

11 JUNE 2014


11 JUNE 2014

Staff Room

Draft 1

(draft until approved at next meeting)

Present: Antonis Giannopoulos;Neil Thomas ; Elizabeth Tennet , Katy Hayne, Frank Bergeret, Romain Viguier, Jane Ewins, Helen Reid, Pauline Smith, Clare Platt, Inga Loa, Carol Kyle, Dave Morris, Tara McGregor, Douglas McGregor, Jen Beattie, Lorna Spence, Ross Freshwater, Andy Black, Robbie Crockatt (EDC) & Crawford McGhie - EDC (plus 2 others)
Apologies Mark Roberts,Jonathan Pryce / Action
1 / Welcome & Apologies / AG
2 / Special Discussion on Rising Rolls in Edinburgh and potential impact on South Edinburgh Primary Schools
Robbie Crockatt & Crawford McGhie - EDC
The rising rolls issue has been building up over recent years due to the increase in catchment children. A number of schools across Edinburgh are operating at high capacity and this is particularly so in South Edinburgh (South Morningside, Bruntsfield, James Gillespie’s). A working group from Bruntsfield PC (AG, MR and RV) has been attending initial meetings with EDC as the council has developed analysis and options. The most recent report was delivered to the Council in March 2014

Long term the aim is to build a new school in South Edinburgh to relieve the pressure on the schools which are having to utilise sub optimal classroom solutions and face increased pressure on general space in schools. The new school would ideally be a 2 stream school (with a nursery) located close to the meeting point of the three catchment areas. The majority of the new catchment area would be from the current South Morningside catchment but would also include sections from the current catchment area of James Gillespie’s and Bruntsfield PS. Currently there is no site confirmed (Astley Ainslie is the working assumption but the intentions of the NHS are as yet unclear) and there is no funding in place (although this is normal at this stage). Transition arrangements are yet to be confirmed but it expected that no children would be ‘moved’ unless they chose to. The school would create a fourth school to feed into Boroughmuir HS which would manage its capacity via reducing out of catchment placements. A further report is due to be delivered to the council by the end of 2014.
Due to the long lead time for a new school further interim solutions are being assessed to cope with further increases over the next few years until a new school can be built. A feasibility study is being carried out over the summer to assess these interim solutions at each school affected. For BPS 2 new classes/spaces are required by 2016. (one extra class is being created for August 2014). AG suggested the best solution for BPS was use of St Oswald’sbut the building would need to be refurbished to the appropriate standard.
There was a discussion about capacity at Tollcross PS and whether catchments could change to utilise this. This would only have a marginal impact as the schools are all quite close and would be unable to have the required impact on South Morningside.
Next steps are for the working group to continue discussions with the EDC as the reports are produced. Action for the working group to keep the BPS parents up to speed. Notes from meetings to be posted on the Parents website. / All
3 / AGM
There were 18 parents present at the time of the AGM (plus one proxy vote). Hence the meting was quorate.
  • Approval of AGM Minutes for June 2013. Proposed by TMc and seconded by FB.
  • Proposed Changes to Constitution
  1. the date of the AGM is proposed to be moved to September to allow new (P1) parents to be involved and ensure the group can be formed from the most representative group of parents
  1. amendments to make the PF compliant with Sports Scotland requirements for
A vote was taken on the two proposed changes to the constitution. All present voted for the changes. Hence the AGM was concluded.
A full AGM will take place in September 2014. A new copy of the constitution will be placed on the PF website
In advance of the September AGM the potential vacant office bearers will be publicised (Chair, Clubs and disclosure officer will all be vacant).
An advert to be placed on the website for the disclosure role. / AG/NT
4 / Approval of Minutes for PC Meeting 7/5/14
Minutes were duly approved
5 / Update on playground Improvement Project
Discussion concerning who was best to manage the project. The concern with the council building teams was that they could not proceed under the SportScotland timetable which requires spending to be complete by December 2014. Also some concerns as to paying a council ‘levy’ of 12% (although this would be more than balanced out by not having to pay VAT via council route).
If the council was to engage fully all agreed that if the council could met the timescales this option was the most practical (manpower, regulations, planning permissions etc.). A meeting has been arranged for June 17th. (RV to attend plus others?) CK will make some enquiries to ensure the right engagement at the right levels from within EDC. / RV
6 / Clubs Update
The Friday lunch issue has not been resolved so with just three weeks left of term this will be reviewed next clubs cycle.
AG has been approaching clubs organisers for next cycle. AG may open the options up later in June. Applications will stay open until end August. Current P1s to be sent registration details via ParentMail.
New P1s will be encouraged to register for general PF emails during their induction days in June and August.
AG will be standing down from running clubs (and also as the Chair). New volunteer (or two) required for the Clubs role. An advert to be made for all ‘vacant’ roles in advance of the next AGM (see earlier). / MR/NT
7 / Headteachers Report
Congratulations from CK to the Events team on a successful Fete.
New Deputy Head interviews next week.
Strong progress on attainment. Summary of Standards and Quality report to be included with pupils school report cards. Full copy on the website. Overview given on next years target areas. Increased focus on outdoor learning. Some new documents available – Parents guide to bullying and internet safety.
8 / Events
Fete raised approx £6300 but with costs the net amount raised will be nearer £4500. Great job by all involved.
Discussion on how to make it better (raising more money). All future ideas to Tara () !
Next event is Halloween party on October 29for P4-P6. Volunteers would be helpful as Tara has not been herself before.
9 / New Boroughmuir Update
No update.
10 / Finance Update
Balance of RBS, BOS and paypal accounts discussed. Coin sorter would be useful for after large events. PF will purchase on (approx. £80) and donate to the school who are happy to store it. Also discussed whether each Fete stall needs to keep separate records. For next year. / ET
11 / AOB
AG thanked all for attending. CK thanked AG as outgoing Chair after three years (but not until September AGM!).
12 / Next Meeting
27 August, 30 September (AGM), 19 Nov.