January 2009


What is Cyber Bullying?

Cyber Bullying is the use of information and communication technologies, such as e-mail,

cell phone and pager text messages, instant messaging, personal Web sites and on-line personal polling Web sites, to support deliberate, repeated and hostile behaviour by an individual or group, which is intended or perceived to harm others.

Here are a few examples of Cyber Bullying:

·  Exclusion – Excluding someone from an online group or blocking them from a chat group. Students also use gaming sites to purposely exclude or attack other’s characters, so that they can not take part in the game.

·  Impersonation – Breaking into someone’s e-mail or MSN account, posing as that person and sending damaging messages.

·  Denigration – Sending or posting cruel gossip or rumours about a person to damage their reputation.

·  Misusing – Using a cell phone to take embarrassing photos and e-mailing to others, or posting on Facebook, Youtube etc.

·  Outing or Trickery – Revealing someone’s secrets or embarrassing information online or tricking someone into revealing secretes while online.

·  Polling sites – Setting up web-pages so that peers can vote on who is the “dumbest” or “ugliest” student in the school

·  Hate sites – Individuals create web-pages designed to insult others.

·  Flaming –Mean or vulgar messages in electronic communications. Typically, messages are sent in upper case letters

Prevention At Home:

·  Talk to your children about responsible Internet use. Emphasize that they are not to give out personal information such as phone numbers, on-line name, e-mail address, or passwords

·  Explain that Cyber Bullying is harmful and unacceptable behaviour. Outline your expectations for responsible on-line behaviour and make it clear that there will be consequences for inappropriate behaviour. Consider creating an on-line agreement or contract for computer/technology use.

·  Keep your home computer(s) in high traffic areas (ie. kitchen, family room, etc.). It is not advisable for children to have computers in their bedrooms.

·  Become computer and on-line savvy.

If a Child Reports They Are Being Cyber Bullied:

§  Stay calm and thank them for reporting the incident. Try to keep from over-reacting.

§  Ask for copies of texts, websites, messages etc. Inform child to save:

§  E-mails and E-mail address

§  Date and time received

§  Nickname of offending person

§  Name and URL of chat room

§  Does the child feel safe coming to school? Try to determine if there are other targets.

§  Does the child know the identity of the perpetrator(s)?

Next Steps:

§  If necessary, inform school administration/teacher/police

§  Contact Internet Service Provider (ISP) and inform them of abuse

§  Implement a safety plan, and ways to stay safe on-line

Other Helpful Tips for On-line Safety

§  Don't send a message to someone else when you are angry – (Thinkb4Uclick)

§  Don't open a message from someone you don't know

§  Learn Webcam safety

§  Investigate Facebook, MySpace, MSN etc. and learn how to use them properly

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