The name of this organization shall be the Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School (CMCHS)Parents Club, here to after referred to as the Parents Club.


The objectives of this organization shall be:

  1. To unite all stakeholders (or guardians) of students at CMC in a spirit of friendship and cooperation.
  2. To raise funds for the benefit of the school and its students.
  3. To promote activities which benefit the student body and the school.
  4. To consider requests from the principal.


Every Father/Mother, Grandfather/Grandmother, or Legal Guardian of a student atCMCHS is a member of the Parents Club and is eligible to vote, hold office, or be a chairperson for fundraisers. All Alumni Fathers/Moms, Grandfathers/Grandmothers, or Legal Guardians of students who attended CMCHS are honorary members and are eligible to vote, hold office, or be a chairperson for fundraisers. Additionally, everyone involved with the school is a member of the Parents Club and is expected to help at any and all functions that raise money for the school.


Section 1:The officers of the organization shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers shall constitute the Executive Board.

Section 2:Two unexcused absences by any officer shall constitute grounds for expulsion from office. A majority of the remaining officers shall be required before any officer can be removed for this reason.

Section 3:Should a vacancy occur in any office during the 1st semester, the Board will nominate two (2) or more candidates for that position, and an election will be held at the next regular meeting. During the 2nd semester, the Board may choose to appoint someone to fill the position or to leave the position vacant until the regular election.


Section 1: President (Executive Board Member)

  1. The President shall preside at all meetings.
  2. Act as Chairperson of the Executive Board.
  3. Have general supervision of the interest of the Club.
  4. Be an ex-officio, a member of all standing committees with the right to vote.
  5. Act as liaison with school officials.

Section 2: Vice-President (Executive Board Member)

  1. The Vice-President shall assist the President in all duties.
  2. In the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President.
  3. Conduct the official correspondence for the Club as directed by the President or Board.
  4. Answer official letters.
  5. Maintain a correspondence file.

Section 3: Secretary (Executive Board Member)

  1. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of each monthly Club meetingand shall keep records of all business proceedings of the Club.
  2. Dispatch notice of all meetings.
  3. Present the minutes in writing at the following meeting.
  4. Provide copies of the minutes each month to the designated official of the school.
  5. Distribute copies of the Moms’ Club CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS to
    all members present at the first meeting each school year, and keep additional
    copies available upon request.
  6. Note all actions, decisions, and determinations made at each meeting.
  7. Keep a roll of all members.
  8. Keep a list of committees and their membership.

Section 4: Treasurer (Executive Board Member)

  1. The Treasurer shall receive all invoices and complete the appropriate paperwork for payment.
  2. Work with the school bookkeeper to reconcile all receipts and disbursements.
  3. Keep an itemized record of receipts and disbursements.
  4. Submit a written Treasurer’s report at each monthly Club meeting, including a
    detailed record of each fundraising event.

Section 5: Webmaster (Non-Executive Board Member)

Section 6: Alumni Relations (Non-Executive Board Member)


Section 1: Eligibility for Office

  1. Any “Active” member of the CMCHS Parents Club is eligible for nomination to an office or to be chairperson of a fundraiser.
  2. “Active” membership is determined by attendance at meetings and/or by participation in Parents Club functions and fundraisers.

Section 2: Nomination Committee

  1. A nominating committee consisting of 2 or 3 members shall be appointed by the President at the March meeting.
  2. The nominating committee shall subsequently prepare a slate nominating one or more candidates for each office, prior to the May meeting. Additional nominations will be accepted from the floor at the time of the election, prior to voting.


Section 1:Officers shall be elected by ballot at the May meeting.

Section 2:Any officer may seek re-election to her own or another position, provided they remain otherwise eligible.

Section 3:New officers will officially assume their duties on July 1st. All Parents Club records shall be finalized and turned over to the new officers by that date. New officers shall be invited to attend June’s Executive Board Meeting prior to their installation.


Any member present at the May (election) meeting will be eligible to vote in the officer election.


Officers shall serve the following terms:

President – one year term

Vice-President – one year term as Vice-President and one year term as President

Secretary – 2 year term

Treasurer – 2 year term


Section 1:Regular meetings will be held monthly, July through June.

Section 2:The annual election will be held in May.

Section 3:Special meetings of the Executive Board and/or of the general membership may be called by the President as deemed necessary.


The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended at any meeting of the general membership, provided however, that:

  1. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Board
  2. A 2/3 majority vote of the members present at the adoption meeting is required for approval of the amendment.
  3. Any amendment adopted will require that all be included in the minutes, retyped, identified and dated, and signed by President and Secretary.

Adopted this 7thday of June 2017

President: ______

Secretary: ______

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