Paper Title

PAPER TITLE (Times New Roman, all caps, 12pt, bold, centered)

First author’s name and surname, academic title

(12 pt, Times New Roman, Bold, Centered)

Second author’s name and surname,academic title

(12 pt, Times New Roman, Bold, Centered)

Abstract: The abstract should contain at least 70 words and at most 150 words. It should clearly summarize the paper and present the objectives of the research. (Font: Times New Roman, italic, 10pt; Paragraph: Alignment: justified, Indentation: left, right:1cm, Special: none, Line spacing: single).

Keywords: List 3-5 keywords or key phrases, separated by commas (Font: Times New Roman, italic, 10pt).

1. Introduction (bold, 11pt, centered)

These guidelines outline the manner in which the manuscripts should be prepared for the Conference Proceedings. The paper should be formatted according to the design of the Template guidelines.

All papers should be written in English. The paper should be 6-10pages in length and include text, illustrations, tables, references and other. The paper should be formatted according to the following specifications: Page Setup - Margins - Top, Bottom: 5cm, left, right - 4cm, header, footer - 4.3cm; Paper size: A4.

2. Main text

The section headings should be set in Times New Roman 11pt bold, while the body of the text should be in Times New Roman 10 pt. The paper should be formatted according to the following features: Spacing: Paragraph - Indents and spacing: Indentation: Left, Right 0; Special: First line 1.27; Spacing: Before 6pt, After 0pt; Line spacing: Single.

References should be cited in the text as follows: (Rayport, Jaworsky 2003, 41) - page number if necessary. References should not be listed in the footnotes.

If there are any equations in the text, Microsoft Equation Editor must be used. The numeration should appear to the right of a given equation, as in the example:


If there are any illustrations or figures in the text, illustration/figure captions should be centered and typeset in Times New Roman 10pt bold, above each illustration/figure. You should name the sourcebelow the caption text. Illustrations and figures should not appear in text boxes.

Illustration/figure caption: Times New Roman Bold 10pt

Source:Times New Roman 10pt

Tables should be set by using solely the option Insert Table. Tables should be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text by their numbers. The source should be specified below the table. The text inside the table should be in Times New Roman 9pt font type.

Table 1. Table caption: Times New Roman Bold 10 pt

Text of a table : / Times New Roman / 9pt

Source: Times New Roman 10pt

3. Conclusion

Main results, findings and future research should be presented.


The list of references should be arranged in alphabetical order by the author’s last name at the end of the paper (10pt), according to following model:





Books, monographs: Author’s last name,first name (year of publication)Title. Place: Publisher.

E.g.Rayport,F., Jaworski, J.(2003) Introduction to E-commerce.New York: McGraw-Hill

Articles in scientific journals: Author’s last name, first name (year of publication) Article title.Journal title, Vol(issue): Page numbers.

E.g. Keller, K. (1993)Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity. Journal of Marketing, 57(1): 1-22.

Papers in Proceedings:Author’s last name, first name (year of publication) Paper title. Conference title: Page number(s).Place of meeting, Organizator.

E.g. Jerger, J., Knogler, M. (2009) The economic and financial crisis in South-Eastern Europe. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference The Challenges of the World Economic Crisis: 1-11.Niš: Faculty of Economics.

Internet sources: Title, website address (access date).

E.g.Narodna banka Srbije, (15.02.2015.)


(Times New Roman, all caps, 12pt, bold, centered)

Abstract: The abstract should contain at least 70 words and at most 150 words. It should clearly summarize the paper and present the objectives of the research. Translation need not correspond to the original text of the abstract. (Font: Times New Roman, italic, 10pt; Paragraph: Alignment: justified, Indentation: left, right:1cm, Special: none, Line spacing: single).

Keywords: List 3-5 keywords or key phrases, separated by commas (Font: Times New Roman, italic, 10pt).

Affiliation, country, e-mail

Affiliation, country, e-mail