Parent & Student Handbook | Pittsburgh King PreK-8
Pittsburgh King Pre K-8
The Teaching Institute
Home of the Monarchs
Welcome to Pittsburgh King Pre K-8,
The Teaching Institute!
This handbook contains the Student Code of Conduct for Pittsburgh King Pre K-8, The Teaching Institute. It outlines the expected academic and behavioral norms, policies and procedures. As a student attending Pittsburgh KingPre K-8, you are required to demonstrate a complete understanding of the School Code outlined in this handbook. If you have any questions about any component of the School Code please refer your questions to a member of the administrative team. The Student Code is designed to enable you to focus on your education and behavior, and above all to do your best!
Vision for School Transformation
Pittsburgh King Pre K-8, The Teaching Institute is entering into its third year. We believe that at the heart of the transformation of Pittsburgh King is a shared commitment to and relentless pursuit of racial equity. In order to achieve racial equity, we must create a culture of high expectations for all, and work together to ensure exposure to high quality instruction for every student, in every classroom, every day. Through this transformation we will ensure 100% of our students enter high school promise ready.
Through this transformation we will reach our goals to:
- Accelerate Academic Achievement
- Eliminate Racial Disparities
- Become a School/District of Choice
WHAT / I / NSTRUCTION / A focus on high quality instruction will generate the greatest impact on student learning and achievement.
HOW / C / ULTURE / A commitment to creating a culture of high expectations and collaboration will motivate all towards continuous improvement.
WHY / E / EQUITY / A belief in equity and the limitless potential of our students of color will drive the school transformation of Pittsburgh King.
The Five Basic Behavioral Norms:
The Foundation of Pittsburgh King Pre K-8 is D.R.E.A.M.
AtKing, we D.R.E.A.M everywhere and every day!
Dare to Believe and Achieve
Respect My Community
Exert Extraordinary Effort
Act Responsibly
Make the Right Decisions
Group Guided Instruction
The students will take part in a daily Group Guided Instruction (GGI) under the direction of a Pittsburgh KingPre K-8staff member. GGI is a structured safe environment, facilitated by students under the supervision of a trained staff member. This is an opportunity for explicit instruction of social skills in a group setting. Students are encouraged to discuss issues outside of the school realm that might be interfering with their ability to focus on their educational program. As a result of the group process staff will develop research based personal growth programs appropriate to support the student’s growth in the areas where it is identified. Teachers will be trained to utilize relevant personal growth challenges frequently faced by students whose home environment places them in at-risk situations. An example of relevant topics:
Anger management/Conflict resolution skills
Appropriate social norms
Behavior replacement
Appropriate communication skills
Study skills
Strategies for coping with grief and loss
Self-esteem building
On-task behavior
Leadership skills
Personal space
Special Events and Programs
During the school year, there are many special events in which students participate. Some of these include a concert, field trips, family nights, celebrations, educational awards ceremonies and sports awards ceremonies. At the end of each month, we host a Pursuing Our Promise Pride Day in which we recognize students of the month, students who have made academic and behavioral improvements, as well as students who are celebrating birthdays within the month. Students will also participate in a host of other events that are developed by staff members and students.
Student Government
The Student Government is an important part of Pittsburgh KingPre K-8. The purpose of this club is to support pro-social behavior, encourage responsibility, promote academics and facilitate social growth. To become a member of the Student Government, you must demonstrate positive behaviors inclusive of the following: providing your peers with the necessary redirection, accepting redirection, acting as a positive role model, demonstrating and supporting academic excellence. Members of this club are the student leaders for the campus culture.
This group is responsible for the development of positive leadership, the support of positive norms. Program Officers in Student Government must attain and maintain monarch status and are selected by the student body to serve as the School Student Council.
Earned Student Privileges
Coordinate school events
Walk out of protocol
Monitor student systems
High trust level with staff
Participation in field trips, celebrations, and activities
Access to the student lounge
School Dress Code
The purpose of the Pittsburgh King Pre K-8Dress Code is to facilitate a school climate and culture that promotes student learning. Please remember that any clothing or items deemed inappropriate will be confiscated and only returned to a parent or guardian. Parents or guardians may come to the school to pick up any confiscated items.
Students are not permitted to wear the following:
- Flip-flops
- Hoodies
- Tank tops without a shirt to cover the shoulders
- Head coverings that are non-religious in nature
- Shirts that display the stomach or cleavage.
- All pants must be worn on the waist. Sagging will not be permitted.
- Shirts with questionable graphics or sayings. (This includes RIP and RWG shirts)
- Torn or ripped jeans must be worn with tights underneath.
- Leggings must be worn with a shirt that reaches mid-thigh and completely covers the backsides
- All coats must be removed
Pittsburgh King Pre K-8 is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Items will be returned only to parents or guardians.
Absence is defined as non-attendance in school in an individual class, the entire school day or a combination of both. Absence includes tardiness to class and/or school as well as early dismissals. Pittsburgh King Pre K-8 conforms to all laws, rules, and regulations relation to attendance as prescribed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Pittsburgh Public School District.
Pittsburgh King Pre K-8holds student attendance in the utmost importance. You are expected to attend every day of instruction. You can only grow if you are here! Attendance is a part of the criteria for student status.
Excused Absences
An excused absence includes the absence of a student for any of the following reasons: illness or other urgent reasons (maximum of 10 without a physician note), health care, bereavement, religious holidays/instruction, weather emergency, involuntary exclusion, school-approved activities, and other principal-approved excusals. In all cases, a parent or guardian must verify the excused absence in writing. In cases where the absence is not anticipated, the student's parent or legal guardian must notify the school by telephone, and appropriate documentation verifying the student’s absence must be provided to the school within 3 days of the student’s return.
Make Up Work Procedures
All students will be given the opportunity to complete work missed or make-up computer time resulting from all excused absences, as long as the student has brought documentation to excuse their absence. Once proper document has been verified, it is the responsibility of each student to approach his or her teacher to make-up missed work. Students will have the number of days equal to the number of days of absences to complete missed work. The time allowed to complete missed computer time during absences will be determined by staff. Failure to turn in work or complete work within the timeframe provided may result in the student receiving no credit for the work missed.
Inclement Weather
School may be closed on “bad weather” or “inclement weather” days. Local television, and/or the Pittsburgh Public Schools website may have information about school cancellations or delayed schedules due to bad or inclement weather. Parents or guardians are asked to follow any announcements made by Pittsburgh Public Schools in the event school is closed due to bad or inclement weather, students will be required to attend school on scheduled make-up days for the same number of days school was closed.
All students are required to enter the school facility by 8:10 a.m. All tardy arrivals are considered unexcused. Any student who comes to school after such time will be required to provide documentation that identifies the student’s name, reason for tardiness, and the telephone number and signature of the parent, guardian, or health care professional. Each note is subject to review by the school administrator to determine validity.
Arrival & Breakfast Procedures
The doors will open at 7:45 a.m. All students will enter the building through stairwell 2. Students in grades K-3 will report upstairs and proceed to the cafeteria for breakfast. Student in grades 4-8 will report downstairs and proceed to the gym for breakfast. Breakfast will end promptly at 8:00 and teachers will escort students to their homerooms. Please note that all students and adults are required to pass through a metal detector upon entry to the building. All phones should be turned off and put away.
Lunch Procedures
Students will eat lunch in the cafeteria. Lunch will be broken down into three lunches: Grades K-2; 3-5; and 6-8. Students are permitted to bring a bag lunch only. Students are not permitted to bring loose items including soda, candy, gum, and sunflower seeds. Any individual items will be collected and discarded.
Dismissal & Early Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal time is 2:51 p.m. Students will not be permitted to change their dismissal procedures unless a written note is provided to the teacher. Early dismissals must be made before 2:30 p.m. Early dismissal requests made after 2:30 will not be permitted unless there is a special circumstance or an emergency.
Parents & Visitors
Parents and visitors are always welcomed. For the safety of all students and staff on campus, all visitors must enter through the main door and immediately sign in with the front office to receive a pass. All parents and visitors are to be escorted through the building by a staff member. This policy is implemented for the safety of our students.
Bell Schedule
Period / Start Time / End TimeStaff PLC Time / 7:00 / 7:45
Breakfast/Morning Transition / 7:45 / 8:10
Community Time/Homeroom / 8:10 / 8:20
Pop Time / 8:20 / 8:50
1 / 8:50 / 9:30
2 / 9:30 / 10:10
3 / 10:10 / 10:50
4 / 10:50 / 11:30
K-2 Lunch / 11:30 / 12:10
3-5 Lunch / 12:10 / 12:50
6-8 Lunch / 12:50 / 1:30
8 / 1:30 / 2:10
9 / 2:10 / 2:51
Dismissal / K-2 2:51
3-5 2:47
6-8 2:45
Pittsburgh King Pre K-8 students have specific rights and responsibilities, which are listed below:
Student Responsibilities
Please refer to the Student Code of conduct for a complete list of student responsibilities
Students are responsible for following the norms, procedures, schedules and directives of school personnel while at school
Students are responsible for showing respect to students, staff, and school property at all times.
Students may not use language or exhibit behavior in a manner that would be demeaning or vulgar, or that would imply any type of prejudice or discrimination toward any student
Students are responsible for making up work when they are absent
Student Rights
Please refer to the PPS Student Code of Conduct for a complete list of student rights
Students have the right to learn in a safe environment
Students have the right to fair and impartial treatment regardless of race, national origin, color, creed, physical handicap, or sexual orientation
Students have the right to be informed of Pittsburgh King K-8norms, expectations, procedures, and policies relating to school operations
Students have the right to an education experience free of harassment, intimidation, threats, harm, assault, and humiliation
Students have the right to nutritious meals, sanitary facilities, and a safe functional, and maintained facility
Students have the right to proper medical attention
Students have the right to report any problem or to register complaints regarding any aspect of the school without fear of punishment in accordance with published grievance procedures
Pittsburgh King Pre K-8 utilizes norms to operate our school. A norm is an expected behavior of a group. This means it is what most people do (ex: we raise our hand). The norms listed are Pittsburgh King Pre K-8’s expectations of student behavior.
D.R.E.A.M. / CLASSROOM/OFFICE/LABDare to believe and achieve / AT KING, we work to the best of our ability
AT KING, we ask for help when needed
Respect my community / AT KING, we say ‘please’, ‘thank you’, and ‘excuse me’
AT KING, we keep all eyes on the speaker
Exert extraordinary effort / AT KING, we come prepared to learn everyday
AT KING, we stay engaged and participate
Act responsibly / AT KING, we keep our hands, feet, and unkind words to ourselves
AT KING, we speak with the appropriate tone
Make the right decisions / AT KING, we make safety a priority at all times
AT KING, we complete all of our work
Dare to believe and achieve / AT KING, we treat community time as SACRED
Respect my community / AT KING, we keep all eyes on the speaker
Exert extraordinary effort / AT KING, we stay engaged and participate
Act responsibly / AT KING, we keep our hands, feet, and unkind words to ourselves
Make the right decisions / AT KING, we take ownership for our actions and offer feedback
Dare to believe and achieve / AT KING, we never give up
Respect my community / AT KING, we keep what happens in GGI, in GGI
Exert extraordinary effort / AT KING, we stay engaged and participate
Act responsibly / AT KING, we keep our hands, feet, and unkind words to ourselves
Make the right decisions / AT KING, we take ownership for our actions and offer feedback
Dare to believe and achieve / AT KING, we maximize our learning time
Respect my community / AT KING, we respect the property of others
Exert extraordinary effort / AT KING, we take ownership for our hallways
Act responsibly / AT KING, we walk in protocol, quietly in a straight line
Make the right decisions / AT KING, we have a note to be in the hallways
Dare to believe and achieve / AT KING, we take turns and wait patiently
Respect my community / AT KING, we say ‘please’, ‘thank you’, and ‘excuse me’
Exert extraordinary effort / AT KING, we leave the cafeteria better than we found it
Act responsibly / AT KING, we keep our hands, feet, and unkind words to ourselves
Make the right decisions / AT KING, we stay in our assigned area
Dare to believe and achieve / AT KING, we take turns and wait patiently
Respect my community / AT KING, we say ‘please’, ‘thank you’, and ‘excuse me’
Exert extraordinary effort / AT KING, we leave the bathroom better than we found it
Act responsibly / AT KING, we keep our hands, feet, and unkind words to ourselves
Make the right decisions / AT KING, we get in and out of the bathroom as quickly as possible
D.R.E.A.M. / BUS
Dare to believe and achieve / AT KING, we get off and on our bus at the assigned location
Respect my community / AT KING, we say ‘please’, ‘thank you’, and ‘excuse me’
Exert extraordinary effort / AT KING, we leave the bus better than we found it
Act responsibly / AT KING, we keep our hands, feet, and unkind words to ourselves
Make the right decisions / AT KING, we ride the bus in our assigned seats while facing forward
Possible consequences for failing to follow norms:
Individual Behavior Plan
Student conference
Loss of privileges
Loss of status
Parent phone call
Parent conference
Special assignment
Suspensions (notification will be provided)
Monarch’s Club Leveling System (applicable to grades Pre K-8)
A student leveling system will be developed that is supported within the climate and culture that allows for a continuum of increased positive recognition consisting of sixinterrelated levels. These levels promote pro-social behaviors with privileges and status, and addresses negative behaviors with reduced privileges and a loss in status. Student behavior evaluations occur weekly based on student behavioral progress. Teachers and team leaders meet weekly to discuss and rate individual student behavior and adjust status, as warranted. The behavioral status is publicized within the student cohort and each student participates in the discussion of improving his or her rating. Below are the following ratings:
- Executive Monarch (maroon)
- Monarch (maroon)
- Pledge (blue)
- Positive (green)
- Neutral (yellow)
- Concern (purple)
Criteria for each status:
At concern status, the student demonstrates non-compliant behavior.
In order to move up from this status you must demonstrate and understand these characteristics:
Understand that eye contact, “yes”, ”no” and “excuse me” is how students will address all school personnel and visitors
Study and understand their task package (student manual and code of conduct)
Learn all school personnel and student names, and understand the daily school schedule
Understand how norms and confrontation is utilized
Demonstrate conformity to the schoolculture
Grows personally, cognitively and behaviorally
Makes academic progress
Parents will be notified when students are on the concern level.
At neutral status, the student may be unsure of the process and methods of the handbook.
In order to move up from this status you must demonstrate and understand these characteristics:
Become more vocal in showing leadership and redirecting the negative behavior of their peers
Demonstrate consistent support for the positive school culture
Grows personally, cognitively, and behaviorally while at school
Makes academic progress
Parents will be notified when students are on the neutral level.
At positive status, the student is being observed by school personnel for their ability to consistently confront negative behavior, and for their ability to consistently maintain and promote positive behavior. School personnel are looking to see if the student has the leadership qualities and decision-making abilities to become a school leader. School personnel are also observing the students’ ability to interact appropriately with other students with minimal or no staff direction. DOING NOTHING IS NOT AN OPTION, and may result in a loss of status.