WATERMELON (Citrullus lanatus)
I. Climatic and Soil Requirements
Watermelon tolerates hot weather, and requires more heat than most vegetables. Plants thrive at temperatures ranging from 25°C to 30°C, which is also favorable for seed germination. Plants do best on fertile sandy loam or loam soil with good drainage and a pH level of 5.6 to 8.0.
II. Varieties Developed by Known-You Seed Co. of Taiwan
Formosa - Extra early, vigorous, elongated dark green fruit with indistinct dark stripes. Rind is thin but very tough making the fruit a good shipper. Sugar content is around 12-14%. The fruit weighs between 2.5 to 3.5 kgs. This variety performs even better in hot and dry seasons and adaptable to all types of soil.
III. Seedling Care
Soak the seeds in clean water for 30 minutes to 1 hour and wrap them in a wet cloth or towel. Place the cloth in an improvised or covered container which can keep the temperature within 25°C to 30°C until the seeds sprout. 24 to 30 hours is enough to germinate the seeds. Plant 1 pre-germinated seed in each hole of the seedling tray with 104 holes. Make sure that the root is facing downward. Cover with moist Growell medium and water well. The seedling tray should be placed on top of a bamboo plat about 5-10 inches above the ground. Water the seedlings regularly, once or twice a day. In case Damping off occur, apply systemic fungicide use for seedlings such as Proplant, etc. Seedlings must be exposed to sunlight 6-8 hours a day. To prevent strong wind and heavy rain, use plastic or fine net to protect the seedlings.
lV. Land Preparation
Plow and clean the planting area and make a flat bed on sandy soils and a raised bed in sandy loam or clay soils. Use 1 m bed , 0.5 m canal and a crawling area of 4m. The bed should be 15-20 cm high above the fertilized level. Use Agri + Plas silver-black plastic mulch to cover prepared plots.
V. Transplanting
Watermelon can be planted direct to the field or grown as transplants in seedling trays and transplant to the field 10-12 days after sowing. Transplant the seedlings to the field when they have 2-4 true leaves. This should be done late in the afternoon.
Vl. Fertilization
The following are recommended for basal fertilization in every 20 meter plot:
2 bags Organic Matter 100 grams Boron
2 kilos Complete Fertilizer (14-14-14) 150 grams Magnesium
1kg Calcium Nitrate 150 grams Furadan
1 kilo Muriate of Potash (0-0-60)
Drenching schedule
This should be done 7 to 10 days after planting. The mixture of fertilizers is diluted in 16 L of water. 150 mL of the solution is applied to the soil, on the base of each plant.
No. of Weeks / Calcium Nitrate / Complete(14-14-14) / Muriate of Potash (0-0-60)
1 / 75 g / - / -
2 / 150 g / - / -
3 / 225 g / 75 g / -
4 / 75 g / 150 g / -
5 / - / 225 g / 75 g
6 / - / 300 g / 150 g
7 / - / - / 225 g
8 / - / - / 300 g
VIl. Irrigation and Drainage
Irrigation should be applied frequently to prevent the plant from injuries in very dry soils. Water consistently when flower buds start to form. Observe drainage during wet season. Withhold water supply when the female flower appear in order to improve fruit setting. When fruits are starting to develop, more water is required to produce good-sized fruits. It is best to withhold or reduce irrigation when fruits reach full size during ripening season.
VIlI. Pruning and Fruit Setting, Pollination
Watermelons require pruning to improve fruit setting and harvesting. Cutting of the 4th true leaf should be done to develop 3 laterals or 3 secondary vines. Remove the flowers and vines in each primary vine from the 5th node below.
Manual pollination is required during unfavorable weather conditions or rainy
season due to absence of pollinators. Maintain 3 to 4 fruits per plant.
IX. Pest and Diseases
Beetles – Sevin Fusaruim Wilt - crop rotation
Aphids – Malathion , Lannate Anthracnose,downy mildew-Dithane, Ridomil
Worms – Karate, X phose Virus – remove affected plants and burn; control aphids
Melon fly – Malathion Fruit fly - Fruit Fly Trapper
IX. Harvest
A grower must be familiar with the variety that he is growing to determine the best stage for harvesting. A dead tendril at the point where the fruit attaches itself to the vine is not a conclusive indication that the fruit is ready for harvest. These pointers may serve as reference for watermelon ripeness:
ü Count the number of days after the flowering.
ü Yellowing at the top of the leaf nearest the fruit.
ü An unripe fruit is heavy; a ripe fruit is lighter, while an overripe fruit is lightest.
ü Tap the watermelon on the center with your knuckle – if it sounds like you are tapping your forehead, it is unripe. If it sounds like your chest, it is just ripe. If it sounds like your stomach, it is overripe.
HARBESTYour partner in profitable short-term, high-value commercial crops production
For provincial inquiries, please contact or call:
HARBEST Technology Dev’t. and Promotion Center, Pangasinan 0917-8173034
HARBEST Cebu Branch Office, Cebu City (032)2557109 0917-3272378
HARBEST Bacolod City (034) 4410667 0919-6867574
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OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT (02) 6712239 0917-5203260
CUSTOMER SERVICES DEPT. 0917-8474861 0917-8438560
Harbest communications
Formosa F1 Hybrid Watermelon from Known-You Seed Co. of Taiwan
No. 5 Rosemarie Lane, Brgy. Kapitolyo, Pasig City Tel. No. 6717411 to 14 Fax No. (02) 6712232
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