XXII Summer School “Francesco Turco” – Industrial Systems Engineering
Paper title (Style “Title”)
Enea M.*, La Scalia G.**, Micale R.*(Style “Author”)
*Dipartimento dell' Innovazione Industriale e Digitale (DIID) -Ingegneria Chimica, Gestionale,Informatica, Meccanica, University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze,bld.8 90128 - Palermo – Italy (, )
**Department of Information Engineering, University of PalermoViale delle Scienze, bld.8 90128 - Palermo – Italy() (Style “Affiliation”)
Abstract: For submission guidelines, please refer to the Summer School website, you can also follow directly the instructions given by the paper submission system. The abstract should reflect only what appears in the original paper. The abstract should not exceed 300 words and it should comprise the purpose of the research, the approach/methodology used, the key findings and the value of the work.
Keywords: Include a list of 3-5 keywords. (Style “Abstract”)
XXII Summer School “Francesco Turco” – Industrial Systems Engineering
1.Section title
These instructions are intended to provide the basic guidelines for preparing papers for the XXII Summer School "Francesco Turco". Please use this document as a template to compose your manuscript or as an instruction set.
1.1 Subsection title
Capitalize only the first word in the paper title, except for proper nouns and element symbols.
Figure 1: your figure’s caption
Table 1: your table’s caption
Col1 / Col2 / Col3 / Col4The paper should be written in a formal style, using standard English spelling, punctuation and grammar. All acronyms or specialist terms fully explained on first use.
The structure of the paper should include: an introduction, a review of the relevant literature, an explanation of the aims and objectives of the research and how these were addressed, presentation and explanation of your key findings and a conclusion which highlights the importance of the research.
The length of the paper has to be limited to seven pages. While appendices should be kept to a minimum, any appendices are not included in this page limit.
Footnotes are not allowed. Use Harvard style references (see also the examples below).
Brown, F., Harris, M.G., and Other, A.N. (1998). Name of paper. In Name(s) of editor(s) (ed.), Name of book in italics,page numbers. Publisher, Place of publication.
Smith, S.E. (2004). Name of book in italics, page or chapter numbers if relevant. Publisher, Place of publication.
Smith, S.E. and Jones, L.Q. (2008). Name of paper. Name of journal in italics, volume (number), page numbers.