Kingsclear Consolidated School

Parent School Support Committee


Date: November 28, 2017 Time: 6:00pm

Location KCS Library

PSSC Members Present:
Rebecca Atkinson Chair
Heather Mazerolle (Teacher Rep)
Jennifer Sutherland
Lisa Kinney
PSSC Members Regrets:
Christopher Dickson (VC)
Christina Crouse
Darcy Mazzerall / School/DEC Representation Present:
Jason Burn Principal
School/DEC Representation Regrets:
Stephanie Haslam

Call to Order:

Rebecca called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm

Approval of the Agenda:

Rebecca asked for an approval of the agenda

Motioned to approve by Jennifer Sutherland

Seconded by Jason Burns


1.  Welcome and approval of minutes

2.  Craft Fair review

3.  Principal’s report

4.  Technology

5.  Update from DEC

6.  Future events

7.  Community letters

8.  Closing comments

9.  Confirm dates for next meetings

10.  Adjournment

Approval of the Minutes from Previous Meeting:

Minutes approved by Lisa, seconded by Jennifer

Craft Fair Update

150+ visitors to craft fair, all vendors had positive feedback, including one of the friendliest fairs, apple cider was a great touch; need to better organize date; idea to have a craft table where parents can drop off kid to make a Christmas craft while parents shop; idea to have face painting for kids; need more parent volunteers.

Principal’s Update

Staff changes: Sarah Robins new 2/3 teacher; Sarah MacLane is on extended mat leave (first day Dec 4) floating teacher (possibly in 2/3)- replacing Marjorie G who works with Hank; Colton Munn-Marshall- new crossing guard started today;

Chapters update- raised $5574.03 through the Adopt-A-School program and our goal had been $550.00;

Makerspace- several families have donated supplies, Irving donating toilet paper cardboard, old computers, general craft supplies. Looking for old electronic items for kids to take apart, building related supplies (legos, mega blocks, loose nuts and bolts, pieces of wood, tools), general craft supplies; Christopher Dixon said we can get on the list of Recycle NB to have items dropped off- Christopher to find info;

Starting a breakfast program- students will take part in the prep work, learn how to make it and nutritional/wellness info, awarded provincial wellness grant; plan to start this up when kids return from holiday break/Jan 14;

We’ve been adopted by Tim Hortons- will cut us a check for 2017 and 2018, first check to be delivered at first movie night; providing us with an industrial toaster (expensive/no other school will have this); their push is to get us connected with other agencies that we can ask for grant money; Tim’s have taken on 2 schools in our area; Katelyn looking into getting a corporate Costco card for KCS; need to have fruit offered every day for those who can’t have grains each day; learn how to make smoothies- idea of have an evening smoothie tasting event with parents, bring in your own recipes;

Craft fair- success, P/T meetings, girls club had meeting- next is Dec 8- may go into coding, EYDA screening coming up, Friday is movie night, Dec 6 is Christmas concert, Dec 7 is Saint John String Quartet, 4/5 grades doing surveys- have 3 more to do, Dec 20 art at Garden Creek, Dec 21 is a half day (exact time TBD), plan to go caroling to help with community involvement- need to thank those who have given anything to our KCS (feedback is that there has been little thank you’s);

§  Let’s send Christmas cards to those we may have missed last year (Wiseman’s bbq);

§  Send to all craft fair vendors

§  Also to the lady who knits mittens and scarves for our kids

§  Coding, possibly move to scratch/not sure if we have the technology in place for scratch, is in full swing with the 4/5s

§  4/5 also sending in writing samples to Genworth Canada on what home means to then, $10 per sample donated to local habitat for humanity

§  Friday is DOT day- talking about mental resiliency/health and wellness, everyone will get a sticker and ring the bell.

§  26 kids in drama club, working on festival

§  currently have plans for 4-5 clubs starting after Dec 6


Tech lead for the building- no one is assigned; anyone can do grant applications; applied through Bell for funding, teachers/EAs would have to write up an essay on how Windows 10 would benefit the school.

Christopher- Staples has a $25,000 grant for school tech needs- need to write about how we are creating a sustainable environment- Christopher and Jason will chat; Cambridge-Narrows won last year; district will help upgrade schools that win funding; need to include that we cannot do scratch b/c you can’t use iPads for scratch/need computers.

Update from DEC

DEC rep update in Feb- Rebecca to meet with Kimberly Douglas, DEC chair, in January

·  We should write up a summary before the public meeting that Stephanie reads or circulate, highlighting all the amazing things happening at the school (Chapters, breakfast program, craft fair/community support)

·  Have to be careful not to open up option to review current # of students

·  New Hanwell school was not on the approved budget for next year- good news for our school

·  Jennifer shared a letter that asks for a review of the current catchment area

·  Keswick Ridge has a class size of 6 in FI; we can accommodate that- asking for a pilot project to test out FI here

·  Suggestion to add length of time that kids are on the bus to Priestman and drive by our school

·  Need both the addition of FI and the change in catchment area otherwise kids will have to go to two schools.

·  We are the only Southside school that does not have FI.

·  Letter goes to Katherine- superintendent

·  Expansion would be less expensive than building a new school

·  Letter approved to be sent

·  Who makes decision on FI? Jason will find out

Future Events

Move Career Fair to March- date change approved

Community Letters

·  Send out now before DEC decision

·  Need list of businesses (Darcy has one from last year)- need to look at that and build on that.

·  Katelyn would be happy to help create a list of businesses in the area.

·  Partnerships (ex: Howell Ventures- making cars more accessible)- focuses more on educational enrichment for the school- then this does not have to be a P4K ask

·  Rebecca to draft letter

Closing Comments

PSSC members are very pleased with all the positive initiatives Mr. Burns has been leading.

Date of Next Meeting

·  Jan 16th PSSC at 6

·  Jan 30th PSSC at 6

It was decided to hold two meetings in Jan in anticipation of the Feb. decision and any work that may need to be held around that.


Jennifer motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:15

Jason seconded

______Rebecca Atkinson______Nov 29, 2017

PSSC Chair Date

______Lisa Kinney______Nov 29, 2017

PSSC Secretary Date