
PAP Unit 11: Bacteria, Viruses, Protist, and Fungi TEST REVIEW

Part A: Viruses

  1. a. Are viruses biotic or abiotic? ______

b. Are viruses made of cells (Yes or No)? ______

c. Do viruses contain proteins (Yes or No)? ______

d. Do viruses contain nucleic acids/genetic material (Yes or No)? ______

e. Can viruses be seen by a compound light microscope (Yes or No)? ______

f. Are viruses bigger or smaller than bacteria? ______

g. Can a virus reproduce on its own (Yes or No)? ______

  1. What is the function of viral projections?



  1. Compare lysogenic vs lytic cycle.
  1. Define lytic cycle: ______
  2. Define lysogenic cycle: ______
  1. What viral cycle is being shown as cycle 1? ______
  2. What viral cycle is being shown as cycle 2?______
  3. Which cycle shows the host cell being destroyed? ______
  4. Which cycle will most likely cause an infection with symptoms such as fever and body aches within 2-7 days?


  1. A person infected with HIV may not have symptoms for a period of time (up to years). What type of viral cycle doe HIV display? ______What type of cell does HIV infect? ______

During this period, the virus is doing what to the body? ______

  1. If you were a research immunologist and wanted to develop an antiviral drug to work against a specific virus, what should you study about the virus? ______

  1. A. What is the function of the glycoprotein show on the HIV virus? ______


B. What is the function of cilia? ______

6. Some viruses, such as the influenza virus, can be transmitted through the air. In which scenario would all the individuals be exposed and get sick? Put a yes or no.

A. working in the same building ______D. working for the same company ______

B. riding in the same car ______E. riding to work on the same train ______

C. living in the same country ______F. living in the same city ______

7. Virus are very specific in what cells they can attach to. This can be referred to as a lock and key model. The following cell is shown below. Draw a virus with projections that would allow it to attach itself to the host.

Part B: Bacteria

  1. Do bacteria contain membrane bound organelles such as a nucleus? ______If you looked under a microscope at a cyanobacteria, would you be able to see the presence of a nuclear membrane? ______
  2. What type of cell would you classify bacteria (prokaryote OR eukaryote)? ______
  3. Define antibiotics: ______
  4. a. Do viruses react/respond to antibiotics? ______Explain______
  5. You have bacteria living in your large intestine that helps you digest a wider variety of goods and produce vitamin K. What type of symbiotic relationship do you have with the bacteria in your gut? ______

Antibiotics can cause patients to exhibit digestive side effects. Explain why this may happen. ______

  1. Examine the image to the right. The grey area represents the amount of bacterial growth.

  1. After day 4, which disinfectant worked the best? ______How did you know? ______
  2. After day 4, which disinfectant worked the least? ______How did you know? ______
  1. Draw a prokaryote and label the genetic material (DNA), pili, flagellum, cell wall
  1. What are the two functions of the pili? a. ______

b. ______

c. What is the function of the flagellum? ______

  1. The bacterium is reproducing. What is the name of the process being shown?


  1. A lichen is composed of a fungus and cyanobacterium living in symbiosis. The fungus provides shelter and nutrients to the cyanobacterium. The cyanobacterium provides food to the fungus. What type of relationship is this considered to be?


Name the bacterial shapes A. ______B. ______C. ______

  1. a. What type of organism will live next to the nodules of plant roots and fix nitrogen in the soil for the plants to uptake? ______

b. What type of symbiotic relationship is this an example of


  1. What inference can be made from the following graph?

What are some ways you could slow the growth of bacteria according to the graph?



Part C: Protist and Fungi

  1. Which student would correctly identify the protest shown?______
  1. A paramecium was placed into a hypertonic solution.
  1. Which way will water move (IN or OUT) of the cell? ______b. Will the paramecium swell or shrivel? ______
  1. Since fungi will secrete substances that are toxic to bacteria by breaking down their cell walls. If the fungi can be used to kill bacteria then what type of medicine can we produce from them? ______
  2. Fill in the chart by placing a yes or no for each characteristics pertaining to a fungus.
  1. What is the cell wall of fungi made of? ______
  1. A. What is missing from the food web shown to the right?______

B. Define decomposer:______


C. Are decomposers autotrophs or heterotrophs? ______

D. Do fungi have intracellular or extracellular digestion? ______

  1. Place the levels of taxonomy in order from biggest to smallest:

Use the taxonomic chart you filled in: In which level would arthropods be most closely related? ______

  1. How many kingdoms are there? ______Would there be more families or genera? ______

Would there more genera or more species? ______))))____

  1. Tall tomato plants are produced by the action of a dominant allele T and dwarf plants by its recessive allele t. Hairy stems are produced by a dominant gene H and hairless stems by its recessive allele h. A heterozygous tall, homozygous hairy plant is crossed with a dwarf hairless tomato plant. Which of the following would correctly describe the phenotypes of the offspring?