November 7, 2013
Parent Partner Observation Day
This year at Vineland School, we are happy to announce that we will have days scheduled for parents to participate in school observation days. Groups of five will go with Mrs. Kiouses to see a few classrooms and also recesses.
If you would like to attend on November 14, please call the school office at 845-3710, indicating what time you would like to attend. Remember, space is limited, call us soon!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
This year at Vineland School, we are working on Positive Behavior intervention Supports (PBiS). PBiS uses strategies to maximize positive student behaviors and minimize negative behaviors. We hope you have noticed the change!
One of the changes involves students attending PBiS celebration days. In order to attend a celebration day, students must not earn any time of discipline referral either at school or on the bus. Students must also earn Star Student at least three of the four weeks during the marking period. Each PBiS period, the students start with a “clean slate”, meaning if they didn’t earn the celebration one month, they can still earn it the following month.
So far, we have had two celebration days. Students played academic BINGO and were able to purchase healthy snacks. Our next PBiS celebration day is scheduled for Thursday, December 5. There will be a short activity for students and an opportunity to purchase a healthy snack.
If you would like to volunteer, please contact us, we would love to have you attend.
Visiting Classrooms
Parents are welcome and encouraged to visit their child’s classroom during the year. Come in any time. Please sign in at the office and obtain a visitor’s pass before visiting classes. These visits are not appropriate for parent –teacher conversations, as teachers need to attend to students. If you would like, you can call the office and a meeting can be scheduled if necessary.
Volunteer Opportunities
The library is in need of parent volunteers. Please call the school if you can assist in our school library.
There are classroom opportunities to volunteer.
Parent Club meets on the first Thursday of each month at 5:30 pm in the cafeteria. Parent volunteers are always needed.
All are welcome to attend SSC and ELAC meetings. Please call the office or check the school website for more information.
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