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Meeting 12thApril 2012

Chairman: Aureole Wragg Clerk: Nina Zealey,Tel: 833037

Present: Aureole Wragg (Chair), Anne Judd, Peter Draper,Graham Berridge (7:19), Heather Fordham,Nina Zealey Clerk, Justin Marsh, parishioner.

Open Forum:None


1. Apologies and reason for absence. NUon holiday,Tim Stone (CC), Tony Orgee (DC)

2. Declarations of interests with regard to items on the agenda. None.

3. To sign and approve minutes of meetings dated, 8thMarch 2012. Done by AW.

4. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes: Telephone Box is working, listed and owned by BT but seems in need of up-keep. PD will enquire about possible approaches to this issue. Near Iconix is a new boarded fence, there was the smell of sewage and a caravan at the back of the site. AW will call January, the land agent and Environmental Healthto enquire about the current situation. More fruit trees have been planted in the back of the Brewery Road recreation grounds contributing to the creation of a community orchard. These trees are sponsored by parishioners and the project is co-ordinated by Graeme Udall, a former parish councillor.

5. Reports by County and DistrictCouncillors.Neither councillor was present although a report from Tim Stone was read and circulated.

6. Planning Applications: None

7. Finance: Community Account as of 30 Mar 2012: £3056.64, Money out £289.97, Money in: £0.00. Bills: Carter Jonas Village Hall Rent £131.05, Duxford Hire and Supply 72680 & 73549,£39.38, Herts & Cambs Ground Maintenance Ltd £114.00, Mica Hardware Invoice 10212771 £7.24, Grounds man: £154.19 (Pay £145.60, Exp £8.59), Clerk: £136.71, VHMC Rent £183.0, Broker Network Ltd (Came and Co) Insurance for Village Hall and Parish Council £1381.77. Res. as of 30 Mar 12: £10,474.59.

8. Neighbour’s Forum at IWM Duxford – PD reported how interesting it was to hear the plans for forthcoming events and related organizational issues.

9. A new Parish Councillor who wants to join the PC is Justin Marsh, who has been renovating Jack Ellis’ former home 101 Brewery Road. He and his family intend to move into their home as soon as it is habitable. The PC recognises that Justin is new to the village and that he is very enthusiastic to know Pampisford and has made a large commitment to being in Pampisford. No other candidates presented themselves even after the vacancy was advertised in Panser News. PD proposed that Justin Marsh be co-opted by vote onto the Parish Council. This was seconded by Anne Judd and agreed to by AW, HF, GB, all present.

10. Renewal of Parish Council and Village Hall Insurance, which is due 27th April 2012. The PC is pleased with the small reduction in the premium offered by Came and Co and so far has been pleased with their services. AJ proposed that we renew our insurance with Came and Co for the lowest cost offered on a 3 year renewal agreement. GB seconded this proposal and all present supported the motion.

11. Representative for Village Hall Management Committee. Last month PD agreed to temporarily stand in as a representative of the PC at the VHMC meetings. In addition JM agreed to come to the next meeting with PD, by way of an introduction as he is willing to take on the role on a more ongoing basis. JM will be able to offer a fresh view to the VHMC meetings.

12. Parish council web site – GB reported ongoing progress and some interest from local business.

He also reported that he may be willing to take over the ‘village diary’ from Brian Bridgland, co-ordinating editor of the Panser News, if Brian wishes, as this will fit in with the work on the website as well as with the Panser News. GB wondered if a banner advertising the website could appear in the Panser News regularly.

13. Start Arts Awards Ceremony – Olive Mayo was honoured with an award for her work on researching the war solders of Pampisford and presenting her results in a beautifully bound book for parishioners to examine. This is held by the Parish Council. – AJ / NZ

14. Environment:

a. Repairs – Bus Shelter Roof nr Whitehorse Pub–more quotes requiredso ongoing.

b. Street naming old A11 Little Abington- Settlement Road was suggested, AWto inform South Cambs.

c. Parish Noticeboards need replacement or repair. Ongoing -HF & NZ.

d. Glebe Close Tree Roots – job is scheduled, but TO was not present to report progress.

e. Moles and Recreation ground post keys. Four moles were found in the Brewery Road Recreation ground. Herts and Cambs (grass contractors) have promised to move the traps to the Church Lane Rec and will check them when they cut the grass. GO has been flattening the mole hills on a regular basis so it is easy to see where new ones spring up. The access to the Church Lane Recreation Ground from Beech Lane has been widened and one post is no longer sufficient to stop cars entering. The PC will consult with the Binney Estate on this issue. These proposals need more enquiries. – AW/NZ reported.

f. Play Equipment Inspections– The Brewery Road Rec. has a problem with the see saw and a broken bench. This was reported by a young parishioner who is regularly checking the rec. play equipment with a parent’s supervision. JM will enquire about the broken see saw. Should we replace the broken bench with a picnic table? Is the broken bench beyond repair? Ongoing.

g. Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations for 5th June 2012. GB reported from the Queen’s Jubilee committee report prepared by Kiran. The preparations are well underway. The risk assessment will be sent to the PC for their records. It will be a good celebration in our village!

h. Rolling the grass quotes – quotes still required and ongoing.

i. Village Signs – ongoing – AW

j. Neighbourhood Panel Report circulated by email – NU The people who are leaving MacDonald’s litter in the Beech Lane lay-by are known by the Community Police. Please call 101 if you see any suspicious activities around the village, give as much information as you can obtain, like car plate numbers and clear descriptions of clothing etc.

15. Correspondence and email listed on a separate sheet was not presented. Emails had been circulated and the small amount postal correspondence was present at the meeting. However, a list is handy although it was not provided this meeting by the clerk.

16.Date of the next meeting, which is the AGM isThursday10th May 2012. Annual Parish Meeting for all parishioners will be on Thursday 24th May 2012 at 7.00pm.