Drama Club: Parent Information Letter—Wednesday, March 19th
1. Costumes—We will be doing a “pre-costume check” on Thursday (tomorrow). The next costume check is the Thursday after Spring Break (April 10). Cast will need to bring everything they are responsible for at this time (i.e. shoes, tank tops, pants/tights, etc.)
2. Set Workdays—
Ø THIS Saturday, March 22 from 10:00am-1:00pm (This is an ADDITION!)
We could use 2-3 parents to help supervise the different groups working on:
o Painting: Backdrop, corn row stands, Aunt Eller’s house
o Building/Creating: Aunt Eller’s house (putting walls together, making wooden supports)
PVC Pipe Extension for the backdrop PVC pipe frame
Last minute props
o Organizing: Costumes (on racks)
Prop room
Marking the stage (w/ masking tape)
Ø Saturday, April 5 from 10:00am-1:00pm (This is a TIME CHANGE!)
We will be trying to finish anything that was not completed at this Saturday’s set workday.
Ø Saturday, April 12 from 1:00PM-4:00PM
We will be doing our finishing touches with the set and props, including marking the floors for where the set pieces go. We have had a fun and successful time during the previous set workdays!
3. Saturday Practice—April 12th from 1:00PM-4:00PM = ALL Cast & The Following Crew Groups: Mandatory for lighting/sound and stage hands; optional for all other crew members
4. Attendance Plan—When we return from spring break, ALL CAST & CREW are required to attend EVERY practice for the amount of time that has been set on the schedule, unless otherwise instructed. We’ve been having problems with this over the past couple weeks, and we are down to the wire! Because the kids have had our schedule since December, we have decided that if anyone has to miss all or part of a practice in the last 2 weeks, we may be limiting their involvement in the show. That may include not being in a scene or song for cast; for crew, that may include not getting a specific job to help on show nights. This will be decided on an individual basis regarding the situation.
5. Play Nights—
Friday, April 18 @ 7:00 pm
Students will stay after school until show time. Dinner will be provided.
Saturday, April 19 @ 5:00 pm
Students need to arrive at 2:00 pm. Lunch & Dinner will NOT be provided.
6. School Performances—Monday, April 21
As of now we don’t have a schedule, but we will let your son/daughter know when he/she is performing for the school. You will be able to come see the school day performances if you’d like; please sign in at the main office, get a nametag, and sit in the bleachers in the Trojan Gym. The floor seats will be reserved for the student body.
**We will be asking 10-15 students to help break down the set and clear the stage after school until 4:30 on this day.
7. Drama Club Party—Wednesday, April 23 from 5:00-7:00pm.
Students will meet in the LGI for pizza and a movie! A small group will be asked to come early to help with stage cleanup—more info will come closer to that date.
8. T-shirt orders will be in after Spring Break! See me before you leave if you would like to order an extra t-shirt or sweatshirt. I’m placing the final numbers TONIGHT! We’ll be wearing them a couple times leading up to the show! Thank you to V’s Tees & Apparel for making them! J
9. Snacks/Concessions—
We need any donations of water/soda/baked goods to sell at concessions during the musical. Please remember that we need water and PEPSI products (Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mt. Dew, Mug Root Beer, Sierra Mist, 7-Up, etc…). For those of you are able to donate baked goods, please package those 1-3 in a baggie so we can sell them for $0.50 to $1.00 each. Funds from concession sales will go to the drama club fund for next year’s play production, and leftovers from the concession sales (drinks, snacks, and baked goods) will be given to the kids at the drama club party!
10. Dinners—
We would like to have dinner for the drama club on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of play week. If you have any connections or make a mean PB&JJ, please talk with us before you leave today. Or if you are interested in calling to set up orders for us, please let us know today as well! If not but you would like to help serve or clean up, please sign up on www.VolunteerSpot.com.
11. Props/Set/Costume/Important Needs—Please see the following list. We will have a better idea of a specific number of these items and sizes for costuming after the first costume check, so we’ll send another message with needs once we have those details!
· We could especially use your help if you can videotape the performances or make DVDs.
· 4 dresses
· Crinoline slip/layers for under dresses (a varying number—the more, the better)
· 6 plaid shirts
· 10 girls boots
· 8 boys boots
· 1 pair of overalls
· Firewood
· Satchel or cart for peddler
· Coffee grinder-old hand crank style
· Wedding veil
· Old Leather Bible
· Rope
· Animal skin
· Old hammer
· Saddle
· Chaps
· Toy Gun holsters
· Leather belts (a varying number—the more, the better)
· Staple gun
· Drill
· Brown upholstery leather
12. Volunteer Sign-Ups—Go to: http://vols.pt/sAAQh4
Please volunteer at least once; we can’t do this without you! We have created an online volunteer sheet through VolunteerSpot.com that will send you an email reminder about your role, start time, etc. If you have trouble signing up or have questions, please email Mrs. Widbin.
We're using VolunteerSpot (the leading online signup and reminder tool) to organize our upcoming activity.
Please sign up for MSN Oklahoma! 2014 - here's how it works in 3 easy steps:
1. Click this linkto go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot:http://vols.pt/sAAQh4
2. Enter your email address:(You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot)
3. Sign up!Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!
Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.
Our Updated April Calendar, as it appears on the website…