Student Senate meetings are open to all students, and everyone interested in studentissues and empowerment is encouraged to attend.
Student Senate Meeting Agenda – Monday, April 16, 2012
4 pm in the Boardroom (next to Bookstore & Ron's Cafe)
Administration Building, NNMC Espanola Campus
I. Meeting Called to Order @ __4:05 pm__
II. Roll Call and Introductions – Senators Present: Arturo, Christella, Jeff, Kusum, Allan
III. Approval of April 16thAgenda – Approved
IV. Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes – Approved
V. Treasurer’s Report _____Previous meeting’s account balance was $25,254.65 and we have no further update at this time____
V. April 16thAgenda
A)ASNNMC Election Process – Decision:Approvedup to $600 for election mailing to students, including purchase of envelopes from Walmart, and stamps. Further discussion on election process postponed until we know how many students have declared candidacy.
B)Discuss and Ratify Changes to Bylaws – All proposed changes were discussed, and ratified by unanimous consent of Student Senators present, to be sent to the Dean of Student Services, AQUIP Council, President and Board of Regents for final ratification.
C)Student Advisor to Board of Regents – Revised Proposal – ASNMMC approves the revised proposal, to be heard and acted on by the Board of Regents.
D)Filtered Water Update – Research is ongoing. Price quotes for two options were received from the Good Water Company, and presented by Jeff. The next steps are a site visit by the Good Water Company, further analysis to determine the best option, and approved funding by Student Senate.
E)Funding for ASNNMC Office Upgrade– Decision: Funding approved: 1) Up to $1500 for Office Suite; 2) Up to $2100 for Wireless PA System; 3) Up to $2500 for Miscellaneous Office Expenses.
F)Funding for Student Lounge Upgrade -- Decision: Funding approved: 1) Up to $1200 for “All-in-One” Printer / Scanner / Fax Machine with Big Print Cartridge. 2) Up to $400 for mini-refrigerator, to be purchased from Walmart or Lowes if less expensive than catalog.
G)Proposal: ASNNMC Membership in American Student Government Association (1 year = $297 or 2 years = $534)Decision: Approved $297 for one year of membership in ASGA.
H)Proposal: Sponsor student attendance World Renewable Energy Forum, May 13-17 in Denver, CO -- Senators and Advisors agree it would be great to send one or two students to attend this world summit. Funding will be approved pending identification of students interested and available to receive the travel / registration / lodging scholarship. Christella and Jeff will ask Engineering faculty and students. Jeff said he is interested in attending but not yet sure he’ll be available to travel this week.
I)Proposal: Donate remaining ASNNMC funds at end of FY2012 to NNMC Foundation for student scholarshipsDecision: Approved donation of allremaining, unspent ASNNMC funds at the end of FY2012 to the NNMC Foundation for Student Scholarships.
J)Upcoming Events Planning – Earth Week: 1) Tuesday, April 17 Campus Cleanup Day, meet 9 am at Gym(sponsored by ASNNMC) Decision: Approved up to $150 for participating students and staff to eat brunch at Tienda following clean-up.2) Wednesday, April 18 Trapping Presentation at 6:30 pm in AD 101-102(sponsored by ASNNMC) 3) Saturday, April 21 Earth Day celebration at El Rito campus (not sponsored by ASNNMC) 4) Wednesday, April 25 “Four Stories About Water” Film Screening at 7 pm in Fine Arts Theater, 6:30 pm refreshments (sponsored by ASNNMC) – Approved $75 for refreshments.
5) May 5 “Youth Creating Beloved Community” Youth Empowerment Summit (organized by Tewa Women United, co-sponsored by ASNNMC) 8:30 am to 3 pm in AD 101-102
Decision: Approved $1500 funding for end-of-semester BBQ (date to be determined in consultation with Student Activities Committee)
VI. Nominations for open Senate officer positions – None
VII. Senate comments, announcements, and/or concerns.
Free webinar with Student Empowerment Project at 7 pm on Tuesday, April 17 (How to Build a Statewide Student Association)
April 20 Day of Silence to End the Violence
Thalia with Santa Fe-based non-profit organization SomosUn Pueblo Unido provided a brief presentation and flyer about their work in support of immigrant rights. They are working with student groups across New Mexico, and welcome collaboration with NNMC students on a voter education campaign to lead up to the November 2012 general election. We advised Thalia that we are currently going through our own elections and cannot make a commitment on behalf of the next Student Senate at this time, but we appreciate their positive work and interest in student empowerment, and we will certainly stay in contact over the summer. Jeff mentioned that he had e-mailed the Democratic primary candidates for Senate District 5, Alfredo Montoya and Richard Martinez, to participate in a campus forum but they have not yet responded.Thalia said that this is exactly the type of educational work that they hope to support.
VIII. Next Meeting Date – Friday, May 4 at 1:30 pm in the Boardroom
IX. Meeting Adjourned –5:50 pm