Our Lady of Lourdes Confirmation Preparation
2016 Retreat Options
Available to students entering 9th grade – entering 12th grade
The following are approved weekend retreat experiences that satisfy the weekend retreat requirement for confirmation preparation completely. Candidates are encouraged to participate in any retreat experiences available to them and to register early to ensure a place in these retreat offerings. Fundraising and scholarships are available for all retreats.
Catholic Heart Work Camp – June 12-18
Cost: $450 Registration due: March 30 Location: Milwaukee, WI Available to all students in grades 9-12
We are partnering with Catholic Heart Work Camp to serve Milwaukee. After each day of service, we will come back to
amazing programs including live music and a dance party.To register contact or for more
general information: www.heartworkcamp.com
CHRISTpower - July 10-15
Cost: $125 Registration due: June 13 Location: Helias in Jeff City Available to all students in grades 9-12
This is a weeklong service retreat for high school students across the diocese.
For more information: http://www.discoverthepriesthood.org/index.php/our-events/christpower/
or contact: Marybeth Hunton, or 573.635.9127, Ext. 233
Steubenville Youth Conference - July 15-17
Cost: $240 Registration due: April 15 Location: Springfield, MO Available to all students in grades 9-12
For more info: http://steubystl.com; and to register: http://ourladyoflourdes.org/steubenville-retreat/
Camp Maccabee - July 17-21 or July 24-28
Cost: $150 Registration due: June 30 Location: St. Robert, MO Available to guys only in grades 9-11
At Camp Maccabee, you will experience adventure and competition among God’s creation with your Catholic brothers.
For more information: http://campmaccabee.com/
Camp Sienna - July 24-28
Cost: $150 Location: St. Patrick , Laurie Available to ladies only in grades 9 -12
It is committed to helping young Catholic women deepen their relationship with God. Activities include Camp
Wonderland; Camp Windermere Ropes Course; Cooking and Crafts; daily adventures of many kinds.
Contact: Marybeth Hunton at or 573.635.9127, Ext. 233