Southeast Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission

Parent, Family, Community Engagement Framework

Family Outcomes Assessment

The PFCE Outcomes Framework is an assessment that is being used to assess families in the seven Family Engagement Outcomes. Each Outcome has sub-headings by which we gathered information and entered the data into ChildPlus. Data was collected on all families and tracked with ChildPlus software. An average of 310 families had complete assessments for the first assessment and 217 had a second assessment. The families with complete assessments all showed gains from their first assessment or there was no change. The seven Family Engagement Outcomes are listed below by the categories and followed by the items we measured. The numbers indicated are the Agency Average on the families which had two assessments. According to the Average of families with complete assessments, this report will be very helpful in tracking both the progress of the program and the families going forward.

Family Well-being: 1st Assessment 2nd Assessment Gains/Losses

1.  Housing 2.9 2.9 -0

2.  Safety 3 3 -0

3.  Health 2.9 2.9 -0.1

4.  Mental Health/Substance Abuse 2.9 2.9 +0

5.  Transportation 2.8 2.9 -0

6.  Financial Security 2.5 2.7 +0.1

Positive Parent-Child Relationships:

1.  Nurturing Relationships 2.7 2.8 +0

2.  Child Development/Parenting Skills 2.6 2.8 +0

Families as Lifelong Educators

1.  Family Education at Home 2.5 2.7 +0.1

2.  School Readiness 2.3 2.7 +0.2

3.  Promoting Primary Language 2.9 3 +0.1

Families as Learners:

1.  Educating, Training, and Life Goals 2 2.4 +0

2.  Volunteering 1.6 1.7 .-01

Family Engagement in Transitions:

1.  Transitions 2.4 2.5 +0

Family Connection to Peers and Community:

1.  Families and Communities 2.3 2.5 +0.1

Families as Advocates and Leaders:

1.  Leadership and Advocacy 1.8 1.9 -0

First Assessment Completion: By 2nd Week in December Second Assessment Completion: By 2nd week of April