Papers Reviewed by Members of the Independent Scientific Committee on Wind Turbines As

Papers Reviewed by Members of the Independent Scientific Committee on Wind Turbines As

Papers reviewed by members of the Independent Scientific Committee on Wind Turbines as part of their research into understanding the issues around potential impact of sound from wind turbines on health and the environment

Ambrose, S. E., and Rand, R. W. (2011). "The Bruce McPherson infrasound and low frequency noise study adverse health effects produced by large industrial wind turbines confirmed."

Association of Australian Acoustical Consultants (2015). "Submission 194 to the Australian Senate Select Committee on wind turbines."

Backalacz, C., Søndergaard, L. S., and Laursen, J. E. (2016). ""Big noise data" for wind turbines," in Inter-noise 2016 (Hamburg, Germany), pp. 1-11.

Bakker, R. H., Pedersen, E., van den Berg, G. P., Stewart, R. E., Lok, W., and Bouma, J. (2012). "Impact of wind turbine sound on annoyance, self-reported sleep disturbance and psychological distress," Science of the Total Environment 425, 42-51.

Basner, M., Babisch, W., Davis, A., Brink, M., Clark, C., Janssen, S., and Stansfels, S. (2014). "Auditory and non-auditory effects of noise on health," Lancet 383(9925), 1325-1332.

Bastasch, M. (2011). "Chapter 8. Criteria," in Wind Turbine Noise, edited by D. Bowdler, and G. Leventhall (Multi-Science Publishing, Brentwood, Essex, United Kingdom), pp. 129-151.

Beland, R. D., Bishop, D. E., and Lafer, S. K. (1972). "Aircraft noise impact-planning guidelines for local agencies Report No. 979-1, HUD contr. No. H-1675," pp. 36-44.

Berger, R. G., Ashtiani, P., Ollson, C. A., Aslund, M. W., McCallum, L. C., Leventhall, G., and Knopper, L. D. (2015). "Health-based audible noise guidelines account for infrasound and low-frequency noise produced by wind turbines," Frontiers in Public Health 3 Article 31, 1-14.

Berglund, B., and Lindvall, T. (1995). "Community Noise," Archives of the Center for Sensory Research 2, 1-195.

Berglund, B., Lindvall, T., and Schwela, D. (1999). "Guidelines for community noise," (World Health Organization), pp. 1-159.

Bies, D. A., and Hansen, C. H. (2009). "Engineering Noise Control: Theory and Practice, Fourth Edition," (Spon Press, London and New York), pp. 1-747.

Bockstael, A., Dekoninck, L., Can, A., Oldoni, D., De Coensel, B., and Botteldooren, D. (2012). "Reduction of Wind Turbine Noise Annoyance: An Operational Approach," Acta Acustica united with Acustica 98, 392-401.

British Standards Institution (2014). "BS 4142:2014 Methods for rating and assessing industrial and commercial sound," (British Standards Institution), pp. 1-72.

Broner, N. (2011). "A simple outdoor criterion for assessment of low frequency noise emission," Acoustics Australia 39, 7-14.

Broner, N., and Leventhall, G. (1983). "Low frequency noise annoyance assessment by Low Frequency Noise Rating (LFNR) Curves," Journal of Low Frequency Noise and Vibration 2, 20-28.

Bullmore, A., and Peplow, A. (2012). "Chapter 3. Sound propagation from wind turbines," in Wind Turbine Noise, edited by D. Bowdler, and G. Leventhall (Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd., Brentwood, Essex), pp. 47-99.

Chapman, S., St. George, A., Waller, K., and Cakic, V. (2013). "The Pattern of Complaints about Australian Wind Farms Does Not Match the Establishment and Distribution of Turbines: Support for the Psychogenic, ‘Communicated Disease’ Hypothesis," PLoS ONE 8, e76584.

Cooper, S. E. (2014). "The results of an acoustic testing program Cape Bridgewater wind farm 44.5100.R7:MSC," (The Acoustics Group, Lilyfielld, NSW, Australia), pp. 1-223.

Cooper, S. E. (2016). "Wind farm infrasound – Are we measuring what is actually there or something else?," Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 25, 055001.

Cowan, J. P. (2003). "The Kokomo hum investigation," (Acentech Incorporated, Moulton, MA, USA).

Crichton, F., Dodd, G., Schmid, G., Gamble, G., Cundy, T., and Petrie, K. J. (2014). "The Power of Positive and Negative Expectations to Influence Reported Symptoms and Mood During Exposure to Wind Farm Sound," Health Psychology 33, 1588-1592.

Crichton, F., Dodd, G., Schmid, G., Gamble, G., and Petrie, K. J. (2014). "Can Expectations Produce Symptoms From Infrasound Associated With Wind Turbines?," Health Psychology 33, 360-364.

Crichton, F., Dodd, G., Schmid, G., and Petrie, K. J. (2015). "Framing sound: Using expectations to reduce environmental noise annoyance," Environmental Research 142, 609-614.

Dallos, P. (2012). The auditory periphery biophysics and physiology (Elsevier).

Department of Infrastructure Local Government and Planning (2015). "Draft wind farm state code planning guideline," (Queensland Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning, Brisbane).

Department of Planning and Infrastructure (2011). "Draft NSW Planning Guidelines: Wind Farms," (Department of Planning and Infrastructure, State of New South Wales, Sydney), pp. 1-55.

Dobie, R. (2014). "Robert Dobie's letter regarding Salt & Lichtenham, Letter to the Editor," Acoustics Today 10, 14.

Dommes, E., Bauknecht, H., Scholz, G., Rothemund, Y., Hensel, J., and Klingebiel, R. (2009). "Auditory cortex stimulation by low-frequency tones—An fMRI study," Brain research 1304, 129-137.

ETSU-R-97 (1996). "The assessment and rating of noise from wind farms," (Department of Trade and Industry, London), pp. 1-153.

Evans, T., Cooper, J., and Lenchine, V. (2013). "Infrasound levels near windfarms and in other environments," (Environment Protection Authority, South Australia and Resonate Acoustics, Adelaide, Australia).

Evans, T., Cooper, J., and Lenchine, V. (2013). "Low frequency noise near wind farms and in other environments," (Environment Protection Authority, South Australia and Resonate Acoustics, Adelaide, Australia).

Feder, K., Michaud, D. S., Keith, S. E., Voicescu, S. A., Marro, L., Than, J., Guay, M., Denning, A., Bower, T., Lavigne, E., Whelan, C., and van den Berg, F. (2015). "An assessment of quality of life using the WHOQOL-BREF among participants living in the vicinity of wind turbines," Environmental Research 142, 227-238.

Fidell, S., Mestre, V., Schomer, P., Berry, B., Gjestland, T., Vallet, M., and Reid, T. (2011). "A first-principles model for estimating the prevalence of annoyance with aircraft noise exposure," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130, 791-806.

Glorig, A. (1988). "Chapter 17 Damage-risk criteria for hearing," in Noise and vibration control, revised version, edited by L. L. Beranek (Institute of Noise Control Engineering, Washington, DC), pp. 537-553.

Hansen, K., Walker, B., Zajamsek, B., and Hansen, C. (2015). "Perception and annoyance of low frequency noise versus infrasound in the context of wind turbine noise," in Sixth International Meeting on Wind Turbine Noise (Glasgow, Scotland).

Hensel, J., Scholz, G., Hurttig, U., Mrowinski, D., and Janssen, T. (2007). "Impact of infrasound on the human cochlea," Hearing research 233, 67-76.

Hessler, G. F. (2004). "Proposed criteria in residential communities for low-frequency noise emissions from industrial sources," Noise Control Engineering Journal 52, 179-185.

Institute of Acoustics United Kingdom (2016). "A Method for Rating Amplitude Modulation in Wind Turbine Noise," (Institute of Acoustics United Kingdom).

International Organization for Standardization (1987). "ISO 226:1987 Normal equal-loudness level contours," (International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland).

International Organization for Standardization (2010). "ISO 10140-4:2010(E) Acoustics - Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements - Part 4: Measurements procedures and requirements," (International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland), pp. 1-12.

Inukai, Y., Taya, H., Utsugi, A., and Nagamur, N. (1990). "A new evaluation method for low frequency noise," in Internoise 90, pp. 1441-1444.

Ioannidou, C., Santurette, S., and Jeong, C.-H. (2016). "Effect of modulation depth, frequency, and intermittence on wind turbine noise annoyance," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139, 1241-1251.

Jakobsen, J. (2001). "Danish guidelines on environmental low frequency noise, infrasound and vibration," Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 20, 141-148.

Janssen, S., Vos, H., and Eisses, A. R. (2008). "Hinder door geluid van windturbines - dosis-effectrelaties op basis van Nederlandse en Zweedse gegevens (Annoyance from wind turbine sound - dose-effect relations based on Dutch and Swedish data - in Dutch) TNO-rapport 2008-D-R1051/B," (TNO, Delft), pp. 1-29.

Jung, S. S., Cheung, W.-S., Cheong, C., and Shin, S.-H. (2008). "Experimental identification of acoustic emission characteristics of large wind turbines with emphasis on infrasound and low-frequency noise," Journal of the Korean Physical Society 53, 1897-1905.

Keith, S. E., Feder, K., Voicescu, S. A., Soukhovtsev, V., Denning, A., Tsang, J., Broner, N., Leroux, T., Richarz, W., and van den Berg, F. (2016). "Wind turbine sound pressure level calculations at dwellings," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139, 1436-1442.

Keith, S. E., Feder, K., Voicescu, S. A., Soukhovtsev, V., Denning, A., Tsang, J., Broner, N., Richarz, W., and van den Berg, F. (2016). "Wind turbine sound power measurements," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139, 1431-1435.

Kuwano, S., Yano, T., Kageyama, T., Sueoka, S., and Tachibana, H. (2104). "Social survey on wind turbine noise in Japan," Noise Control Engineering Journal 62, 503-520.

Large, S. (2016). "A quantitative and qualitative review of amplitude modulated noise from wind energy development," in Inter-noise 2016 (I-INCE, Hamburg, Germany), pp. 7809-7820.

Lee, S., Kim, K., Choi, W., and Lee, S. (2011). "Annoyance caused by amplitude modulation of wind turbine noise," Noise Control Engineering Journal 59, 38-46.

Leventhall, G. (2004). "Low frequency noise and annoyance," Noise and health 6, 59-72.

Leventhall, G. (2005). "How the "mythology" of infrasound and low frequency noise related to wind turbines might have developed," in First International Meeting on Wind Turbine Noise: Perspectives for Control (Berlin, Germany), pp. 1-16.

Leventhall, G. (2009). "Wind Turbine Syndrome - an appraisal Evidence for Glacier Hills enquiry PSC REF#:121877," (Public Service Commission of Wisconsin).

Leventhall, G. (2013). "Concerns about infrasound from wind turbines," Acoustics Today 9(3), 30-38.

Leventhall, G. (2015). "Submission 379 to the Australian Senate Select Committee on wind turbines."

Leventhall, G., Benton, S., and Robertson, D. (2008). "Coping Strategies for Low Frequency Noise," Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 27, 35-52.

Leventhall, G., Pelmear, P., and Benton, S. (2003). "A review of published research on low frequency noise and its effects," (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, London, United Kingdom).

Leventhall, G., Robertson, D., Benton, S., and Leventhall, L. (2012). "Helping sufferers to cope with noise using distance learning cognitive behaviour therapy," Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 31, 193-203.

Marcillo, O., Arrowsmith, S., Blom, P., and Jones, K. (2015). "On infrasound generated by wind farms and its propagation in low‐altitude tropospheric waveguides," Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 120, 9855-9868.

Michaud, D. S., Feder, K., Keith, S. E., Voicescu, S. A., Marro, L., Than, J., Guay, M., Denning, A., McGuire, D. A., Bower, T., Lavigne, E., Murray, B. J., Weiss, S. K., and van den Berg, F. (2016). "Exposure to wind turbine noise: Perceptual responses and reported health effects," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139, 1443-1454.

Michaud, D. S., Feder, K., Keith, S. E., Voicescu, S. A., Marro, L., Than, J., Guay, M., Denning, A., Murray, B. J., Weiss, S. K., Villeneuve, P. J., van den Berg, F., and Bower, T. (2016). "Effects of wind turbine noise on self-reported and objective measures of sleep," Sleep 39, 97-109.

Michaud, D. S., Keith, S. E., Feder, K., Voicescu, S. A., Marro, L., Than, J., Guay, M., Bower, T., Denning, A., Lavigne, E., Whelan, C., Jannssen, S. A., Leroux, T., and van den Berg, F. (2016). "Personal and situational variables associated with wind turbine noise annoyance," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139, 1455-1466.

Moller, H., and Pedersen, C. S. (2004). "Hearing at low and infrasonic frequencies," Noise and health 6, 37.

Møller, H., and Pedersen, C. S. (2011). "Low-frequency noise from large wind turbines," The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129, 3727-3744.

Moorhouse, A. T., Waddington, D. C., and Adams, M. D. (2011). "Procedure for the assessment of low frequency noise complaints, Report for Defra, NANR45 Revision 1," (Acoustics Research Centre, University of Salford).

Mullins, J. H., and Kelly, J. P. (1995). "The mystery of the Taos hum," Echoes 5, 1,4,6.

NANR116 (2007). " ‘Open/closed window research’: Sound insulation through ventilated domestic windows," (The Building Performance Centre, School of The Built Environment, Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland), pp. 1-92.

National Health and Medical Research Council (2015). "Information paper: Evidence on wind farms and human health," (National Health and Medical Research Council, Canberra), pp. 1-42.

National Health and Medical Research Council (2015). "NHMRC Statement: Evidence on Wind Farms and Human Health," (National Health and Medical Research Council, Canberra), p. 1. (2016). "

Oerlemans, S., Sijtsma, P., and López, B. M. (2007). "Location and quantification of noise sources on a wind turbine," Journal of sound and vibration 299, 869-883.

Passchier-Vermeer, W., and Passchier, W. F. (2000). "Noise exposure and public health," Environmental Health Perspectives 108 Supplement 1, 123-131.

Patuzzi, R., Sellick, P. M., and Johnstone, B. M. (1984). "The modulation of the sensitivity of the mammalian cochlea by low frequency tones. III. Basilar membrane motion.," Hearing Research 13, 19-27.

Pedersen, E. (2011). "Health aspects associated with wind turbine noise—Results from three field studies," Noise Control Engineering Journal 59, 47-53.

Pedersen, E., and Persson Waye, K. (2004). "Perception and annoyance due to wind turbine noise: a dose-response relationship," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 116, 3460-3470.

Pedersen, E., and Persson Waye, K. (2007). "Wind turbine noise, annoyance and self-reported health and well-being in different living environments," Occupational and Environmental Medicine 64, 480-486.

Pedersen, E., van den Berg, F., Bakker, R., and Bouma, J. (2009). "Response to noise from modern wind farms in The Netherlands," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 126, 634-643.

Perkins, R. A., Lotinga, M. J., Berry, B., Grimwood, C. J., and Stansfeld, S. A. (2016). "A review of research into the human response to amplitude-modulated wind turbine noise and development of a planning control method," in Inter-noise 2016 (I-INCE, Hamburg, Germany), pp. 5766-5777.

Pierpont, N. (2009). Wind Turbine Syndrome. A report on a natural experiment. (K-Selected Books, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA).

Poulsen, A. H., and Sørensen, M. (2016). "Wind turbine noise and health, a nationwide prospective study in Denmark," in Inter-noise 2016 (Hamburg, Germany), pp. 1-4.

Salt, A. N., and Hullar, T. E. (2010). "Responses of the ear to low frequency sounds, infrasound and wind turbines," Hearing Research 268, 12-21.

Salt, A. N., and Lichtenhan, J. T. (2014). "How does wind turbine noise affect people?," Acoustics Today 10, 20-28.

Schomer, P., and Fidell, S. (2016). "Introductory remarks for special issue on wind turbine noise," (ASA).

Schomer, P. D. (2013). "Comments on recently published article, "Concerns about infrasound from wind turbines"," Acoustics Today 9, 7-9.

Schomer, P. D., Erdreich, J., Pamidighantam, P. K., and Boyle, J. H. (2015). "A theory to explain some physiological effects of the infrasonic emissions at some wind farm sites," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137, 1356–1365.

Schomer, P. D., Mestre, V., Fidell, S., Berry, B., Gjestland, T., Vallet, M., and Reid, T. (2012). "Role of community tolerance level (CTL) in predicting the prevalence of the annoyance of road and rail noise," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131, 2772-2786.

Sellick, P. M., Patuzzi, R., and Johnstone, B. M. (1982). "Modulation of responses of spiral ganglion cells in the guinea pig cochlea by low frequency sound," Hearing Research 7, 199-221.

Sonus Pty Ltd (2010). "Infrasound measurements from wind farms and other sources," (Sonus Pty Ltd, Adelaide).

South Australian Environment Protection Authority (2003). "Environmental Noise Guidelines: Wind Farms," (South Australian Environment Protection Authority, Adelaide), pp. 1-18.

South Australian Environment Protection Authority (2009). "Wind farms environmental noise guidelines," (South Australian Environment Protection Authority, Adelaide), pp. 1-21.

Standards Australia (2010). "AS 4959—2010 Acoustics—Measurement, prediction and assessment of noise from wind turbine generators," (Standards Australia), pp. 1-36.

Standards New Zealand (1998). "NZS 6808:1998 Acoustics - The assessment and measurement of sound from wind turbine generators," (Standards New Zealand), pp. 1-17.

Standards New Zealand (2010). "NZS 6808:2010 Acoustics - Wind farm noise," (Standards New Zealand), pp. 1-43.

Stead, M., Cooper, J., and Evans, T. (2014). "Comparison of infrasound measured at people’s ears when walking to that measured near wind farms," Acoustics Australia 42, 197-203.

Sugimoto, T., Koyama, K., Kurihara, Y., and Watanabe, K. (2008). "Measurement of infrasound generated by wind turbine generator," in SICE Annual Conference, 2008 (IEEE), pp. 5-8.

Tesara, M., Kjeilberg, A., Landström, U., and Holmberg, K. (1997). "Subjective response patterns related to low frequency noise," Journal of low frequency noise, vibration and active control 16, 145-149.

Todd, N. P. M. (2009). "Letter to the editor, Independent on Sunday August 9th 2009,

Todd, N. P. M., Rosengrenb, S. M., and Colebatch, J. G. (2008). "Tuning and sensitivity of the human vestibular system to low-frequency vibration," Neuroscience Letters 444, 36-41.

Tonin, R., Brett, J., and Colagiuri, B. (2016). "The effect of infrasound and negative expectations to adverse pathological symptoms from wind farms," Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 35, 77-90.

Traboulsi, R., and Avan, P. (2007). "Transmission of infrasonic pressure waves from cerebrospinal to intralabyrinthine fluids through the human cochlear aqueduct: non-invasive measurements with otoacoustic emissions," Hearing research 233, 30-39.

Turnbull, C., Turner, J., and Walsh, D. (2012). "Measurement and level of infrasound from wind farms and other sources," Acoustics Australia 40, 45-50.

Uzun-Coruhlu, H., Curthoys, I. S., and Jones, A. S. (2007). "Attachment of the utricular and saccular maculae to the temporal bone," Hearing research 233, 77-85.

van den Berg, F. (2008). "Criteria for wind farm noise: Lmax and Lden," in Euronoise 2008 (Paris), pp. 4043-4048.

van den Berg, F. (2011). "Chapter 6. Effects of sound on people," in Wind Turbine Noise, edited by D. Bowdler, and G. Leventhall (Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd, Brentwood, Essex, United Kingdom), pp. 129-151.

Van den Berg, G. P. (2006). "The sound of high winds. The effect of atmospheric stability on wind turbine sound and microphone noise."

van den Berg, G. P. (2010). "Rating of wind turbine noise using Lden," in Internoise 2010 (International Institute of Noise Control Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal), pp. 1-9.

van den Berg, G. P., and Passchier-Vermeer, W. (1999). "Assessment of low frequency noise complaints," in Internoise 1999 (I-INCE, Fort Lauderdale), pp. 1-4.

Vasudevan, R. N., and Gordon, C. G. (1977). "Experimental study of annoyance due to low frequency environmental noise," Applied Acoustics 10, 57-69.

Vercammen, M. L. S. (1989). "Setting limits for low frequency noise," Journal of Low Frequency Noise and Vibration 8, 105-109.

Vercammen, M. L. S. (1992). "Low frequency noise limits," Journal of Low Frequency Noise and Vibration 11, 7-13.

Voicescu, S. A., Michaud, D. S., Feder, K., Marro, L., Than, J., Guay, M., Denning, A., Bower, T., van den Berg, F., Broner, N., and Lavigne, E. (2016). "Estimating annoyance to calculated wind turbine shadow flicker is improved when variables associated with wind turbine noise exposure are considered," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139, 1480-1492.

von Hünerbein, S., King, A., Piper, B., and Cand, M. (2013). "Wind Turbine Amplitude Modulation: Research to Improve Understanding as to its Cause & Effect Work Package B(2): Development of an AM Dose-Response Relationship," (University of Salford, Acoustics Research Centre, Manchester), pp. 140-265.

Walker, B., and Celano, J. (2015). "Progress Report on Synthesis of Wind Turbine Noise and Infrasound," in Sixth International Meeting on Wind Turbine Noise (Glasgow, Scotland).

Western Australian Planning Commission (2004). "Guidelines for Wind Farm Development, Western Australian Planning Bulletin Number 67," (Western Australian Planning Commission, Perth), pp. 1-8.

World Health Organization (1980). "World Health Organization Environmental Health Criteria 12," (World Health Organization, Geneva), pp. 1-77.

World Health Organization (2009). "Night noise guidelines for Europe," (World Health Organization, Copenhagen), pp. 1-162.

WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff (2015). "Wind turbine AM review Phase 1 report," (Bristol, United Kingdom).

WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff (2016). "Wind turbine AM review Phase 2 report," (Bristol, United Kingdom).

Yokoyama, S., Sakamoto, S., and Tachibana, H. (2013). "Study on the amplitude modulation of wind turbine noise: part 2- Auditory experiments," in Inter-noise 2013 (I-INCE, Innsbruck, Austria), pp. 1-10.

Yokoyama, S., Sakamoto, S., and Tachibana, H. (2014). "Perception of low frequency components in wind turbine noise," Noise Control Engineering Journal 62, 295-305.

Zajamšek, B., Hansen, K. L., Doolan, C. J., and Hansen, C. H. (2016). "Characterisation of wind farm infrasound and low-frequency noise," Journal of Sound and Vibration 370, 176-190.

Zorumski, W., and Willshire Jr, W. (1989). "Low frequency acoustic propagation in an atmospheric boundary layer," AIAA Journal 27, 6-12.