September 1, 2004
Article IName
The name of this organization shall be the University At Albany, StateUniversity of New York Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, a unit of the professional association in education Phi Delta Kappa International.
Article IIPurpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to provide leadership, research and service to educators and the educational community at large.
Article IIIMembership
Section 1
There shall be one type of membership: good standing. Members are in good standing when all dues are paid.
Section 2
Membership in the chapter shall be open to qualified professional educators and other individuals of good character who are committed to the purpose of the association. Detailed membership information is provided in the University at Albany Chapter Bylaws.
Article IVOfficers
Section 1
The officers of the Chapter shall be a President, an immediate Past President, a President Elect/Program Chair, a Vice President for Membership, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Foundation Representative, and a Research Representative.
Section 2
The President shall serve for a term of two years as President and two years as immediate Past President. All remaining officers shall serve a two-year term, for up to three consecutive terms.
Article VBoard of Directors
Section 1
The Board of Directors shall constitute the policy making body of the Chapter. The Board of Directors shall implement the policies it adopts.
Section 2
The Board of Directors shall be the officers named in Article IV, Section 1. In addition, the advisor(s), newsletter editor(s), and two members at large may be included in the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may invite an Ad Hoc Committee Chairperson to be a Board member when appropriate.
Article VIAmendments to Constitution
Amendments may be proposed by the majority of the Board of Directors or upon the basis of a petition signed by at least 35 members. This Constitution may be amended by a mail vote of a simple majority of the active members replying provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been circulated to all active members of the Chapter.
Article VIIBy-Laws
Details of the activities of the Chapter shall be regulated by the by-laws. These may be amended by the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the active members present at a regular business meeting of the Chapter provided that notice has been given six weeks prior to the meeting.
APPROVED BY THE CHAPTER Insert Date: March 2005
JoAnn Masterson
University at Albany Chapter #0135 President
This chapter, a unit of Phi Delta Kappa International, shall be known as the University at Albany, StateUniversity of New York Chapter; the chapter, hereafter referred to as the Albany Chapter, is located in District VI within Region H of Phi Delta Kappa International.
The purpose of the Albany Chapter shall be to provide leadership, research and service to area educators and to the educational community at large. The Albany Chapter shall be governed by the constitution and Bylaws of Phi Delta Kappa International. All revisions and amendments thereto are automatically accepted by this chapter and are to be incorporated in these Bylaws as editorial changes.
SECTION 301 Membership in the chapter shall be open to professional educators and other individuals of good character who are committed to the purpose of the association. Application for membership shall be by nomination of a good-standing member (or members) or by self-nomination.
Individuals shall be eligible for membership in Phi Delta Kappa who are of good character; declare interest in and commitment to the accomplishment of Phi Delta Kappa’s goals and objectives; and meet criterion a and either b, c, d or e below
- The scholastic and activity record for each candidate shall be sufficiently high for admittance to candidacy for an advanced degree.
- Professional membership shall be available to persons who demonstrate professional conduct and who hold a baccalaureate degree, are licensed or credentialed as educators, or are employed in an education-related field as identified by the PDK International Board, as specified in the PDK Constitutional and Bylaws.
- Undergraduate education majors who are in or have successfully completed a student teaching experience.
- Graduate students admitted to a graduate program in education who are or have been in residence at any time during the fiscal year in which membership is proposed. The words “in residence” shall be interpreted in accordance with the regulations of the institution where the student is enrolled.
- Anyone who has been, at any time employed in education.
Members in good standing have individual voting rights. In accordance with the PDK Constitution and Bylaws, Good standing membership shall be continued until the member requests withdrawal, is automatically withdrawn for nonpayment of dues, or is expelled. All chapter members must also hold membership with PDK International.
SECTION 302The Vice President for Membership screens the applications, and makes a recommendation to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors votes to accept candidates for initiation.
SECTION 303To be accepted for membership, a candidate must receive the affirmative recommendation of the Board of Directors.
SECTION 304The annual dues for membership in the Albany Chapter shall be determined upon recommendation of the Board of Directors. International headquarters bills the member for total annual dues and returns local dues to the chapter.
SECTION 305Undergraduate student dues are one-half the amount of the regular international dues and the chapter’s annual dues. These dues are paid to the chapter and the chapter remits the international portion of dues to international headquarters.
SECTION 306Total annual dues are payable in advance of the membership year to which such dues are credited.
SECTION 401The officers of the Chapter shall be a President, an immediate Past President, a President Elect/Program Chair, a Vice President for Membership, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Foundation Representative, and a Research Representative.
SECTION 402The following procedure shall be used in the nomination and election of the officers of the Albany Chapter:
1) The Board of Directors shall appoint, early in February, a nominating committee of five members of the Albany Chapter, including no more than two members of the present Board of Directors who have a position below second vice-president and three other members appointed from the field representing a diverse range of education professionals.
2) The President Elect/Program Chair shall be an automatic nominee for president; however, other members may be nominated for president.
3) The nominating committee shall present, by the end of February, a slate of officers with at least one nominee for each office, such slate reflecting the varied membership of the Albany Chapter.
4) This recommended slate shall be circulated by mail to all active members of the chapter early in
5) Elections shall be held at an announced meeting not earlier than thirty days after the slate has
been circulated but not later than the April meeting.
6) Nominations also shall be open from the floor at the meeting designated for the elections.
7) Election shall be by simple majority of those present and eligible to vote, with the provision that
if more than one candidate is presented for an office, then the vote shall be by secret ballot.
SECTION 403Albany Chapter officers shall hold office for a two year term. Newly elected officers shall be installed by the outgoing president at the last regular meeting of the Phi Delta Kappa year. No person may be declared an officer until formally installed.
SECTION 404All chapter officers may serve successive terms, for up to three terms.
SECTION 405The duties of each officer shall include those customarily assigned to the office and other duties which may be assigned by the president. In addition, President Elect shall perform the duties of chairperson of the Program Committee and Vice President shall perform the duties of chairperson of the Membership Committee.
SECTION 406The Board of Directors shall appoint a newsletter editor, who may appoint a staff to assist in publishing the newsletter. The editorial staff shall be selected by the editor, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
SECTION 407If a chapter office becomes vacant by resignation, dismissal or death, the president may appoint a replacement to fill the term of office. The appointment must be approved by the Board of Directors at the next scheduled meeting by a majority vote. If the appointment is not approved, an election to fill the office will take place at that time. A change of officers shall promptly be reported to the Executive Director of Phi Delta Kappa International.
SECTION 501The Board of Directors shall be composed of all officers of the chapter, and others named in the Constitution Article V Section 2.
All persons elected to or appointed to the Board of Directors shall be members in good standing in both the Albany Chapter and Phi Delta Kappa International.
The responsibilities of the Board of Directors shall be to:
1) formulate and approve policies for the Albany Chapter;
2) prepare, adopt and implement the annual budget;
3) fill vacancies in office until the next scheduled meeting;
4) establish committees and commissions to implement the purposes of the Albany Chapter;
5) authorize the transfer of unused balances within the budget;
6) be responsible for the proper audit of the accounts annually, to be reported to the members of
the Albany Chapter;
7) be responsible for conferences;
8) plan for the publications and communications to the Albany Chapter;
9) interpret and communicate the position of the Albany Chapter on issues related to the purposes
of the chapter;
10) be the custodian of the property of the Albany Chapter;
11)promptly complete and submit all requested reports to the regional representative and/or
PDK International.
SECTION 502The MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE will be chaired by the Vice- President for membership and includes other members appointed by the president. The committee shall:
1) organize and carry out procedures to receive nominations from members;
2) screen the nominees according to Phi Delta Kappa International and local eligibility
3) orient the eligible candidates to Phi Delta Kappa;
4) recommend them to the Board of Directors of the chapter;
5) conduct an initiation for those candidates accepted into membership;
6) shall encourage all Phi Delta Kappans in this chapter to become affiliated with this chapter;
7) will approve all membership transfers to and from this chapter;
8) will initiate plans and procedures to encourage current members to remain in good standing.
SECTION 503The AUDIT COMMITTEE shall consist of three members appointed by the president of the chapter. It shall be the duty of the committee to audit in detail the financial records of the chapter and to recommend for chapter approval any proposed change in the treasurer’s accounting. The audit is to be made at the close of the chapter fiscal year and reported to the Executive Director of Phi Delta Kappa International by the treasurer of the chapter.
SECTION 504The NOMINATING COMMITTEE shall be chaired by the past-president and shall be responsible for conducting the election of officers at an announced meeting of the chapter according to the requirements of Article IV, Section 402 of these bylaws.
SECTION 505AD HOC committees may be appointed by the president to perform whatever functions are deemed necessary or desirable.
SECTION 601The Albany Chapter shall schedule meetings as seem desirable to the Board of Directors based on the activities and purposes of the Albany Chapter and preference of the members, provided that no fewer than six (6) meetings/activities are scheduled each year, as required by Phi Delta Kappa International. A Quorum shall consist of the members present.
SECTION 602The Board of Directors will make every effort to conduct its meetings once monthly at a time convenient to the members of the Board of Directors. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the members.
SECTION 701These Bylaws shall become effective for the University at Albany-State University of New York Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa International after acceptance by two-thirds of the members present and eligible to vote at a regular meeting announced for this purpose, and after approval of these Bylaws by the Board of Directors of Phi Delta Kappa International.
SECTION 702Any member in good standing may submit in writing to the Board of Directors for presentation to the Albany Chapter proposed amendments to these Bylaws. The Board of Directors shall screen proposed amendments but may not refuse to consider and to circulate those signed by at least thirty five (35) members in good standing.
At least six (6) weeks after notice of the proposed amendment has been circulated to all active members of the Albany Chapter and discussed at an announced business meeting of the Chapter, these bylaws may then be amended by the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the active members present at a regular business meeting of the Chapter.
Approval of amendments by the Board of Directors of Phi Delta Kappa International is required for final adoption into the Albany Chapter Bylaws.
SECTION 801Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised) shall govern in all cases in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of Phi Delta Kappa International and the Bylaws of the Albany Chapter.
Approved by the Chapter Executive Board - January 2005
Approved by the Chapter Membership – March 2005