Table of Contents
Page 2-3 Tidal Patterns from Monterey Bay-24 hours
Page 4-10 Tidal Patterns from Monterey Bay - 29 day
Name: ______Date: ______Class Period: ______
Purpose: Students will be able to analyze and describe the tidal patterns (change in elevation of water) of Monterey Bay over a 24-hour period of time.
1)Open up the Monterey Bay flash movie from the ASPIRE web site. You should see a graphic of the beach with some trees. On the right hand side of the screen, you will see a calendar, a clock bar with time of day, and phases of the moon.
2) You will need to collect data for an entire day. Select a month and a day from the calendar.
3)Adjust the clock bar all the way to the left (12 am). Record data every hour for 24 hours for the day you have selected. You will need to adjust the hour using the mouse, and then click on the “Record Data” icon for each hour during the day.
4) Once you have recorded the data for each hour, click on the “View Data” icon. This will list all of the data you have selected. Plot this data on the graph below to assist you in completing the results and conclusions section below. You will have to record this data in a data chart. DO NOT CLOSE THE WINDOW!
Recorded Data
Date / Time / Level (m) / High tide/ Low tide (you will not fill in every box)1/1 / 12 AM
1/1 / 1 AM
1/1 / 2 AM
1/1 / 3 AM
1/1 / 4 AM
1/1 / 5AM
1/1 / 6 AM
1/1 / 7 AM
1/1 / 8 AM
1/1 / 9 AM
1/1 / 10 AM
1/1 / 11 AM
1/1 / 12 AM
1/1 / 1 PM
1/1 / 2 PM
1/1 / 3 PM
1/1 / 4 PM
1/1 / 5 PM
1/1 / 6 PM
1/1 / 7 PM
1/1 / 8 PM
1/1 / 9 PM
1/1 / 10 PM
1/1 / 11 PM
Graph the data above using the attached graph labeled “Tidal Pattern for Monterey Bay 24 hour”
Results and Conclusions:
1)Look at the graph to answer the following:
- Label the high tides on your data chart above. (Start at 12 AM and label the highest number, this is your first high tide. Then, the numbers will decrease and increase again. Label this next highest number, this is your second high tide)?
- How many high tides are there?
- At what time(s) do the high tides occur?
- If high tide were ending, how long would you have to wait to see low tide again?
- Label the low tides on your chart above. (Start at 12 AM and label the lowest number, this is your first low tide. Then, the numbers will increase and decrease again. Label this next lowest number, this is your second low tide)?
- How many low tides are there?
- At what time(s) do the low tides occur?
- If low tide were ending, how long would you have to wait to see low tide again?
- How many hours are there between high tide(s) and low tides(s)?
2)Explain (2-3 sentences) the relationship between the number of tides per day and a 24-hour day.
3)What must be responsible for the pattern of tides that you see (Circle one)?
- The moon orbits the Earth once each day.
- The Earth spins on its own axis once each day.
4)Hypothesize what would happen if the earth stopped spinning on its own axis. Which of the following would occur? (More than one answer is possible.)
- The pattern of tides would remain the same.
- There would be no tides.
- The temperature of the ocean would change.
- Circulation of ocean waters would decrease.
Name: ______Date: ______Class Period: ______
Purpose: Students will be able to analyze and describe the tidal patterns (change in elevation of water) of Monterey Bay over a 29-day period of time and explain how these tidal patterns are affected by moon phases.
1)Open up the Monterey Bay flash movie from the ASPIRE web site. You should see a graphic of the beach with some trees. On the right hand side of the screen, you will see a calendar, a clock bar with time of day, and phases of the moon.
2)You will need to collect data for 29 days. Select a month and a day to begin collecting data from the calendar.
3)Select a time of day to collect data. It can be any time, but the time should remain the same for all 29 days of data collection. Remember, time of day stays the same; only the day changes.
4) Record the data for all 29 days using the “Record Data” icon. When you have finished, click on the “View Data” icon. This will list all of the data you have selected. Record the data on the calendar below (NOTE: when viewing your data make sure you push the button that says “BACK,” otherwise you will lose your data). DO NOT CLOSE THE WINDOW OR PUSH THE arrow!
5)Plot the data on the graph labeled “Tidal Pattern for Monterey Bay- 29 day”
6)Now label the following phases of the moon right beside your sketches of the moon: New Moon, 1st Quarter, Full Moon, 3rd or Last quarter.
7)Use your data to identify patterns and answer the questions in the results and conclusions section.
Use your moon phase data and notes to complete these questions:
- Approximately how many moon phases are there?
- How many days does each moon phase last?
- Approximately how many days does it take for the moon to go through a cycle of phases (example: New moon to New moon)?
- The New Moon starts the moon phase cycle. Draw a picture illustrating the position of the sun, earth, and moon during a New Moon.
- When the moon is closest to the sun, from earth we see a ______moon.
- When the moon is the farthest from the sun, from earth we see a ______moon.
- When the sun, earth, and moon are at 90 degree angles, from earth we see a ______moon.
Plot the data on the graph labeled “Tidal Pattern for Monterey Bay- 29 day”
Results and Conclusions:
1)Look at the graph to answer the following:
- What day(s) are the tides the high tides the highest?
- What phase(s) of the moon does this correspond to? (List the 2 phases)
- Draw and label the sun, earth, and moon during these two phases. Make sure you include the tidal bulge or effect.
- What day(s) are the tides the lowest?
- What phase(s) of the moon does this correspond to? (List the 2 phases)
- Draw and label the sun, earth, and moon during these two phases. Make sure you include the tidal bulge or effect.
- There are two high tides and two low tides per day. However, sometimes there are big differences between high and low tides. These are called Spring tides because the tide “springs” up. Complete the following fill-in.
There are two high tides and two low tides per day. However, ______times a month the tide
2)Below are diagrams of the Earth-moon system at each quarter phase of the moon. Monterey Bay is marked with an X. Identify each phase and the day on which it occurred for your data (Use your notes above to figure out the moon phase. Pay close attention to where the sun is located, because that determines where the New Moon starts).
Date: ______
Phase: ______
Spring or Neap tide (circle one)
Date: ______
Phase: ______
Spring or Neap tide (circle one)
Date: ______
Phase: ______
Spring or Neap tide (circle one)
Date: ______
Phase: ______
Spring or Neap tide (circle one)
3)Using a dashed line ( - - - - - ), draw in the tidal effect around the Earth’s surface that is illustrated by your data. Note the difference in the size of the tidal effect between spring and neap tides. Label high tide (H) and low tide (L) for each diagram using Monterey Bay data. Use the “Spring and Neap Tide” diagram to help you.
4)Label the Spring and Neap tides on the diagram you drew the dashed lines (- - - - -).
5)Will point Y have high tides at the same time as Monterey Bay (X)? Will point Z have high tides at the same time as Monterey Bay (X)? Answer YES or NO for both questions, and explain your answers in 2-3 sentences.
Location Y ______have high tides at the same time as Monterey Bay because
(will, will not)
Location Z ______have high tides at the same time as Monterey Bay because
(will, will not)
6)Fill-in: People experience ______tide when they are on the side of the Earth facing the moon and people on the opposite side of the earth experience ______tide.
7)Fill-in: People experience ______tide when the earth, sun, and moon are at right angles to each other.
8)Explain the difference between high tide, low tide, spring tide, and neap tide? Make sure you comment on how many times they occur during the day and/ or month.
Tidal Pattern for Monterey Bay 24 hour
Tidal Pattern for Monterey Bay- 29 days
Date / Time / Level (m)1/1 / 12 AM / 0.963 m
1/1 / 1 AM / 0.788 m
1/1 / 2 AM / 0.672 m
1/1 / 3 AM / 0.664 m / Low tide
1/1 / 4 AM / 0.739 m
1/1 / 5AM / 1.006 m
1/1 / 6 AM / 1.316 m
1/1 / 7 AM / 1.661 m
1/1 / 8 AM / 1.889 m
1/1 / 9 AM / 1.963 m / High tide
1/1 / 10 AM / 1.868 m
1/1 / 11 AM / 1.567 m
1/1 / 12 AM / 1.110 m
1/1 / 1 PM / 0.558 m
1/1 / 2 PM / 0.055 m
1/1 / 3 PM / -0.301 m
1/1 / 4 PM / -0.457 m / Low tide
1/1 / 5 PM / -0.421 m
1/1 / 6 PM / -0.188 m
1/1 / 7 PM / 0.173 m
1/1 / 8 PM / 0.568 m
1/1 / 9 PM / 0.929 m
1/1 / 10 PM / 1.146 m
1/1 / 11 PM / 1.214 m / High tide