Newsletter October 2015


A big HELLO to all the children and parents/carers who have joined Playgroup this term. We hope everyone is settling in well and making lots of new friends.

Parents’ matters

Dear Parents & Carers

Welcome back to the new school year to new and returning families at playgroup. Again this year, like last, most sessions are full which is fantastic to see our brilliant village facility being utilised so well by the community.

We still do have a few spaces across various sessions so please ask the members of staff if you are looking for more. And see note on possible Friday afternoon sessions below.

Hopefully some of you will have noticed we have had some maintenance work done to the playgroup building over the summer, including the fantastic interior re-decoration. We hope you agree it looks so much better!

Our main fundraising event - the annual Easter Egg Hunt - will be on Saturday 26th March 2015. Please put the date in your diaries and let’s see if we can beat last years’ £3300 total! More details to follow but can I please ask ALL parents to support us where you can with this event!

Best Wishes, Emma Smith, Chair

New Committee

Your new committee members are:

Chair / Emma Smith
Deputy Chair / Sarah Bishop
Treasurer / Lisa Warnaby
Vice-Treasurer / Merrigan Bee
Secretary / Amy Leivers
Victoria Compton
Committee / Laura Drake
Debbie Goodfield
Kate Kus
Carly Lloyd Jones
Kate Peden
Aimee Rich

Contact details for all committee members can be found on the notice board in the Playgroup foyer.

Next Committee Meeting

Wednesday 11th November – 7.30pm at Playgroup. Everybody is welcome! Come and see what we are planning and share your thoughts and ideas. Drinks and nibbles will be provided.

Topics this Term

During Term 1 and Term 2 the children will be focusing on the topics of ‘All About Me’ and ‘Festivals’ including Divali, Bonfire Night and Christmas.

We are also re-introducing weekly sign language so look out for the signs on the door so you can see what your child is learning!

New look website and Facebook page

Our website will be getting a revamp this year, but in the meantime we've made sure everything is up to date and in order on the existing site. Please see the Key Dates page for information on committee meetings, term dates and special events such as the Christmas party and photographer visits. If there is anything in particular you would like to see on the new website, we'd love your input so do let us know.

We've also created a new Facebook page, which we will use to post snippets and pictures of what the children are getting up to at Playgroup, along with news, info and updates. Please give us a 'like' and have a good look around.

A huge thank you to Sarah Bishop for all her hard work on this so far!

Friday Afternoon Sessions

We think we might have enough children interested to start running Friday afternoon sessions again from January. If you would like your child to attend Playgroup on a Friday afternoon, please email or speak to a teacher. Even if you think you have told us already! The more confirmed interest wehave, the more confidently we can plan for this. And if more children who have already started at Playgroup come forward, we might be able to start it as early as November.

Balance Bikes

The balance bikes continue to be as popular as ever. We are looking into buying some new ones but if anyone has one at home that is no longer required and you would like to donate it, please let us know! It would be greatly appreciated.

Spare Clothing

Just a polite reminder to return any change of clothes your children may have used following ‘accidents’ as Playgroup relies on these and our supplies are very low! Remember to pack a selection of spare clothes in a bag to bring to Playgroup at all times.

Stay and Play

Why not come in for a session (or part session) to see what your child really does at Playgroup? Children love it when their parent or carer stays for a session, and staff do appreciate the extra help too – especially at snack time. You are welcome to bring a younger sibling with you, but please check with a member of staff first.

Sign up on the list in the foyer to volunteer

Gate and fence

Please do not allow children to swing on the gate, or to climb along the gate.

Ways to Pay

Payment can be in cash, cheque payable to Painswick Playgroup or bank transfer to account number 00120323 sort code 30-98-29.

And a gentle reminder that we are a charity so we would greatly appreciate it if you can pay your invoices on time.

If you are having difficulties paying your fees, or have any other issue, please speak to our Treasurer, Lisa Warnaby in complete confidence, on 01452 812902 or and she will be very happy to arrange a schedule of payment to suit both parties.

Childcare Vouchers

We accept employers’ childcare vouchers, which is a tax-efficient way of paying childcare fees. At present we accept Care 4, Fideliti, Accor, Kiddivouchers, Busy Bees and Computershare. If your employer is with another scheme we can get that set up too. Any questions, please ask our treasurer, Lisa, or a member of staff for our account number for each scheme.


Playgroup welcomes donations from parents and community groups. As we are a charity these donations are tax deductable. If you have an account with Charities Trust donations can be made online.

Playgroup would also greatly appreciate any spare laptops that parents no longer need. Suitable software would also be kindly received.

Fundraising and social events

Nativity Play

Closer to Christmas the children will be rehearsing a nativity play.

The dress rehearsal will be on Monday 14thDecemberto which siblings at the Croft School will be invited.

Performances to family and friends will be on Tuesday 15thDecemberand Wednesday 16th December. The nativity will take place at 11am.

All children are welcome to take part in all performances whether or not they normally attend those sessions.

Nativity filming

Please get in touch if you would be able to film the nativity. In the past, the nativity has been filmed, copies sold to raise funds and it makes a great keepsake!

Children’s Christmas Party

This will be on the last day of term – Friday 18thDecember from 12.00 to 1.30pm. Please note that parents/carers will take responsibility for their own children at the party.

Raffle Prizes

We will be holding a charity raffle to be drawn at the Christmas Party. Can you or other family members or your employer help with prizes? Please let a member of staff knowif you are able to donate anything.

Summary of Dates

Wednesday 14th October / Playgroup photographer – Anne-Marie Randall. All welcome even if your child does not normally attend on a Wednesday (but must be accompanied by a parent/carer)
Wednesday 21st October / End of Term 1
Monday2ndNovember / INSET DAY – No Playgroup
Tuesday 3rdNovember / Start of Term 2
Thursday 5th November / Croft Bonfire Night. Gates open 6pm. Fireworks 6.45pm. Adults £3, Children £1.50
Wednesday 11th November / Committee Meeting @ Playgroup
Friday 4th December / Staff/Parents Christmas Party at The Shires. All welcome. More details to follow.
Monday 14th December (11 am) / Nativity Dress Rehearsal (siblings at The Croft will be invited)
Tuesday 15h December (11 am) / Nativity Performance 1
Wednesday 16th December (11 am) / Nativity Performance 2
Friday 18thDecember / End of Term 2
Christmas Party 12.00 – 1.30pm

Victoria Compton

On behalf of the Staff and Commitee