Parent Curriculum Leaflet Year 6

Spring 2017

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding the information given in this leaflet.

Teachers: Miss Howard, Mr. Burns and Ms Myers

TA’s: Mrs James, Ms Brown and Miss Mullins

How you help us at Home?

Curriculum Content

We will challenge and support children to access the curriculum at a level appropriate to their needs.

Maths / This term we will be covering a variety of number and calculation methods/strategies. Here are a list of some of the different strands the children will be taught:
·  Place value in whole numbers and decimals, rounding
·  Addition, subtraction, division and multiplication (written and mental methods)
·  Fractions (division and multiplication)
·  Shapes and angles
·  Decimal numbers
·  Measures (conversions – length and weight)
·  Statistics
Problem Solving: This will be done once a week around the strand of Maths we are completing that week.
English / Power of Reading: The Lion And The Unicorn by Shirley Hughes
Writing: Children will have a chance to explore different text types over the term, such as narratives, recounts, letters, and diary entries. This will allow the children to become creative writers. They will have a chance to learn about the features of each text types, as well as plan. Each week all children will be expected to participate in a BIG WRITE session, which will allow the children to be creative writers.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar: Children will focus on different areas of spelling, punctuation and grammar throughout the year. This will be incorporated into their daily Literacy lessons, as well as a stand-alone lesson, which will focus on different strands (such as prefixes, suffixes, active and passive verbs).
Science / Spring 1 –Electricity
Children will have the chance to experiment and explore how electricity is created and how it can be used in circuits for different applications.
Topic / Our topic this term is WWII. We will be looking at the historical elements and significant people during WWII. We will be looking at the chronology, evidence and historical interpretation of events, using artefacts and building on the children’s prior knowledge. Trips have been planned to visit the RAF Museum and The Imperial War Museum.
Computing / We are designers – Children to focus and investigate how to design and test structures using Minecraft.
We are game designers – Children create a video game, building on their knowledge of computer programming the previous term.
LGfL – Children will use the London Grid for Learning (LGfL) to find out more about WWII in London, as well as BBC History.
Art / Our Art sessions will be linked to sketching. We will also be studying the artist Pablo Picasso and some of the anti-fascist work he made prior to WWII.
Music / We have singing with Pete once a week.
PHSE / PSHE will be taught once a week.
·  Sex and relationship education – How is a baby made?
·  NSPCC workshop
·  Cooking
PE / P.E. will be taught every Wednesday and Friday afternoon by Sean and Ozzy
Please ensure your child has the appropriate P.E. Kit (white t-shirt, blue/black shorts, blue or black jogging bottoms, trainers, legging for girls and a jumper in the winter).
Spring 1
·  Ball handling
·  Passing
·  Receiving
·  Dodging
·  Moving
Spring 2 (After half term)
·  Ball handling
·  Passing
·  Positioning
·  Receiving
·  Shooting
Reminders / TRIPS:
RAF Museum – 8th February 2017
Imperial War Museum - TBC
Cost: £6
Parents are invited to attend a meeting on the 23rd January at 0930 to discuss upcoming sex and relationship education.
·  All children must in school by 8:55am.
·  Please ensure that your child wears the correct school uniform.
·  If your child is unable to complete homework or participate in P.E. please inform the teacher in person or with a written note.