Spring Term23rd June 2017

Parental Questionnaire

We have added a “Parental Questionnaire” to our website in order to further obtain the views of our parents. Please take 5 minutes to fill it in. I will go through the responses and share the findings with you at a later date.

School Fund

We have noticed a substantial drop in school fund recently. We ask that all families contribute £1.50 each week which helps greatly in improving resources and opportunities for all our pupils. We have worked hard to become one of the best resourced schools in Neath Port Talbot and it is our intention to continue to provide our pupils with even greater opportunities as we move forward together.

Athletics Events

This week has been a busy one for our athletes. On Saturday we attended the Catholic School Sports at Leckwith Stadium in Cardiff. All pupils represented the school magnificently and were a credit to themselves and the school. A special mention to our Y3 boys relay team who took first place and Nana Nyanin in Y3 who came second in the sprint.

We also took part in the West Glamorgan Athletics tournament which was held on 20th June (13:15) at Swansea University. The weather was very hot, but again the pupils were a credit to the school with a number making the County Finals which will be held on Monday July 3rd.

School Trips

The pupils went on their annual school trips during the week. Foundation Phase attended Folly Farm, whilst the junior pupils went to Heatherton. The pupils had a wonderful time and enjoyed a well deserved treat for all their hard work during the year.

Pupil Reports

It is our intention to send out pupil’s reports by Friday June 30th, in readiness for parents Evenings which take place the following Monday and Tuesday. For pupils in Y2-Y6 we hope that National Test results will have been returned by Welsh Government by that date.

Transition Days

On Wednesday 5th July to Friday 7th July our Y6 pupils will attend St Josephs as part of their transition programme. During this time we intend to move the remaining pupils up a year to their classes for next year. Not all classes will have their designated teacher due to current staff absence.

Sports Day

Sports Day will take place on Wednesday June 28th with a backup date of Friday 30th June if the weather is against us.

Foundation Phase (Infants) - 9:30- 11:00

Juniors - 1:30-3:00


We have a new school twitter account. Please follow us @StTheresePT. The account will primarily be used to post pictures as it directly links up to the Home Page of our new school website.

Mr. Welsh (Head teacher)