a.The president shall appoint a committee of three (3) members at each executive board meeting to approve the minutes of the previous board meeting.

b.The president shall appoint a committee of three (3) members at each regular meeting to approve the minutes of the previous regular meeting.


a.China Spring PTA shall pay the expenses of the newly-elected officers and committee chairs to attend the Council and Area PTA training, if applicable. As the approved budget allows, this Local PTA shall pay the expenses of any other PTA member to attend.

b.China Spring PTA shall pay the expenses of members to the Texas PTA Annual Convention and Summer Leadership Seminar in the following order, as funds allow:

1. President

2.First Vice President

3.Second Vice President




7.Standing Committee Chairs

8.Special Committee Chairs

9.General Members

c.China Spring PTA shall pay the expenses of the delegate(s) to the National PTA Annual Convention, if funds permit after expenses have been allocated for the Texas PTA Summer Leadership Seminar and Annual Convention. Delegate(s) shall be appointed with the approval of the executive board at the February meeting.

d.China Spring PTA shall limit event expenses to the following items AFTER participation in at least one full day of event training:

1.Early Bird Registration

2.Hotel accommodations at published seminar or convention double-occupancy rate with approval of the executive board.

3.Gasoline for one vehicle per four (4) members in attendance at current IRS milage rate when using personal car, or the lowest available commercial airfare at twenty-one (21) day advance booking (only for National PTA Convention).

4.Meals not to exceed forty dollars ($40) per person per day.

5.Alcohol purchases shall not be reimbursed.

6.Parking fees

e.China Spring PTA shall pay for the expenses of the executive board to attend the Texas PTA Leader Orientation.


a.China Spring PTA shall purchase one (1) Texas PTA Lifetime Membership each year to be awarded to an Executive Board Member selected by board member voting at the May board meeting.

b.The President, First Vice President, and Treasurer shall be signers on the bank account(s).

c.All money shall be counted by at least two (2) persons at the same time, and all counters shall sign a completed Itemized Receipt Form. The money shall then be given to the treasurer, who shall also count and sign the Itemized Receipt Form.

d.Collection will be attempted on any check made payable to China Spring PTA that is returned as NSF and then it be reported to the McLennan County Hot Check Department for recovery of funds due. China Spring PTA reserves the right to refuse subsequent checks from the check writer and require cash or money orders for payment.

e.China Spring PTA shall not use credit or debit cards.

f.China Spring PTA shall reimburse allowable, budgeted expenses to members who submit receipts with proper documentation to the treasurer within thirty (30) days of the event or within three (3) days of the end of the school year, whichever comes first. Allowable expenses are only those budgeted and approved on the committee's Plan of Work as well as approved by the committee chairman prior to purchase.

g.China Spring PTA shall NOT reimburse sales tax unless the executive board gives prior approval for the exception. Any member making purchases on behalf of or for China Spring PTA shall use the tax exempt form.

h.China Spring PTA shall receive at least three (3) bids when making any purchase greater than $1000 unless the item is a specialty item and there is but one vendor for the item.

i.China Spring PTA shall require a written contract with any business/vendor when purchasing non-refundable merchandise or when making significant expenditures for service. The President shall be the signer on all such contracts unless the exception is approved by the executive board prior to writing the contract.

j.China Spring PTA shall have a carryover in the checking account of not less than $15,000 at the end of the fiscal year.


The following insurance shall be purchased annually by China Spring PTA:

a.General Liability

b.Officers' Liability

c.Bond Insurance


Condolences expressed on behalf of China Spring PTA shall be in the form of a sympathy card, no gifts.


a.The President shall:

1.approve all events, dates, and communications on behalf of China Spring PTA;

2. oversee progress of all committees as allowed in the Bylaws;

3.serve as the association's liaison within the school district; and

4.establish or maintain a Three (3) Year Strategic plan for the association.

b.The First Vice President shall:

1.aid the President, and

2.oversee committees.

c.The Second Vice President (Membership and Volunteer Coordinator) shall:

1. be in charge of Membership; and

2.preside in the absence of the president (in their designated order).

d.The Secretary shall:

1.record, type, and preserve minutes for each meeting;

2.write and send any acknowledgements, thank you notes, and condolences on behalf of the association;

3.organize the Life Membership Award voting, purchase, and presentation; and

4.maintain a history of the association. with the Social Media Chairman to provide PTA information to students, parents, and the community;

  1. create bulletin board displays at the Elementary campus

7.prepare and send out a PTA newsletter each 6 weeks

e.The Treasurer shall:

1.maintain all financial records;

2.write checks for invoices, disbursement vouchers, and reimbursements;

3.balance checking account each month;

4.present financial reports at each meeting;

5.maintain PTA laptop computer and Treasurer's Software;

6.oversee the Grant Writing committee;

7.oversee the Grade Grant committee; and

8.have all financial books ready for Reconciliation Committee by June 30.

f.The Parliamentarian shall:

1.enforce Robert's Rules of Order at each meeting; and

2.provide an "Association Refresher" at each meeting based on Robert's Rules, the association's Bylaws, or the association's Standing Rules.

VII.Standing Committees

The Standing Committees are listed below with a general description of each. These committees conduct business and volunteer continuously throughout the school year. Each Standing Committee has one (1) Chairman and any number additional members (determined by the scope and frequency of the committee's projects). Every Standing Committee Chair is responsible for presenting a Plan of Work for the upcoming year at the August board meeting. This Plan of Work reveals the committee's vision and plans for the year as well as requests any budget needs for the year. Every Standing Committee Chair is responsible for maintaining a Procedure Book that records the committee's activities, budget, meetings, members, vendors, and any other pertinent information. This Procedure Book shall be passed on to the incoming Chairman of that committee at the May board meeting.

a.Corporate Relations - work within the community to foster relations between businesses and the association, organize all donation requests, schedule and promote "Spirit Nights" at restaurants, ice cream/yogurt shops, etc.

b.Social Media - maintain the association's online presence such as the website ( a Facebook page, and a Twitter feed, ensure timely and accurate communication between the association and parents, teachers, and members, and keep the association visible to the community.

c.Fall Festival - host a community-wide, family-centered fundraising event each fall semester, delegate sub-committees for the event preparation and "day of" activities, and prepare and present a Fundraising Report at the February board meeting.

d.Parent Education- Inform parents through educational programs, newsletters, and family events. Examples: donuts with dad, muffins with mom, father/daughter dance, mother/son dance, Kindergarten round-up, guest speakers

e.School Supplies - obtain grade level school supply lists for Pre-Kindergarten through 6th Grade, select a vendor to fill pre-sold orders, and coordinate the pre-sale and delivery of the kits.

f.Spirit Wear - design, promote, order, and distribute China Spring spirit items such as shirts, caps, mugs, decals, etc.

g.Grade Grants - grade or teaching team specific product requests in the form of a grant application made to China Spring PTA. The Treasurer serves as the Chairman for this committee with at least one committee member from the Elementary campus who will process Grade Grants, submit them to the Treasurer for payment, and place the product order.

h.Spirit Sticks- order, promote, and distribute spirit sticks

i.Art in Education- Provide enrichment opportunities in literature, performing, and fine arts

j.Birthday Book Club - create and distribute information for the students' to purchase books through China Spring PTA in honor of their birthday, purchase books reflecting student response, deliver books to the library, and award the student with a book mark to recognize their donation.

k.Fundraising - compile a variety of fundraising ideas to present to the executive board in March, and take board recommendation to the General Membership for approval of upcoming years' fundraisers in April. Once vendor is approved, coordinate dates, materials, ordering, incentives, delivery, and rewards for the fundraising event.

l.Room Mom Coordinator - serve as a liaison between each Room Mom and the PTA, organize approved classroom parties, and assist with community-wide events, campus donations, and teacher appreciation projects.

m.Teacher Appreciation - plan and organize various luncheons periodically throughout the year. This includes the end of the year teacher appreciation luncheon.

n.Teacher Representative - This is a one (1) person committee designatedby the principal.

o.Yearbook – coordinate the annual yearbook production, sales, and distribution at the Elementary campus.

p.Grant Writers - work with the Secretary and Treasurer to locate and apply for financial grants open to non-profit, educational organizations. Each committee member is asked to complete one grant application per school year.


The Special Committees are listed below with a general description of each. These committees conduct business and volunteer for one specific project or event during the school year. Each Special Committee has one (1) Chairman and any number additional members (determined by the scope of the committee's project). Every Special Committee Chair is responsible for presenting a Plan of Work for the upcoming year at the August board meeting. This Plan of Work reveals the committee's vision and plans for the year as well as requests any budget needs for the year. Every Special Committee Chair is responsible for maintaining a Procedure Book that records the committee's activities, budget, meetings, members, vendors, and any other pertinent information. This Procedure Book shall be passed on to the incoming Chairman of that committee at the May board meeting.

a.Financial Reconciliation - one (1) Chairman and two (2) additional members are appointed by the President and approved by the executive board to audit the financial books after each fiscal year; this should be complete by July 15.

b.Nominating - one (1) Chairman, four (4) additional members, and one (1) alternate member is appointed by the President and approved by the executive board to gather nominations for executive officers for the upcoming year; this is presented to the general membership at the February regular meeting.

c.Book Fair - work with campus librarian to host book fairs for the students and parents to purchase books while benefitting the school.

d.Giving Tree - organize a holiday drive for students to donate funds to purchase gifts for children in need.

e.Holiday Shop - work with the school representative to provide workers for their annual student shopping event.

f.Scholarships - coordinate the annual scholarships awarded to graduating China Spring High School seniors. Specific guidelines in accordance with TX PTA regulations:

a. The following are required criteria needed in order to be eligible for one of the two $1,000(one thousand dollar) scholarships. Be a Senior at China Spring High School, Fill out an application, need three letters of recommendation, Transcript-High School to Date, including SAT/ACT Scores, write an essay stating how the PTA scholarship will benefit you including any additional information you wish to be considered in our decision, student must be a member of PTA by March 31 of the same school year, must have minimum GPA of 2.5;

b.Collect list of senior members from membership chair;

c.Collect scholarship forms & applications from the High School;

d.Compile a scholarship committee to determine the recipients for the two $1,000(one thousand dollar) scholarships; and

e.Notify winners & present certificates at the High School Award Ceremony.


a.China Spring ElementaryPTA’s mailing address shall be:

200 Bob Johnson Drive, China Spring 76633.

b.China Spring PTA's unit number is: 1511.

c.Members shall obtain authorization from the membership before representing this Local PTA when communicating to school district personnel or the media.

d.Executive board members shall not be entitled to privileges that are not due to any other school district tax payer because of their position in the PTA.

e.All communications concerning this Local PTA for school distribution shall be approved by the President prior to dissemination.