5 years of WORLD pallets in the European Market -

5 years of choice, innovation andglobality.


5 yearsof WORLD pallets in Europe –

Supplying quality and innovation to meet the needs of industry.

5 yearsof standard euro pallets under the trade markWORLD – pallets

for worldwide movements of goods.

5 yearsof standard europallets under the trade mark WORLD – pallets

In returnable and exchangeable 800mm x 1.200mm format.

At thebeginningof the year 2008the European success storyof WORLD-pallets began. The basic idea was to break amonopolistic structurein the openpallet exchangepool. Thenew brand was envisioned based on an independent systemknown for decades, the re-usable, freelyexchangeableeuro palletaccording to DIN EN13698-1in thestandard size800 x 1.200 mm: Thegoal was a high quality pallet for Europe wide service to all industries.

Five years ago we introduced an alternative euro pallet under the brand, and since then millions ofwooden palletshave been manufacturedanddistributed to all corners of European industry. WORLDpallethas risen in the market place due to its highlyadvanced manufacturing processes,adhering to strict quality standardsandoffering excellent value.

The arguments for WORLD palletsaresecond to none;quality, consistency, timelydeliveryandprice leadership. These four propertiesare particularly appreciatedin all industriesthat employfor the most part newpallets. Manycompanies in the chemical, pharmaceutical andfoodindustry, including the automotive, constructionand packagingindustriesare thereforepleasedwithWORLDpallets. Here, thenewEuro pallethas captured arespectableshare of the market.

The WORLD-pallet brandis being implementedworldwide

The LicensorWORLDPALLETAG has worked since its foundationwith thegoal of standardizingthe logistics marketin the field ofwooden pallets for the sake of efficiency and its associated benefits to large scalemanufacturers, retailers, and shippers.Accordingly,the trade mark is registeredworldwidefor reusable, returnablepallets. With a strong foothold in Europe already established, WORLDPALLETAG has began its expansion towardsthe internationalmarkets: The Americas office was established inlate 2012, and it is laying the foundationsfora network of WORLDpalletsproducers in North America.

5 years of WORLD pallets – 5 years of innovation

WORLD pallet is at the forefront of innovation for the further improvement of thestandardeuro pallet concept. WORLD pallet’s innovative approachesand serviceshaveanimatedthe entirepalletsystemin Europe: WORLDPALLETAG is the first Euro pallet producer to exploit RFID technology. Demonstrating WORLD pallet’s drive to findnew ways to improve the logistics supply chain. We strongly believe our products and servicesshould be in constant evolution, even in a long established and know product, for the benefit of efficiency and our customers.

WORLD pallets are pool pallets

Like alleuro pallets, WORLDpalletsare actively involved in theinfrastructure of theEuropeanpalletexchangeable and reusable market:

-Returnable and exchangeable

-Worldwide employed and implemented

-High-rack stackable

Market tested and employed for 5 years

Due to their high quality,WORLD palletshave been implemented in all industrial and commercial sectors – from the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors, to the automobile industry, Iron, steel and construction industries,to the packaging, synthetic and food sectors.In fully automated production processes such as during loading and removal, in high rack warehouses and in materials handling and conveyor techniques.

Our powerful licensee, the Falkenhahn AG, has been manufacturing WORLD pallets in Europe for five years. Witha production capacity of 10 million pallets a year, an inventory of several days of production and just-in-timelogistics, with its own fleet gives the manufacturer the necessary speed and flexibility in the delivery to customers all over Europe.

further information:

WORLD PALLET AG, Felbaweg 10, FL – 9494 Schaan

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