MissFayetteCounty Outstanding Teen Scholarship Pageant

(A Preliminary for the 2013 Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen Pageant)

Dear Possible Contestant:

We are excited that you are considering becoming a contestant in the 2013 Miss Fayette County Outstanding Teen Pageant, which will be held on Saturday, January 19, 2013at a location to be determined. This is a great way to possibly go on to compete at the 2013 Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen Pageant which will be held June 19-22, 2013 in Columbus.

Because the Miss America rules do not permit the charging of entry fees for the Miss contestants, only Teen contestants are required to pay an entry fee of

$150.00. We encourage teencontestants to get sponsors. A sponsor may be an individual, business, organization or club.

All contestants are required to write a Resume and choose a Platform. A platform may be an organization or an issue that you care about. Such as: Autism, Cancer Research, Hospice, Boys and Girls Club, etc. Contestants are required to write a Platform Essay expressing why this particular platform was chosen and how would you go about promoting it. Both the Resume and Platform Essay will be given to the judges in advance of the pageant to use during your Private Interview. All Resumes and Platform Essays must be turned in by December 8, 2012. (See Resume and Platform Essay information forms).

All contestantsare asked to sell advance tickets to the pageant to benefit the

MissFayetteCounty Outstanding Teen Fund. After we receive your entry form, you will be mailed ten tickets to sell at the cost of $15.00 each. Additional tickets will be given upon request. The contestant who raises the most money in ticket sales for her division will be recognized at the pageant with the Teen Leadership Award. Ticket money and any unsold tickets must be turned in by Saturday, December 28, 2012.

All contestants will have the opportunity to compete for the Miss Fayette County Outstanding Teen People’s Choice Award by selling votes for $1.00 each. Your family and friends will also have the opportunity to support you by casting their votes at the People’s Choice table at the pageant on January 19th. Once we receive your entry form, a People’s Choice Sheet will be mailed to you. Please bring your People Choice Sheet, money collected to the director at the dress rehearsal on Friday, January 18th.

All contestantsare required to have a talent. (See Talent Request Form). If you already know what your talent selection is, please feel free to email me your form. It is best to turn your Talent Request Form in quickly because no two contestants are allowed to have the same music, so the first one to submit their talent request will be the one that will be permitted to perform the selection in question. The date of your email, postmark date on your envelope or delivery date to me will determine when the form was submitted. All songs must be recorded on a CD-R for your talent presentation to be performed at the MissFayetteCountyOT Pageant. (No CD-RW-these will not work) Please bring your talent CD-R to the director for dress rehearsal. All contestants must turn in their Talent Request Form by Saturday, December 8th. Please be sure and have two copies made, one for us and one for you to keep for practice. (Please note: Talent time is limited to a total of 90 seconds which is the same as the Miss Georgia Pageant.)

All contestantsare required to furnish a head and shoulder photo for the program book. The photo may be black and white or color. Our program book will be in black and white so color does not matter. Contestants must email the photo to Gina by Saturday, December 8th. We will present a Photogenic Award at the pageant for a Teen contestant. A $25.00 photogenic fee is required for this competition and must be turned in with the Photogenic Award/Program Book Photo form and emailed photo. All these must be turned in by Saturday, December 8th. (See Photogenic Award-Program Book Photo form.)

In order to participate in a Miss Georgia Preliminary Pageant, all contestants

are required to sign a contract. This contract must be notarized. Contestants must mail the contract to Gina to be delivered by Saturday, December 8th, 2012.

All contestants are required to attend the Dress Rehearsal which will be held on Friday, January 18t from 6:00 p.m. until finished at TBD.

Interviews for all contestantswill be held on Saturday, January 19th, 2012 at TBD. Interviews will most likely begin around noon for Teen contestants. (See information form.)

To participate in the Miss Fayette County Outstanding Teen Pageant, please return the required forms (email or mail) to Gina by Saturday, December 8, 2012. All Teen contestant’s entry fee paid by check or money order of $150.00 must be mailed or given to Gina by the deadline of December 8, 2012.

We look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Gina or Kelly: Email: or

Our Best,

Kelly Chavers & Gina McKinney


MissFayetteCounty Outstanding TeenScholarship Pageant


Deadline for Entry-Saturday, December 8, 2012



Contestant’s Name______

Age______Date of Birth______

Parent’s/Guardian’s Name(s)______

Home Mailing Address______

(Please include zip code on all mailing addresses.)

Home Phone #______

(Please include area code on all phone numbers.)

Mother’s/Guardian’s Cell Phone #______

Mother’s Guardian’s Email Address______

Your Address at College______

Your Cell Phone #______

Your Email Address______

County in which you reside, work or attend school______

(The following information is for Teen Contestants, only.)

Sponsored By______

Mailing Address for Tickets______


MissFayetteCounty Outstanding TeenScholarship Pageant

Entry Form Continued

Deadline for Entry-December 8, 2012

Each contestant must provide two (2) forms of identification.

Teen Contestants-please provide a copy of your birth certificate and Learner’s Permit or Student ID.


Talent Type: ( ) Vocal( ) Dance ( ) Baton ( ) Piano

( ) Other Instrument ( ) Monologue

( ) Other (Please specify)______


TEEN CONTESTANTS: Please return your Entry Forms and Entry Fee of

$150.00. (Entry Fee must be turned in with your Entry Forms. You will not be considered a contestant until this fee is paid.)

Please make check or money order payable to: Gina McKinney

For: MissFayetteCounty Outstanding Teen

Please return Entry Forms/Entry Fee by mail:

Gina McKinney, P O Box 927, Fayetteville, GA30214

Please call Gina at 770-842-3710 or Kelly at 281-770-4588


MissFayetteCounty Outstanding TeenScholarship Pageant


(Please complete and return with your Entry Form)

Deadline for Entry-Saturday, December 8, 2012

(Talent Time Limit-90 seconds)

Contestant’s Name______

Type of Talent______

Such as: Jazz Dance, Lyrical, Ballet, Pointe, Country Vocal, Pop Vocal, Piano, etc.

Title of Performance______



Will you use: Custom CD?______Commercial CD?_____ No CD?_____

If your CD will be custom made, please give the name/address/phone number of

the studio and producer.______


For non-custom CD: If your CD is the original commercial sound track, please give the album or CD title, album or CD number and the manufacturer’s name. If your CD is a commercial track (produced by a tracking company but not the original sound track, please give the name/address/phone number of the tracking company.


If your talent will be a dramatic reading, comedy monologue, etc. give the name

of the book, play or writing______


I will bring the following prop which I will use in my talent presentation______


No live animals, fire or anything hazardous.

Franchise Director: Kelly Chavers & Gina McKinney

Date Request Received______(To be filled in by Pageant official.)


Teen Contestants:

Private Interview-35%

Contestants will wear a dress, pantsuit or other attire suitable for a job interview. The interview will be a “panel-style” with the questions being asked in a “press-conference style” by the five judges. The judge asking the first question is determined before the interview begins and after that question, there is no predetermined order of questions. Any judge may ask a question at any time. All contestants use the Miss America format of the one (1) page resume and platform essay.

There is no opening statement.

The total amount of time for the interview will be eight (8) minutes which includes a thirty (30) second closing statement.


Contestants will wear any outfit related to a sport. Such as: tennis,

golf, cheerleading, etc. (Legs must be exposed. No bare midriffs,



Contestants may choose outfit of their choice.

On-Stage Question-5%

Contestants will wear their evening wear competition outfit.

Evening Wear-15%

Contestants select evening gown, cocktail-type pantsuit, or evening

wear attire suitable to the individual contestant.


MissFayetteCounty Outstanding TeenScholarship Pageant

Theme for Pageant:

MissFayetteCounty Outstanding Teen “Wild West Round-Up”

Opening Number Attire:

All contestants are asked to wear jeans, a plaid shirt and cowgirl boots. If you

do not have cowgirl boots, please wear some type of flat shoe.

Opening Number Attendance:

Contestants will be practicing the opening number at the dress rehearsal on Friday, January 18, 2013. All contestants are required to attend the dress rehearsal. The dress rehearsal will begin at 6:00 p.m. at TBD.

2013 MissFayetteCounty Outstanding Teen

Sportswear Competition

Please mail this form in.

Deadline: Saturday, December 8, 2012

Contestant #______(Your contestant number will be drawn for you by a board member.)

Contestant’s Name______

Sportswear Description:


Example: Cheerleading, Tennis, Golf, etc.


MissFayetteCounty Outstanding Teen

Resumes and Platforms

Contestant Resume

This is the mostimportant thing that you will prepare for the pageant. This sheet is an outline for the judges to use during your interview. Use this tool to guide you to your best interview. This is your opportunity todemonstrate to the judges why you should be considered for Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen. Remember to be prepared to talk about anything you have put on your Resume. (See Resume Example and Instructions)

Resumes must be turned in on or by Saturday, December 8, 2012.

Platform Essay

All local and state contestants must choose a Platform. A Platform is something that you are interested in and have a passion for. This is your opportunity to explain to the judges what your chosen platform is and why it is important for the Miss Georgia Organization to embrace this platformandhow your platform will further the Miss Georgia Organization “brand” to the public. One example could be Cancer Awareness. How would you go about letting others know how to be aware of cancer?

During their reign, Miss Fayette County Outstanding Teenwill be involved in promoting their platforms. There are numerous ways this can be done. Writing newspaper articles, speaking on the radio, speaking at clubs, civic organizations, churches, and schools are just a few ways of informing your community on your Platform.

Platform Essays must be turned bySaturday, December 8, 2012.

We will be mailing the judges a copy of your Resume and Platform Statement before the pageant. If you do not turn them in by the deadline, they will not be mailed to or given to the judges at a later date. Absolutely no exceptions!

Mail to: Gina McKinney, P O Box 927, Fayetteville, GA30214


MissFayetteCounty Outstanding TeenScholarship Pageant

Photogenic Award


Program Book Photo

PLEASE RETURN BY: Saturday, December 8, 2012

If participating in the Photogenic Contest, please make all checks and money order payable to: Gina McKinney For: Miss Fayette County OT Photogenic Contest

Mail to: P O Box 927, Fayetteville, GA30214


_____Teen Photogenic Award

Contestant’s Name______

_____Yes, I would like to compete in the Photogenic Competition. I have

enclosed my $25.00 participation fee.

_____ I have emailed my photo to: for the Photogenic Competition with my name in the subject line.

_____ I am not using the same photo for both the Photogenic Award and

Program Book. (Contestants, please let us know which photo is for the Photogenic Competition.)

_____ I am using the same photo for both the Photogenic Award and Program Book.

_____No, I do not wish to compete in the Photogenic Competition.

I have emailed my photo to: for the Program Book.

People’s Choice Award

(People’s Choice Votes)

Please find enclosed your People’s Choice Sheet. You are responsible for providing your own bag to decorate for the table on Pageant Day. Please put your photo and nameon a bag that you decorated where they can be seen. Other decorations may be added. Be creative!

Please take your People Choice Sheet that is attached around to family and friends to give them the opportunity to donate $1.00 per vote in your honor. Startnow collecting your votes.

Before the pageant begins and during the intermission at the pageant, family and friends will also have the opportunity tovisit the People’s Choice table to purchase ticketvotes for their favorite contestant. These votes will be added to each contestant’s votes that were collected before the pageant for a final total of votes.

There will be a contestant in the Teen Miss Division who will be recognized during the awards time of the pageant with the People’s Choice Award. These winners will receive aspecial prize.

The People’s Choice Sheet, bag, and money collected before the pageant must be turned in to Gina McKinneyat the dress rehearsal on Friday, January 19, 2013.


MissFayetteCountyOutstanding Teen Scholarship Pageant



($1.00 each vote)

Contestant’s Name______

______Teen Division

Best Wishes From: / Number of Votes: / Amount Donated:

2013Queens Responsibility

Please Note: Please read and keep for reference in case you are chosen as the 2013 Miss Fayette County Outstanding Teen. If you feel that you cannot fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the above title, please let Kelly Chavers know immediately.

Miss Fayette County Outstanding Teen Responsibilities include:

As the Miss Fayette County Outstanding Teen you are responsible for representing FayetteCounty and for promoting your platform in these areas by all available means of communication.

  1. Miss Fayette CountyOutstanding Teenis required to attend the Miss Georgia and Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen Pageant which will be heldfrom Saturday, June 15, 2013 through Sunday, June 23, 2013.
  1. Miss Fayette CountyOutstanding Teen is required to turn all paperwork into the Miss Fayette CountyBoard and Miss Georgia Board on time. Tardiness is not permitted. If you do not turn your paperwork, photos, talent request form, talent CD-R, contract and all other paper work associated with the Miss Georgia and the Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen Pageant in when it is due, you will be replaced by the first runner-up. If the first runner-up is unable to assume this title, title will go to the second runner-up. Remember, the Miss Georgia Board is looking for young women who are role models and dependable!
  1. Miss Fayette CountyOutstanding Teen is required to attend the Forum Weekend which is the first weekend in March, March 2-3, 2013. Contestants are not charged any fee for attending this event. You are required to pay all fees associated with this weekend which include travel, hotel, and food. You are required to have a parent or guardian attend the Forum with you. Your Parent/Guardian will have to pay their participation fee for attending the weekend Forum andall other fees associated with the weekend. Failure to attend Forum will result in giving up your title to the first Runner-up. In the case of the first runner-up not be able to assume this role, title will go to the second runner-up.
  1. The Miss Georgia and Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen Pageant will be held the third full week in June beginning on Saturday, June 15, 2013 through Sunday, June 23, 2013. Miss Fayette CountyOutstanding Teen is required to pay all expenses associated with all required clothing for the Miss Georgia’s Outstanding TeenPageant. Miss Fayette CountyOutstanding Teen is responsible for any travel, hotel and food expenses while participating in the Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen Pageant. Parents/Guardians attending Miss Georgia and Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen Pageant are responsible forall expenses associated with the pageant including tickets, travel, hotel and food expenses.

2013 MissFayetteCounty Outstanding TeenAwards

Three Finalist

There will be three finalist in the Miss Fayette County Outstanding Teen Pageant

MissFayetteCounty Outstanding Teen

The 2013Miss Fayette County Outstanding Teen will receive:

*Her fee paid to participate in the Miss Georgia’s

Outstanding Teen Pageant

*Official Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen Crown

*MissFayetteCounty Outstanding Teen Sash

*MissFayetteCounty Outstanding Teen Plaque

First Runner-up

The First Runner-up will receive a plaque. In the event that Miss Fayette County Outstanding Teen cannot attend the Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen Pageant, she will give up her title, crown, sash, and plaque to the First Runner-up who will then become Miss Fayette County Outstanding Teen and represent FayetteCountyat the Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen Pageant.

Second Runner-up

The Second Runner-up will receive a plaque. In the event that the First Runner-up to Miss Fayette County Outstanding Teen becomes Miss Fayette County Outstanding Teen and cannot attend the Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen Pageant, she will give up her title, crown, sash and plaque to the Second Runner-up who will then become the Miss Fayette County Outstanding Teen and represent Fayette County at the Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen Pageant. If the Second Runner-up is unable to attend the Miss Georgia’s Outstanding Teen Pageant, she will give up her title as Miss Fayette County Outstanding Teen, her crown, sash, and plaque.

I have read, understand and will abide by the enclosed Miss Fayette County Outstanding Teen Rules and Regulations.

Please sign and turn in with your completed contract.


Contestant’s signatureDate


Parent/Guardian’s SignatureDate

MissFayetteCounty Outstanding Teen

Paperwork Check List

Date Due-Saturday, December 8, 2012