C2 Your Health, PC
Instructions to parents: Please complete this form, writing N/A if items do not apply.
Person completing form:______Date form completed:______
Child's name:______Sex: M F Birthdate: ______
Home Phone:______Caretaker's Mobile Phone:______
If the child does not live with the mother or father, please note this below the parent names
Mother's Name:______Age:______Education:______
Occupation:______Place of residence: ______
Father's Name:______Age:_____ Education:______
Occupation:______Place of residence: ______
This child is in legal custody of:______
Stepparent(s) -- give names, ages, education, occupation, and date of marriage to natural parent.
Other Children in Family:
First and Last Name AgeFirst and Last Name Age
Others living in the home:______
Place a star (*) in front of the names of the people who live in the child's home.
Please provide a brief history of the family: ______
CHIEF PROBLEM: (Tell us about your child's difficulties, when and how they began, and what you hope we can do to help.)
Other Problems: (Legal or police problems, peculiar behavior, eating difficulties, etc.)
How have the above problems affected your family?
Family Problems: (Tell us about marital or financial problems, psychiatric illnesses or emotional problems, alcoholism, drug abuse or major upsetting events in the family.)
Mother's Pregnancy: Under doctor's care: Yes_____ No_____
If you experienced any of the problems listed below, please indicate the month of pregnancy in which they occurred.
Threatened miscarriage ______Early contractions______High blood pressure______
Toxemia______Anemia______Flu ______
Vomiting______Swollen ankles______Measles______
Other serious illenesses______
List any medications mother took during pregnancy:______
How was mother’s emotional state during pregnancy?______
While pregnant, did mother smoke?______, drink alcohol?______, use drugs?______
Birth History:
Type of delivery: Vaginal______Cesarean______
Premature?______If yes, how many weeks early?______
Total hours spent in labor:______Induced or spontaneous labor?______Twins?______
Other Complications:______
Length of hospital stay______
Newborn's condition: Good_____ Fair_____ Poor_____ Apgar rating if known______
Color: Normal_____ Blue_____ Yellow_____ Birth Weight_____ If adopted, at what age?______
If infant required oxygen, for how long was it used?______
MEDICAL HISTORY OF CHILD: (Indicate the age at which your child had any of the following medical problems or illnesses.)
Encephalitis______Injuries to head______High Fever______
Other serious injuries or illnesses______
Hospitalizations or operations: ______
Does you child have staring, fainting, or falling spells?______Describe:______
Has your child had regular immunizations?______
Current medication(s)?______
Medication Allergies?______
DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY: (as best as you can remember)
Give the age at which your child was able to do each of the following things:
First smile______Said "No! No!" to most things______
Rolled over______Held up arms to be picked up______
Sat alone______Held cup to drink______
Crawled______Fed self______
Walked with help______Used fork______
Walked alone______Helped dress self______
Used 4-10 words______Dressed self except for difficult buttons/zippers______
Used sentences______Stopped wetting at night______
Talked clearly______Toilet trained______
Description of personality:______
Who is the child very close to?______
What kind(s) of discipline work best with this child?______
How does this child get along with other children?______
What does you child do for fun?______
EDUCATIONAL HISTORY:Child's grade:______School:______
What areas are your child best in?______
What areas are difficult for your child?______
Has your child ever repeated a year of school?______If so, which year(s)?______
Does your child receive any special classes or services at school?______If so, describe:______
CHILD'S DOCTOR: Please give us your child's primary doctor's name and address in the space below
If your child has been seen for evaluation or treatment (including individual, psychological testing at school) by a mental health professional (psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, etc.) please list who, where and when in the space below.
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