PACT monthly meeting - Wednesday September 7th 2016 after the AGM

8.30pm approx at Peter Simpson’s: 4 Carleton Terrace, Penrith.


Directors: John Bodger (Chair), Christine Sutherland (Secretary), Geoff Rockliffe-King, Graham Exton, Malcolm Carruthers, Nigel Jenkins, Peter Simpson

Other members: Joan Robinson, Oliver Coles, Peter Dicken, Peter Ward, Rosemary White

Others: Frankie O’Keefe, Jordie Cooke, Tom Doe, Vicky Saunders

Apologies: Chris Cant, John Johnson (Treasurer), Bill White, Heather Heron, Lynn Barnes, Sally Brading

Apple Day – October 9th (Joan)

Joan has booked a gazebo and two tables for £30, to be shared between PACT and the Community Gardens group. She has asked to be near the house again. If there is space to put up the PACT gazebo as well she will collect this (and the tables?) from Christine’s garage that morning. The aim is to make money for the community gardens.

Sheila is doing a demonstration of non-cooked chutney and will bring tasting samples of a batch made previously. Peter D will be pressing apples – donations of apples please! Joan will bring an apple cake to cut up and sell and Graham offered another cake. They will have about 75 bags to sell and an activity making lavender bags, they will also ‘sell’ (for donations) any plants people can provide.

Christine will prepare the PACT display boards with posters and a handout re future events.

Ceilidh – October 7th (Oliver)

The poster has appeared on the PACT website, Freegle and the local ceilidh dancing website. Oliver will contact Cumbria Crack via their website which will cost £3 to display information. Christine will email the poster to the people on her mailing list, asking them to print and display it. We agreed not to pay for flyers to be printed. We might also send a press release to the Herald and contact radio Cumbria. Jordie will contact Ben Parkinson at Upfront Gallery.

Two local volunteers are going to help with refreshments etc. Christine and Peter S will be there at 6.30pm to help set up and will take money at the door. Other help will be appreciated!

We agreed not to have a quiz but Christine will welcome people and give a brief introduction about PACT. She will also take the PACT display boards and banner. Peter D will organize a raffle.

Penrith library (Christine)

Our Mayday display materials about plastics will be in Penrith library in two instalments – recycling-related next week for Recycle Week and the rest in November (7th to 19th).

Mike Hambrey talk - November 8th (Chris)

The title of this talk will be ‘Glaciers and Climate Change’. Chris has put further information on the website. Christine will prepare a poster to send out to the mailing list.

Frankie asked whether CAfS could have a stall and give a short talk about local initiatives. We agreed that this would be a good idea. PACT information will also be on display.

PACT Ltd registered address

Peter W suggested that this should now be changed from Applegarth as he and Maureen are no longer Directors. It was agreed that John Bodger’s address would be used.

Next meeting

Wednesday October 7th at 7.30pm at Peter Simpson’s.