform: Polished Shoes, Trousers, Beaver Top & Necker. Parents most welcome to attend / Church Hall New Time 10:40am
23rd Oct 12 / Global Challenge – Taste / Uniform: Shoes/Trainers, school trousers/shorts, Beaver Top & Necker / Church Hall
30th Oct 12 / Half Term Holidays / No Meeting
Additional Activity: FIREWORKS Town Event 3rd Nov 2012 / FIREWORKS – Fund raising committee / Butcher’s Coppice, BH11 9JW
6th Nov12 / Welcome back - Games Night
Creative – Bonfire Night / Uniform: Trainers, Beaver Top & Necker / Church Hall
Additional Activity: CHURCH PARADE Sunday 11th Nov 12 / St Luke’s CHURCH Parade
REMEMBRANCE DAY / Uniform: Polished Shoes, Trousers, Beaver Top & Necker. Parents most welcome to attend / Church Hall New Time 10:30am
13th Nov 12 / Healthy Eating / Uniform: Shoes/ trainers, Trousers /shorts, Beaver Top & Necker / Church Hall
20th Nov 12 / Swimming – Stage 1 / Swimming Costume / Swimming Pool TBC
Additional Activity: Town Event 25th Nov 2012 / Paultons Park Christmas Activity / Uniform: Trainers, Beaver Top & Necker / Paultons Park Details to Follow
27th Nov 12 / Faith Activity Badge - St Lukes / Uniform: Shoes/ trainers, Trousers /shorts, Beaver Top & Necker / Church Hall
Town Event Carol Service 4th Dec 12 / District Beaver Carol Service / Uniform: Polished Shoes, Trousers, Beaver Top & Necker. Parents most welcome to attend / Christ The King Church, Durdells Ave, BH11 9EH
Additional Activity: CHURCH PARADE Sunday 9th Dec 12 / St Luke’s CHURCH Parade
CHRISTINGLE SERVICE / Uniform: Polished Shoes, Trousers, Beaver Top & Necker. Parents most welcome to attend / Church Hall 4pm Party Afterwards
11th Dec 12 / Fire station visit / Uniform: Shoes/ trainers, Trousers /shorts, Beaver Top & Necker / TBC
18th Dec 12 / End of Term Party / Uniform: Shoes/ trainers, Trousers /shorts, Beaver Top & Necker / TBC
25th Dec 12 / Christmas Holidays / No Meeting
8th Jan 13 / Welcome back - Games Night / Uniform: Trainers, Beaver Top & Necker / Church Hall

Please make sure have everything you need with you each week. Beavers will need at least a Rucksack with waterproof and drink bottle for outside activities.

Doug (Panther) 07809756428

Detailed Programme on the Web – Click Here -> Beavers

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