September 22-24, 2015

Pan Pacific Ningbo and Ningbo International Conference Center, China


The 3rd China Conference on Process Safety is presented by the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), State Administration of Work Safety, China University of Petroleum, China Chemical Safety Association, NCICS, SAWS, and National Registration Center of Chemicals. This conference aims to bring together professionals, government, and academics in China and internationally to share advancements in process safety. The conference will be conducted via English and Chinese with simultaneous translation.

Sponsoring this event shows your company’s commitment to process safety in China. It allows your organization to powerfully communicate its message to a captive, focused audience. Your company will have the opportunity to generate new contacts and meet with current customers to generate interest in your products and services. There are a variety of sponsorship levels available, allowing you to find the best option that aligns with your goals and budget.

Diamond: $20,000(USD) (Limited to2 sponsors)

Haveabsolutepromotionalopportunities, maximumexposure, and thegreatestinfluenceon conferenceattendees.

Diamond sponsorswillreceive thefollowing:

1. One representative fromthesponsorcompanywillbeseatedin theVIP seatsforevents taking placeat theconference

2. One representative fromthesponsorcompanywillhavea 15 minuteofkeynotespot. (keynote presentation should relateto theconferencethemeandwillbereviewedbytheconferenceorganizer beforetheconferencedate)

3. Companylogo willappearon prime locations including:

1. 3rdCCPS ChinaConferenceon ProcessSafetywebsite

2. Conferencepromotionalmaterialsand programbook

3. Sponsorship recognitionsignage

4. 8 ComplimentaryRegistrations(Excludingmealslodging)

Platinum: $12,000(USD)

Fullexposuretoshowextraordinarystrengthintheindustry.Greatchanceto enhancecorporate image.

Platinumsponsorswill receive thefollowing:

1. One representative fromthesponsorcompanywillbeseatedin theVIP seatsforevents taking placeat theconference

2. Companylogo willappearon prime locations including:

1. 3rdCCPS ChinaConferenceon ProcessSafetywebsite

2. Conferencepromotional materialsand programbook

3. Sponsorship recognitionsignage

4. 4 ComplimentaryRegistrations(Excludingmealslodging)

Gold: $7,500(USD)

Gold sponsorswillreceivethefollowing:

1. Companylogo willappearon prime locations including:

1. 3rdCCPS China Conference on ProcessSafetywebsite

2. Conference promotional materialsand programbook

3. Sponsorship recognitionsignage

4. 2 ComplimentaryRegistrations(Excludingmealslodging)

Silver: $6,000(USD)

Silversponsorswillreceive thefollowing:

Companylogo willappearon prime locations including:

1. 3rdCCPS China Conference on ProcessSafetywebsite

2. Conference promotional materialsand programbook

3. Sponsorship recognitionsignage

SpecialSponsorships: $10,000 (Limited to2 sponsors)


Gift/bags/notepadswith conferenceandsponsorlogo

Corporatelogo on conferencesitewithlink

2 ComplimentaryRegistrations(Excludingmealslodging)

September 22-24, 2015

Pan Pacific Ningbo and Ningbo International Conference Center, China

Sponsorship Reservation Form

Contact Information

Name: ______Title: ______

Company Name (as you wish it to appear): ______

Mailing Address: ______

City, State, Zip, Country: ______

Telephone: ______Email: ______Fax: ______

Website: ______

By signing below you agree to sponsor the 3rd CCPS China Conference on Process Safety for the amount listed in the package selected.

Signature: ______Date: ______

□ Diamond……….$20,000□ Platinum...... $12,000□ Gold……….$7,500

□ Silver……….$6,000□ Special Sponsorship……….$10,000

Sponsorships cannot be confirmed without full payment. Cancellations prior to 30 days before exhibit are charged a 25% cancellation fee. No refunds can be given for cancellations received 29 days or less prior to the conference.

Amount enclosed: ______


□ American Express □ MasterCard □ Visa □Discover □ Check/Please Invoice


Account NumberExpiration Date


Name (as it appears on card)Signature

Completed forms can be emailed to , faxed to 646-495-1501, or mailed to:

American Institute of Chemical Engineering, Attn: Evan Flach, 120 Wall Street, 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10005

Sign up as a sponsor today by contacting Evan Flach

Email: Phone: 646-495-1381