Parents' Committee Meeting

Boy Scouts Troop 474

Oct. 14, 2008


Lori ShehanNeil Cochran

Jackie and Rob EasleyAudrey Oakes

Kim FossTeresa Higgins

Kristin FujiiBob Rothschilds

Bill and Liz HowardTracy Asher

Meg KellerBob Hoffman

Doug WollenNancy Payne

Penny McGranaghanZack Eckblad

Julie ThompsonMike Hori

Art Anderson


Introductions made

Minutes reviewed by parents in attendance. A motion made to accept, seconded. Vote taken and minutes approved.

Treasurer's Report:

Pat bought 10 climbing helmets at $2.99 or $3.99 each. Will be kept at Kent's house.

Dahni has turned things in for auditing and will be given to Meg.

Motion to accept the report, seconded. Vote taken and the minutes were approved.


Seattle Historical Tour: Audrey reported it might be a fun day thing to do. There's a patch and medal that can be earned. There is more about the tour at the Seattle BSA websit. It could be a good idea for patrol dads to pass on to the boys.

Evergreen Aviation Museum trip was awesome.

Ft. Warden outing went well. Not very windy.

Wood cutting was wet. Almost $1000 cleared.

Goldmeyer went well. A little frost because of the chilly air.

Rock climbing outing went well.

Schedule Review:

weekend of Oct. 17 is the Dash Point outing

ACT training coming up.

Oct. 25 is an Eagle Project at Clark Lake.

Oct. 26 is Kent's Second Annual Scoutmaster Fun Run/Walk/Bike

November has a couple of outings, including Bowman's Bay and Boulder River

December has a snow shoe outing and a car camp outing

Following things to add onto the website schedule: popcorn orders due 10/21, popcorn pick-up is 11/14 and 12/1 is when final popcorn money is due

Round Table:

City of Kent Winterfest is 12/6, with a tree lighting and other festivities.

WashJam is 8/20-8/23, 2009. In 2004, approximately 4,000 people attended.

11/11 is Veteran's Day services at Tahoma National Cemetery.

Klondike Derby and Show Bash will be held at Ensgin Rance just east of Snoqualime Pass the same weekend at the troop's igloo outing in January.

Merit Badge Clinic will be held 1/24 and 3/14.

Scout Night with the Thunderbirds is 10/25.

11/8: JJ is planning representation of the troop in Auburn's Veteran's Day parade.

Scoutmaster's Report:

new uniform is out. Boys can wear any uniform, except for going to Jamboree in 2010.

Kent is looking at offering the troop snow shoes for other troops to use. Would have a small amount of money coming in from the rental. Motion to approve and seconded. Vote taken and approved.

Outings have been pretty good. Some bad patrol mixing going on, and need to firm that up. Encourage using the patrol method.

Medical forms on outings going better. Meds need to be firmed up. Send kids with medications properly labeled. (*In the container the prescription was dispensed in from the pharmacy.*) Question asked about when (minor) injuries occur, do parents get called?

Open Time:

It's recharter time again! Troop support will be $30. $10 for the charter, and $20 to the troop. Troop dues need to be in before the troop charter sent in.

Troop First Aid kits need to be replenished. Quartermaster needs to go through them and get a list of what's needed so Lori McGranaghan can restock them.

Copy machine needs cleaning. Right now it copies too dark or too light. Tracy has been making copies of minutes/agendas/treasurer's reports for the parents' meetings straight from the family computer printer. Lori Shehan and Tracy will coordinate.

Program Training Conference: $30 to sign up, held in south Seattle. Have a lot of different sessions like Advancement Board of Reviews, etc.

Wood Badge Training: $225 and the troop pays half. Held at Camp Pigott in the fall and spring.

Kent is the South End Scoutmaster for Jamboree in 2010.

Fuel Policy-- is now done. It's located on the websit in the roster area. Will be on trial for six months.

Boy Assistance Outing Planning: boys need to set up the outings, less parent involvement with the actual planning. Parents do need to provide assistance, by helping them get the skills needed ingrained.

Merit Badge Counselor List: Problem with council not getting approvals done in a timely manner. If you signed up for troop only, you should be okay. If you're signed up for outside the troop, don't do it yet. (“Merit badge police” won't come after you though!)

Cost of wood will be going up. Will be on agenda for next month.

Joell Nylund had surgery today for brain tumor. Suggestion to send flowers. Seconded, vote taken. Approved for $50-75.. Tracy will contact florist and have flowers sent.

Next meeting will be November 18.

minutes submitted by: Tracy Asher