
ADAM SCOTT70, 64 (-8)

JUSTIN ROSE67, 69 (-6)

JASON DUFNER69, 70 (-3)



JULIUS MASON: Jason Dufner with us, ladies and gentlemen, in the final round in the PGA Grand Slam of Golf, shoots a 70 today.

How about giving us some thoughts on your rounds today and we'll go through your card and talk about the birdies and bogeys.

JASON DUFNER: Okay. A little bit of a slow start today to go with a poor finish yesterday. Kind of put me behind it. Made some pars and then 4, I 3putted from about 35 feet.

10 seems to be a tricky hole for me. Hit the fairway again. Didn't really have any play. Missed about a 10footer for par.

12, made the first birdie of the day. Made about a 10footer.

14, I hit a driver and a sand wedge to about ten feet, made that.

15, driver, sand wedge to about ten feet and made that.

16, I hit it in the hazard. Hit a pretty nice shot there for my third, about a 10footer.

And 17 I hit in two with a 4iron and 2putted from about 40 feet.

Q. It looked like you were just struggling a couple of times, not the golf so much, but just getting there and moving around.

JASON DUFNER: I do all the time (laughter).

Q. Just wondering whether you were injured.

JASON DUFNER: No, not injured. Just had a rough day. Didn't get off to a good start and then we played five or six holes in some pretty bad conditions. Not too many birdies, a couple from Justin.

We played in some bad weather for five or six holes, and some tough conditions. When the sun came out and the rain went away, played a little bit better. Just not a good start, trying to catch a guy and you're making bogeys and they are grinding it out, four birdies in a row from Justin, and pretty solid today for Adam.

Q. Can you reflect on the few days you've spent here and how much fun you had, maybe not on the golf course, but just being here?

JASON DUFNER: Yeah, it's a great week. You're amongst pretty selective company. Toughest tournament to qualify for, no doubt. PGA of America does a great job of making us feel comfortable and making things easy for us.

Got some work to do next year to try to get back here. I don't have the luxury of being the defending champion, so I think I'll have to win one of those next year.

Q. What did you think of the champions celebration last night? That's a pretty special event, too.

JASON DUFNER: That's pretty neat. They put the video montages together for all the guys, and it was neat to watch all of theirs. I'm probably a little too humble to watch mine too much. Like I said the other day, I experienced it; I went through it, so I kind of know everything that went along with it.

But it was neat to see everybody else's story. You kind of have a feel for it, being out here what guys are going through. Everybody's kind of struggled to win one of these Majors and for the couple of guys that did this year that are here, it's pretty neat stories for Adam and Justin.

You know, it was a great time. My wife was there and my coach is there, so they got to experience it a little bit. It was fun.

JULIUS MASON: Thanks for spending some time with us.

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