Packing List – New Zealand 2012
* Indicates items that may be borrowed from Walkabout /


___Daypack – A book-bag sized pack to use for day hikes/carry on.

___*Large Backpack – an approximately 70 liter pack (with rain cover) for our 4 day backpack

___Very Large Bag – everything but your carry-on daypack should be able to fit in this bag.

___Stuff Sacks – Light-weight and compact, use stuff sacks to separate clothes, toiletries, and everything else

___Ziploc Bags – Like stuff sacks, these can be invaluable for organizing and keeping things organized and dry.


___*Sleeping Bag – a bag rated for 30 degrees F

___Water Bottles (2) – Nalgene bottles are nice, but Gatorade bottles covered in Duct Tape work just as well.

___*Head Lamp

___Alarm Clock/Watch – not your cell phone.



___*Rain jacket – Water-proof or gore-tex, ideally light-weight and breathable.

___ Fleece jacket

___T-shirts (3), in decent shape, but prepared for wear and tear. At least one should be non-cotton

___Long sleeve shirt

___Pants (2), 1 pair wet/dry or quick-dry pants (ideally lightweight), 1 pair warm

___ Shorts (2)

___Thermal Underwear – 1 top, 1 bottom – midweight capilene works well

___Warm Hat – fleece or wool

___Underwear – (5pair) – a couple of non-cotton versions would be nice

___Socks – (5 non-cotton pairs) – Smartwool socks make your feet happy

___Hiking shoes –nothing fancy needed, but they need to be comfortable and broken-in (no new shoes).

___Sandals– flip flops or Chaco style shoes

___ Sunhat


___TOILETRIES (Just the basics! No hair driers, irons, etc):

___Toothbrush & paste




___Towel – large enough to change under – light and quick-drying

___ Personal medications –Walkabout will also carry a separate first aid bag.

___Glasses/Contacts – bring an extra set

___Hand sanitizer – A small bottle of anti-bacterial hand gel


___ cup

___ plate

___ bowl

___ spoon/fork or spork and knife


___Pens– keep in a Ziploc due to pressure changes

___Book – Ideally about the places we will visit (we can swap around to minimize weight)

___Gifts – A few light items to share with new friends (we will talk about this)

___Passport – I will keep these with me

___Extra Passport Photos – I will collect these before we depart

___Spending Money –This really depends on how many gifts you want to buy for people at home.


___Camera– Digital is easiest or iPhone. You should bring an extra camera battery and the computer cord.

___ iPods (for the long car rides)

___Extra Reading Book(s) – Bring one to trade!

___Duct Tape – Wrap a bunch around your Nalgene water bottle and pull it off as you need it.

___Insect Repellant – 100% Deet

___Playing Cards – Spades will get us through some serious down time in airports/train stations

Seriously challenge yourself to pack light – this will be two weeks of simple life