Parent council meeting 13 November 2014, 7pm


1.  Welcome by Chair, Victoria Burgess

2.  Nominations/ volunteers for supporting PC posts : vice chair, secretary.

3.  Engaging the hard to reach parents

4.  Honduras trip - brief presentation

5.  Supporting parents - what support do parents want from AUEA a

6.  Uniform ordering service

A reminder for the meeting was sent out on 12th November however only 5 parents attended.

After a discussion with Lee Kilgour it was decided to go ahead with a shorter meeting and re-schedule the full meeting for the new year. The minutes will be sent out to all those on the PC distribution list with a calendar of future dates. These minutes will be added to the AUEA website.

Victoria opened the meeting and thanked everyone for attending. She then went on to explain that the PC belongs to the parents and we need parents to take on some of the roles. Nominations for the role of Vice Chair and secretary are invited for the next meeting so that a vote can be taken and these posts filled.

Lee wanted to update the PC on some of the issues raised in the minutes from the initial meeting.


Lee thanked the PC for the feedback and explained the improvements that have been introduced, Twitter is now up and running and updated with events the students take part in and attend.

He explained that where possible they are sending letters out, emailing / texting to advise of letters and putting them on the web page.

Parents acknowledged that they had seen an improvement and found communication much improved.

Wall planner - Lee explained that his had been added to get the web page for parents to see events "at a glance".

There was a discussion about the academic level of the letters as it was felt that some parents may struggle to understand them. Lee suggested trying to simplify them as much as possible and writing with those parents in mind.

Lee reported on the success of the Yr11 revision evening the week before and the positive feedback received from this.


This was raised at the initial PC meeting as something parents would like more information about. However the PC were pleased that this had been demonstrated to parents at the recent pupil progress review meetings. Based on this those parents present did not feel there was a need for further tuition but Lee advised this could be arranged if requested.

Communication with teaching staff

One parent raised concerns about the process for contacting subject teachers within the vertical tutoring model. Lee clarified that parents can contact the academy at any time via telephone or email, explaining that parents can email teachers directly if they have concerns.

PC advice and support role

It was suggested that the PC would like to develop a strong advice and support role for parents. Ways of setting this up were discussed however none of the parents present were technically qualified to lead this discussion. The PC agreed hat they would like to develop the web pages more, perhaps offer a forum style page, uniform swap, uniform ordering, and advice e.g. UCAS queries. Lee was happy to support this and it was agreed that the PC would ask for a parent with Technical experience to work with the academy to develop this PC role.


Lee asked if he could suggest a "cause" for the PC to support and raise funds for. Lee was looking to set up an Innovations Fund which teachers could use to purchase equipment that would benefit the academy. The PC were supportive in principle but The Chair felt that this was a decision for the wider PC and asked if this could be put to a vote at the next meeting.

Easy fundraising .com

It was suggested that the academy should set up an easy fundraising page. Lee said he would ask his business manager to investigate this and set it up.

Honduras trip

At the last meeting a number of parents had asked for more details about the Biology Depts Operation Wallacea expedition to Honduras as it was something they wanted to consider raising funds for. Eleanor Burgess then gave a short talk on Honduras and the aim of the trip. The option of purchasing a bulk of raffle tickets was discussed and Eleanor is going to investigate how this can be organised.

PC social evening

To encourage parents to get to know each other and it was decided that the PC would have an evening out. 4 December 2014 at the Sack of Potatoes pub, Aston Triangle (just up from the academy) 7:00pm- 9:30pm. For further information please contact