Tribological Journal BULTRIB Vol. 5, 2015
Papers from the International Conference BULTRIB '15
September 11-13, 2015, Sozopol, Bulgaria
Society of Bulgarian Tribologists
FIT – Technical University of Sofia

Paper title – all capital letters, 12 pt ARIal, Bold, centred

Name FAMILY NAME (10 pt Arial Bold)

Abstract: The abstract should be in 10pt Arial, Italic, Justified – not more than 6 lines long, summarising the work and placing it in an appropriate context.

Key Words: Up to 5 keywords in 10pt Arial, Italic, Justified

1. main headings numbered throughout, formatted in 10 pt Arial, bold, left aligned, all capital letters

New paragraph first line indent 0.7mm. Text font 10pt Arial; Justified; Paragraphs’ line spacing - Single. There should be no space between paragraphs, but do leave a one-line space before each new main, secondary or tertiary heading. All headings should be separated by a space line before and after. References should be numbered sequentially throughout the text, shown in squared brackets [1, 2, 3].

1.1. Secondary headings numbered and formatted in 10pt Arial, Bold Italic, Left Aligned

2. document formatting

Page size - A4; Page Setup, mm: - Top: 20, Bottom: 25 mm, Left: 25, Right: 25 mm; Font - Arial, File format - Word 97-2003 or later.

3. figures, tables and equations

3.1. Figures

All figures should be labelled by “Fig.”, space, sequential number, space, caption. Figure label formatting in 10pt Arial, Bold, Italic, Centred, placed bellow picture. Figures should have separated before and after the text by 1 space line, 10pt Arial. Pictures format shluld be JPЕG or TIFF, quality 300 dpi or higher, top and bottom text wrapping. Ensure that all lettering is fully legible and not too small. All illustrations must be cited in the text (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Example of figure

3.2. Tables

The tables should be formatted in ½ line wight borders. All tables should be labelled by “Table”, space, sequential number, space, caption. Table label formatting in 10pt Arial, Bold, Italic, Centred, placed above table. Tables should have separated before and after the text by 1 space line, 10pt Arial.

Table 1. Example of table

3.3. Equations

Leave a blank line above and below each equation – 10pt Arial. All equations should be numbered sequentially throughout the text, formatted according to the example bellow (see Eq. 1). Equations should be left aligned, and the equation numbers should be right justified.

, (1)


This section should be formatted as main headings and text, and numbered.


Place any acknowledgements here, after the main text and before the references. The headings for Acknowledgements and References should be treated as main headings, except that they should not be numbered.


  1. Eason, G., B. Noble, I. N. Sneddon, On certain integrals of Lipschitz-Hankel type involving products of Bessel functions, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, Vol. A247, April 1955, 529–551.
  2. Hartenberg, R.S., Denavit J., Kinematic Synthesis of Linkages, Mc Graw-Hill Co., New York, 1964.
  3. Nuttall, A.J.G., Klein Breteler, A.J., Compliance in a parallel jaw gripper, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 38 (12), 2003, 1509 – 1522.
  4. Cecceralli, M., Evolution of TMM (Theory of Machines and Mechanism) to MMS (Machine and Mechanism Science): An Illustration Survey, in Proceedings of the 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machines, August 18 – 21, 2003, Tianjin, China, China Machinery Press, Ed. T. Huang, 2003, pp.13 – 24.



Titles, Organisation, Address
