I. Greek to English
1. The church is good and the Kingdom is bad. 2. The bad heart of men knows death. 3. The apostles see the small houses and the bad roads. 4. The bad slaves destroy the house of the apostle. 5. The bad men destroy the temple. 6. The Lord of life raises the dead. 7. The words of truth teach the other apostles 8. The righteous take the good gifts of the Lord. 9. The bad man sees the desert and the last houses. 10. First are the slaves; last are the lords (masters). 11. The Lord writes a good word to the small church. 12. The faithful man sees the faithful men. 13. Last are the bad slaves; first are the good sons. 14. The last brother's son sees the Lord's beautiful churches. 15. We say another parable to or about the bad kingdom. 16. First (is) the church; last (is) the other kingdom. 17. The Lord says a good parable to the faithful (women) and to the faithful (men). 18. The good man writes good things; the bad man bad things. 19. The slave (is) good and says beautiful (things). 20. The truth is faithful and the hour is bad.
II. English to Greek (Page 38)
1) tῃ/ prw,tῃ evkklhsi,ᾳ o`` Ku,rioj gra,fei th.n prw,thn parabolh,n) 2) h`` avgaqh. ble,pei ta.j o``dou.j th/s evrh,mou) 3) ta. avgaqav prw/ta kai. ta. kaka. e;scata) 4) o`` qa,natoj kako.j kai. h`` zwh, avgaqh,) 5) o`` Ku,rioj th/j basilei,aj evgei,rei tou,j pistou.j kai. ta. pista,j) 6) oi`` avgaqoi. ginwo,skousi tou.j kakou.j kai. oiv kakoi. tou.j avgaqou.j) 7) tou.j avgaqou,j lo,gouj gra,fomen toi/j avdelfoi/j) 8) ble,peij ta.j avgaqa.j h``me,raj tou/ Kuri,ou th/j zwh/j) 9) ai`` o``doi avgaqai. kai. oi`` a;nqrwpoi kakoi,) 10) to. pro/ton dw/ron e;scaton kai. to. E;scaton prw/ton) 11) oi`` avgaqoi. dou/loi ginw,skousi th.n avlh,qeian kai. ta.n do,xan tou/ Kuri,ou) 12) h`` evsca,th h``me,ra lamba,nei tou.j kakou,j dou,louj) 13) oi`` a;nqrwpoi lu,ousi ta. kala, i``era. kai. tou.j mikrou.j oi;kouj) 14) oi`` di,kaioi e;cousin a;llon oi=kon) 15) h`` evkklhsi,a lambe,nei to.n a;llon oi=kon) 16) ginw,skw ta.j a;llasj o``dou,j) 17) o`` Ku,rioj le,gei th.n a;llahn parabolh.n tῃ/ prw,tῃ evkklhsi,ᾳ)