2012 Panhellenic Association
Executive Board Application
Executive Board Selection TimelineApplications Distributed: / Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Applications Due: / Friday, October 28, 2011 by 5 pm in the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life
Panhellenic Executive Board Interviews: / Sunday, October 30, 2011 from 12:40 pm until 5:-00 pm
Panhellenic Executive Board Slate Presentation: / Wednesday, November 2, 2011 at the Panhellenic Meeting in the Delta Gamma chapter room
Panhellenic Executive Board Slate Voting: / Wednesday, November 9, 2011 at the Panhellenic Meeting in the Kappa Delta chapter room
Panhellenic Executive Board Transition Retreat: / Part 1: Thursday, November 11, 2010 from 10 am to 5 pm, Location TBA
Part 2: Off-Site Retreat after classes have finished, more details to come.
Panhellenic Executive Board Inductions: / Monday, November 21, 2010 at the Panhellenic Awards Banquet. Time and location TBA.
Panhellenic Executive Board Application Checklist
Panhellenic Executive Board Application
Essay Questions (see Application sheet - type on a separate sheet of paper)
2 letters of Reference (note: no Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life staff members may write the letters)
Copy of your resume (including chapter leadership, council leadership and non-Greek leadership as well as work and education experience)
Panhellenic Executive Board Agreement Application Sheet
Please keep this paper for your records and as a reminder of important dates!
2012 Panhellenic Association
Executive Board Application
General Panhellenic Executive Board Qualifications
- Must be a full-time student at USF in good standing.
- Must be an initiated member of her chapter.
- Must maintain active status with her chapter for the duration of her term in office.
- May not concurrently serve as President or Recruitment Chair of her own chapter.
- Must have a cumulative 2.5 grade point average and maintain a 2.5 or higher semester grade point average while in office.
- Must have participated in Formal Recruitment as an initiated member of her chapter.
Additional Requirements for President
Must have held one or more of the following positions:
- Chapter President
- Panhellenic Executive Officer
- Chapter Executive Officer who has served the Panhellenic Council as a member of Cabinet or Junior Panhellenic
- Panhellenic Delegate
- Recruitment Counselor
Additional Requirements for Vice President of Recruitment
Must have held one or more of the following positions:
- Chapter President
- Chapter Recruitment Chair
- Recruitment Counselor
- Chapter Assistant Recruitment Chair
- Panhellenic Executive Board Member
Additional Requirements for Vice President of Development
Must have held one or more of the following positions:
- Recruitment Counselor
- Panhellenic Executive Officer
General Panhellenic Executive BoardDuties
- Appoint all standing and special committees and their chairs, and in making these appointments, recognize representation from all member fraternities/sororities.
- Administer routine business between meetings of the Panhellenic Council, including Cabinet Directors and Recruitment Counselors, and such other business as has been approved for action by Panhellenic Council vote.
- Report all action taken by the Executive Board at the next regular meeting of the Panhellenic Council and record the action in the minutes of that meeting.
- Attend all Panhellenic general body meetings.
- Attend all Panhellenic Executive Board meetings.
- Attend bi-weekly one-on-one meetings with the Panhellenic President.
- Be able to serve as a Recruitment Counselor with the exception of the Panhellenic President, VP Recruitment & Retention and the VP Recruitment Personnel.
- Meet bi-weekly with appointed cabinet member.
- Have overall responsibility for the operation and the strategic direction of the Panhellenic Association.
- Call and preside at all regular meetings and special meetings of the USF Panhellenic Association.
- Call, prepare agenda for and preside at all Panhellenic Executive Board meetings.
- Call and preside at all Panhellenic chapter President’s meetings.
- Review, approve, and sign all Panhellenic Association checks and contracts involving the USF Panhellenic Association.
- Report as required to the National Panhellenic Conference Area Advisor and any other such National Officers as may be required.
- May serve as ex-officio member of all Panhellenic Association Committees with voice, but no vote.
- Coordinate Panhellenic Executive Officer selection process.
- Serve as the SEPC voting delegate for USF.
- Serve as the Panhellenic Representative on all University Committees.
- Meet weekly with the Panhellenic Advisor.
- Coordinate extension efforts at USF with the Panhellenic Advisor.
- Be responsible for the communication and correspondence with other Greek councils and campus entities.
- Serve as a liaison between the Panhellenic Association and community organizations seeking to become involved with the Panhellenic Association.
- Coordinate roundtables with the Panhellenic chapter President’s.
- Work with Panhellenic Executive Board officers to develop annual goals.
- Attend Council Leadership and Chapter Presidents’ meetings.
- Coordinate one-on-one with officers and a performance appraisal.
- Be responsible for the preparation and facilitation of transition retreat between old and new officers.
- Plan and facilitate officer installations.
- Organize award activity for the Panhellenic Association.
- Perform all other duties as required by this office.
Vice President of Internal Affairs
- Perform all duties of the President in her absence, inability to serve, or at her call.
- Serve as chief judicial officer of the Panhellenic Association.
- Supervise and train the Panhellenic Ethics Board.
- Maintain a complete and up-to-date file, which will include a copy of the current USF Panhellenic Association Constitution, Bylaws, Standing Rules and Infraction information for the past 5 years.
- Interpret the meaning and application of the Panhellenic Constitution and Bylaws as they apply to any situation which may arise
- Revise and edit the Panhellenic Association Constitution and Bylaws annually with collaboration from the Panhellenic Ethics Board.
- Plan, implement, and evaluate all programs and activities promoting scholastic excellence and risk management within the Panhellenic Association.
- Meet each semester with the Scholarship Chair and Risk Management Chair from each Panhellenic chapter.
- Serve as the parliamentarian for the Panhellenic Association based on Robert’s Rules of Order.
- Oversee Director of Academic Initiatives and Director of Women’s Issues and Risk Management.
- Receive, review and present any request for amendments, additions or deletions to the Constitution and Bylaws.
- Be the coordinator of leadership development opportunities and programming.
- Facilitate and mediate informal discussions between chapter representatives to increase good Panhellenic relations.
- Enforce and ensure the completion of all sanctions.
- Perform all other duties as required by this office.
Vice President of Recruitment
- Be responsible for organizing Formal Recruitment including pre and post-recruitment activities.
- Plan and chair meetings for Chapter Recruitment Chairs beginning in February.
- Research other institutions’ Recruitment processes and facilitate ideas concerning Panhellenic Recruitment.
- Chair the committee reviewing the recruitment rules and facilitate the presentation of proposed changes to the recruitment rules and guidelines. Following changes to this document, she shall print and distribute the amended version to chapters within one week.
- Oversee the schedule planning process for Recruitment Week with the assistance of the Panhellenic Advisor.
- Work with the Vice President of Administration and Panhellenic Advisor to set the recruitment budget.
- Design an effective plan to allow chapters not reaching total to use COB processes.
- Maintain a record of current recruitment statistics and Panhellenic membership.
- Conduct post Recruitment evaluation with Recruitment Chairs and Advisors
- Oversee and carry out the registration process for Recruitment
- Work closely with Vice President Recruitment Personnel on all recruitment tasks
- Plan and coordinate roundtable discussions for New Member Educators at least once per semester.
- Oversee the educational processes for new members including Junior Panhellenic.
- Coordinate Recruitment Information Nights in conjunction with Vice President External Affairs.
- Coordinate council participation in alumnae Panhellenic recruitment events.
- Design and implement a 365 recruitment marketing plan.
- Coordinate an event immediately after Recruitment ends to introduce and welcome new members to Panhellenic.
- Formulate and edit all the information that will appear in the recruitment booklet.
- Perform all other duties as required by this office.
Vice President of Administration
- Responsible for the Council’s attendance records.
- Responsible for the recording, reproducing, and distributing Council meeting minutes. Minutes should be distributed to delegates at the following meeting.
- Keep full minutes of all meetings of the USF Panhellenic Association and a record of all action taken by the Executive Board.
- Oversee the training and development of Panhellenic Delegates and facilitate regular delegate meetings
- Be responsible for the official correspondence of the Panhellenic Association
- Supervise the finances of the USF Panhellenic Association.
- Be responsible for the preparation of annual budgets which include the fall, spring and recruitment budget. Following their approval by the Panhellenic Association, provide a copy to each USF Panhellenic Association member organization.
- Receive payments due to the Panhellenic Association, collect all dues, give receipts and send bills.
- Be responsible for the prompt payment of all bills of the USF Panhellenic Association.
- Responsible for the distribution and collection of Association membership fees.
- Supervise all aspects of lodging and meals for Recruitment Counselors and Panhellenic Executive Board members during Recruitment Week.
- Create and maintain listserves.
- Reports monthly financial reports to Panhellenic Association.
- Inform officers of the status of their budgets on a monthly basis.
- Meets with advisor monthly to reconcile the checking and savings account.
- Compile an end of the semester council report.
- Send minutes to NPC Area Advisor on bi-weekly bases.
- Turn over all official books to the Panhellenic Advisor within 48 hours of the last regular meeting of her term.
- Be responsible for the Panhellenic office space.
- Oversee the Director of Finance.
- Perform all other duties as required by this office.
Vice President of Programming
- Oversees the selection process and training of the Cabinet.
- Coordinates and facilitates biweekly Cabinet meetings
- Oversee the planning, implementation, and evaluation of all Panhellenic Association programs.
- Create, update and coordinate the Panhellenic calendar
- It is suggested that the Vice President Programming serve as a Recruitment Counselor
- Meet monthly with each cabinet member on an individual basis.
- Organize the participation of the Panhellenic Association’s involvement in USF’s student Orientation programs.
- Plan and execute the end of the year Panhellenic Awards Banquet.
- Seek co-sponsorship of events with major campus organizations and departments.
- Coordinate Sisterhood Sorority program.
- Host Philanthropy Roundtables each semester.
- Perform all other duties as required by this office.
Vice President of Development
- Conduct post Recruitment evaluation for potential new members who withdrew during Recruitment and Recruitment Counselors.
- Plan all aspects of the Recruitment Counselor selection process including announcements, preparing the application, scheduling interviews, assigning Executive Officers and/or Recruitment Counselor to interview and coordinate final selection.
- Coordinate the Recruitment Counselor education program including agendas, materials and scheduling speakers, and workshops and retreats with Presidents, Recruitment Chairs, and Recruitment Counselors.
- Organize and coordinate the activities of Recruitment Counselors during Recruitment and delegate tasks to the rest of the executive board.
- Oversee and answer all communication with potential new members through Panhellenic email and Recruitment Facebook groups.
- Work closely with Vice President Recruitment and Retention on all recruitment tasks.
- Educate the council at large regarding Panhellenic.
- Complete evaluation process of recruitment counselor program and create a post-recruitment report for successor.
- Implement recognition program for Recruitment Counselors.
- Organize and order all aspects of pi chi apparel such as polos, t-shirts, and other pi chi merchandise
- Plan and coordinate roundtable discussions for New Member Educators at least once per semester.
- Oversee the educational processes for new members including Junior Panhellenic.
- Oversee the Recruitment and Retention Assistant as pertains to her duties as the Direct of Junior Panhellenic.
- Perform all other duties as required by this office.
Vice President of External Affairs
- Be responsible for all public relations efforts for the Panhellenic Association, including, but not limited to, press releases, and all other marketing tools.
- Be responsible for the advertisement of Panhellenic Recruitment and all Panhellenic sponsored events
- Organize the participation of the Panhellenic Association’s involvement in USF’s student Orientation programs.
- Coordinate Panhellenic Recruitment Information Nights in conjunction with Vice President Recruitment and Retention
- Design, edit and publish the recruitment booklet as well as all other marketing materials in conjunction with the Vice President of Recruitment.
- Ensure that all Panhellenic materials are in line with the Association’s brand
- May serve as Recruitment Counselor
- Create an annual public relations and marketing plan.
- Recruit, train and oversee Marketing Team.
- Organize and implement workshops on Public Relations and Marketing.
- Survey different constituent groups to identify perceptions of sorority community.
- Organize and plan all booths for marketing of recruitment
- Perform all other duties as required by this office.
Please keep this paper for your records and understanding!
2012 Panhellenic Association
Executive Board Application
2012 Panhellenic Executive Board Application
Full Name:USF Student ID Number:
Local Address:
Cell Phone:
Email Address:
Sorority Affiliation:
Semester Joined:
Semester Spring 2011 GPA:
Cumulative GPA:
Current Year in School:
Expected Graduation Date:
Expected Alumnae Status Date:
Summer 2012 Commitments:
Including work, travel, school, etc.
Applying For:
(Please specify which positions you would be willing to be slated into)
____ Vice President of Internal Affairs / ____ Vice President of Programming
____ Vice President of Recruitment & Retention / ____ Vice President of Personnel
____ Vice President of External Affairs
Essay Questions: Please type on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Why did you apply for the Panhellenic Executive Board and what is your vision for the Panhellenic community during your term?
2.What is your definition of ethical behavior? Give some examples of how you have modeled ethical behavior within your organization or Panhellenic and elaborate on how ethical behavior relates to being a member of the Panhellenic Executive Board.
3.What events/instances/situations made you want to be part of the Panhellenic Executive Board? How will you use this to guide your leadership if you were to be elected?
4.Give an example of how you have displayed selfless leadership within an organization and what the outcome of the situation was. Also, state what you learned from the situation.
5. What specific skills/qualifications do you possess that relate to the position(s) you are applying for and how will you use these skills/qualifications to be a successful Executive Board member?
2012 Panhellenic Association
Executive Board Application Agreement Sheet
Executive Board Application Agreement
By signing below, I attest the information I have supplied above is true and I am qualified to be slated for the Panhellenic Executive Board based on the attached qualifications. Additionally, the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life has my permission to check my academic and judicial records to confirm my eligibility prior to the slating process. I agree that I am qualified and will uphold the responsibilities detailed in the attached sheet.
Applicant Signature: ______Date:
Executive Board Application Endorsement
AsChapter Advisor and Chapter President of the applicant’s chapter, weendorse this applicant’s candidacy as a Panhellenic Executive Board officer and attest that she is an active member in good standing with the chapter/national organization.
Chapter President Signature: ______Date:
Chapter Advisor Signature: ______Date:
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