How does today‘s reality meet with
expectations or concerns from the INSPIRE Preparatory Phase?
Eva Pauknerova
Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre, Prague, Czech Republic
Motivated by the scope and aim of the INSPIRE Conference 2013, the presentation returns to two surveys done during the INSPIRE Preparatory Phase. Their findings are compared with the situation and practical experiences in the year 2013. Representatives of interested LMOs and SDICs responded to questions regarding their perception of INSPIRE at the 11th EC GI&GIS workshop in Alghero (Italy) in June 2005 and during the SDI Day in Prague (Czech Republic) in March 2006[1].
Today‘s comparison is done from the perspective of the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre (CUZK), which is the main provider of reference spatial data in the Czech Republic. (For more information see: CUZK contributes to various pan–European products as one of the EuroGeographics members. This NMCA has been dealing with INSPIRE since the year 2005 and CUZK team has been paying special attention to the implementation of INSPIRE requirements on data specifications since January 2010. The impulse and duty came with the new Base Register of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estate[2] (RUIAN in Czech). The RUIAN concerns several INSPIRE themes and it has been in operation for public use since July 2012. In spring 2013, the list of INSPIRE-compliant data sets provided by CUZK will be enlarged. The themes Cadastral Parcels (CP), Geonames (GN) and Hydrology (HY) will be followed by Addresses (AD) and Administrative Units (AU)[3], and Buildings (BU), when Implementing Rules approved.
The presentation will discuss expectations and fears formulated by INSPIRE stakeholders in the years 2005-2006 in confrontation with today’s knowledge and experiences. It will focus in opinions expressed by NMCAs or CUZK in particular and comment their shift or modification through the years. Achievements will be illustrated by facts and samples. Underestimated costs or risks will be articulated. The ways and arrangements, which were/are useful for avoiding or for overcoming difficulties, will be mentioned or explained.
Learning from others via the EC INSPIRE portal and INSPIRE conferences or via activities organized by EuroGeographics has been very important during the implementation process. On the other hand, each country and organization has its specific background and therefore any lessons learnt or good practices do not help directly. They can be taken just as inspirations for or illustrations of the long-term and complex process.
Fig. 1 Risks for the INSPIRE development as they were seen by different user groups in 2005
[1] E.Pauknerova et P.Tryhubova: INSPIRE from the National and Regional Perspectives: Survey among the SDI Stakeholders, 12 th EC GI&GIS workshop, Innsbruck, Austria 2006
[2] E:Pauknerova, J.Polacek, P.Soucek: Interconnecting eGovernment and INSPIRE, workshop at the 6th INSPIRE Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012
[3] P.Soucek: Download services for the themes Parcels, Addresses and Administrative Units on-line and free of charge, proposal for the INSPIRE Conference 2013