Tydd St Mary Church of England School

October 2015

School Website address Tydd Primary

Parents Evening

The first Parents Evening of the year has been organised for Wednesday October 14th(Thursday 8th October Y2) and Mrs Wanthas already notified you of your times. This is an opportunity for teachers to share information with you relating to your child’s progress and for you to raise any concerns you might have. If this date is inconvenient please speak to your child’s class teacher as it is important to us to speak with all parents.

Parents In Class Sessions

Parents/Grandparents are once again invited into school on a weekly basis to work alongside their child in class on their reading targets. Please come along and join us on:

Tuesday- Robins 2:55-3:15

Wednesday- Owls

& Kingfishers 2:55-3:15

Thursday- Robins Y2

& Toucans2:40-3:00

Harvest Festival

Thank you to all those that supported our Harvest Festival Service this year (and joined us afterwards for the Hog Roast). All donations of produce have been taken to the elderly members of our village community today by pupils in Year 6 and members of the PTA


The PTA will hold their first meeting this year on Wednesday 13thOctober in the school hall from 7:00. New members are always welcome!The first job is the organisation of the Christmas Fayre (so even if you

are not able to attend the meeting but are willing to help out on the day please let us know). As a school we really appreciate the money raised as it allows us to give children additional extras that would otherwise be impossible... pantomime trips, discos, activity days etc. ALL children in school benefit greatly as a result of the efforts of the PTA- please support them!


If you haven’t yet visited our school website I’d just like to take this opportunity to remind you that it contains a wide range of information which you may find of use including: many of the forms we use in school, class blogs (and photo galleries), any closure information, latest news and of course our Stars of the Week! It is another way to keep up to date with things if letters do not always find their way home!


From time to time it is inevitable that the school will experience ‘little visitors’ and I do understand how frustratingit can be as a parent. I would ask that all parents have a weekly check (combs, conditioner and a bit of time are the only requirements- no expensive chemicals are needed) to help keep such ‘visits’ to a minimum...get checking and help us to keep lice at bay! Thanks!


School also has a Facebook page which we aim to use to further

strengthen lines of communication. By sending a friend request we will be able to provide you with updates/ events information etc by another means. For those without an account our website is also updated regularly with newsletters and diary dates.


We are finding an increasing number of children are coming to school without a drink for lunchtime. Please help us keep your children hydrated by checking they have remembered to put their drink bottle in their bag in the mornings- thank you!

Green Fingers?!?

A plea for help…

Our school vegetable patch and the school garden are in need of some TLC. If you are able to volunteer to help clear the vegetable patch and weed/ tidy up the garden area before the winter arrives it would be very much appreciated! We also have various planters that need setting up with winter pansies etc. Please pop in and let us know if you are able to help. Many hands…


13th OctPTA meeting

14th OctParents Evening

22nd Oct End of Term 1

2nd NovTerm 2 begins

17th DecEnd of Term 2

5th JanTerm 3 begins

12th FebEnd of Term 3

22nd FebTerm 4 begins

24th MarchEnd of Term 4

12th AprilTerm 5 begins

27thMayEnd of Term 5

6th JuneTerm 6 begins

21stJulyEnd of School Year