Parental Entitlement to Pre-School Partnership Funding

Glasgow City Council contracts with the private and social economy nurseries to provide a number of funded places to children of 3 – 5 years. Children become eligible for a funded place the day after their 3rd birthday.

Funding is granted up to a maximum of £1,998 (£10.51 x 190 sessions) for the academic year (38 weeks) to children attending 5 sessions per week. If your child attends nursery for less than 5 sessions per week the funding payment is calculated pro rata.

The nursery is responsible for allocating the funding given to them by Glasgow City Council in discussion with the parents/carers using the service. Nurseries are required under the terms of the contract to provide parents/carers with transparent information on how the funding is used.

Glasgow City Council private and social economy nurseries in discussion with parents/carers have responsibility for providing parents with the following information:

-  Start date child becomes eligible for a Pre-Partner funded place.

-  Number of funded sessions (weekly/per session) child is entitled to.

-  Total amount of money per Term parent/carer can expect to be paid.

-  Payment process as well as method and frequency of payment.

-  Pre - School Partnership Funding Contract for parent/carer signature.

The following is an example of the maximum funded payment for a child eligible for 190 sessions at £10.51 per session over the academic year (38 weeks) for session 2016/17.

Funding Period / Term 1:
16 Aug – 21 Dec 2016
(Max: 86 sessions) / Term 2:
2 Jan – 31 March 2017
(Max: 59 sessions) / Term 3:
17 Apr – 27 Jun 2017
(Max 45 sessions)
Eligible Birth Dates / Day after 3rd Birthday / Day after 3rd Birthday / Day after 3rd Birthday
Est. Payment Date / Nov-16 / Mar-17 / Jun-17
5 Sessions / £903.86 / £620.09 / £472.95

SESSION 2016/17

Should parents/carers have any questions/issues in respect of Glasgow City Council Pre Partner funded places please contact the Head of the Nursery in the first instance who will be happy to assist.

Should the Pre Partner Nursery be unable to resolve parent/carer issues please contact: Glasgow City Council,

Education Early Years,

Monitoring and Liaison Officer


0141 287 4702 for assistance.