4=Strongly agree; 3= Agree; 2=Disagree; 1=Strongly disagree

______1) I would be honored to serve in a branch of the military.

______2) Love is most strong if kept a secret.

______3) I never cheat (at anything).

______4) You know you really like someone if you get jealous when he/she talks to other guys or girls.

______5) I try to get to the bottom of any mystery that presents itself.

______6) I am most attracted to great personalities.

______7) Only adults can be in love for real.

______8) I would never pick a fight with anyone smaller than me.

______9) “Cheap shots” are for cowards.

______10) I turn pale around my crush.

______11) I keep my word.

______12) Every person has a true love waiting for him or her.

______13) If some hurts one of my friends, I want to get back at that person.

______14) I mind my please’s and thank you’s.

______15) A person’s heart races around his or her true love.

______16) Never date anyone you wouldn’t marry.

______17) The harder it is to obtain something, the more that thing will be valued.

______18) I respect my parents and teachers.

______19) I have good self control.

______20) I would do anything for those people that I love.

(20 – 39 points) Not Knight-worthy: According to the codes of chivalry and courtly love of Arthurian times, you are a goon. Your ideas and actions directly oppose those practiced by valiant knights and fair ladies in the Medieval ages. If you’re not having much luck in the love department, perhaps review good manners to brush up your game. If you’re content with your behavior though, no worries. Hundreds of years have passed since Arthur ruled, after all.

(40 – 59 points) Amateur Arthur:You are on your way to becoming a respected knight of the roundtable. You know the basics of love and are likely a skilled fighter. A few more years of courting and several quests later and perhaps you will be as great a knight as Sir Lancelot himself! (Just be sure to remember that the queen is off limits).

(60 – 80 points) Roundtable Ready:King Arthur has a seat ready for you at his roundtable! Your fine manners, insights on love, and respectful fighting skills make you a wonderful individual. You likely have many suitors and will make a great name for yourself throughout the kingdom.

4=Strongly agree; 3= Agree; 2=Disagree; 1=Strongly disagree

______1) I would be honored to serve in a branch of the military.

______2) Love is most strong if kept a secret.

______3) I never cheat (at anything).

______4) You know you really like someone if you get jealous when he/she talks to other guys or girls.

______5) I try to get to the bottom of any mystery that presents itself.

______6) I am most attracted to great personalities.

______7) Only adults can be in love for real.

______8) I would never pick a fight with anyone smaller than me.

______9) “Cheap shots” are for cowards.

______10) I turn pale around my crush.

______11) I keep my word.

______12) Every person has a true love waiting for him or her.

______13) If some hurts one of my friends, I want to get back at that person.

______14) I mind my please’s and thank you’s.

______15) A person’s heart races around his or her true love.

______16) Never date anyone you wouldn’t marry.

______17) The harder it is to obtain something, the more that thing will be valued.

______18) I respect my parents and teachers.

______19) I have good self control.

______20) I would do anything for those people that I love.

(20 – 39 points) Not Knight-worthy: According to the codes of chivalry and courtly love of Arthurian times, you are a goon. Your ideas and actions directly oppose those practiced by valiant knights and fair ladies in the Medieval ages. If you’re not having much luck in the love department, perhaps review good manners to brush up your game. If you’re content with your behavior though, no worries. Hundreds of years have passed since Arthur ruled, after all.

(40 – 59 points) Amateur Arthur:You are on your way to becoming a respected knight of the roundtable. You know the basics of love and are likely a skilled fighter. A few more years of courting and several quests later and perhaps you will be as great a knight as Sir Lancelot himself! (Just be sure to remember that the queen is off limits)

(60 – 80 points) Roundtable Ready:King Arthur has a seat ready for you at his roundtable! Your fine manners, insights on love, and respectful fighting skills make you a wonderful individual. You likely have many suitors and will make a great name for yourself throughout the kingdom.